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My name is Cora YaxleyI was born March 1st

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My name is Cora Yaxley
I was born March 1st

I'm no one special
My father reminds me of that daily

I grew up being hated by the only person who surrounded me
My father told me I killed my mother when I was younger, she died giving birth to me
He told me I look just like her...and he couldn't stand that

He had blonde hair, I had dark brown hair like her
We shared the same eye color, and every time he looked into my eyes he saw her
And he would punish me for that
Whenever he felt like it

I learned how to take a hit before I learned how to talk
I learned how to hate before I learned how to love
I still don't know how to love

No one cares about me
And no one ever will

I was born into a pure blood family, though I didn't care.
Blood status meant nothing to me, which angered my father more
It seemed like anything I did angered him so what was the point in even trying

He wouldn't speak to me
He wouldn't look at me
He just used me as a punching bag and I let him
He would hit me and I would just stand there while he did it
I had no fight in me
I was as worthless as he said
I stayed silent when he punished me
I screamed the first time and he abused me worse the next time
No one saved me then, no one will save me now

We lived on the out skirts of London in a large dark styled mansion
There wasn't anything friendly about the house
Our grass was dead outside, along with all the trees
Inside our house was just as depressing, two bedrooms
Mine was upstairs and his was downstairs
He wanted me to be up there to give him space
I stayed away as long as I could

One day when he was yelling at me, I left

I ran away from home and down the dirt path that lead to a popular Port Key spot
I was planning on taking the portkey to anywhere else, I was a witch but I was planning on living with muggles if it meant safety from him
But 30 minutes into my walk I found a new trail, so I took it
It led me to a field covered in corn stalks and a tall shifty house that blew with the wind
I looked around the yard and saw flowers and a full garden, alive unlike the one at my house
Their grass was the most vibrant color green I had witnessed
I saw kids playing together, all with Red hair and they were laughing
I don't think I've ever laughed

I watched them from behind a tree I found close by
I could tell it was a family of wizards and witches, most of the things in their yard were enchanted and I watched them pick up brooms to fly around and play Quidditch
I always wanted to play Quidditch
I always wanted friends

The red headed children talked loudly and laughed just as loud
I have zero siblings and they have 6 in total out there
I watched as a lady, their mother I assumed, came outside with another sibling and called them into the house
7 so lucky

I didn't know who this family was but I found myself watching them from afar whenever I ran away from my "home"
What was a home?
They have what I think a home is
I just have a place to live

I was envious of the happiness I saw they had and their mother and father, I learned they had, loving them
I can't even get my own father to call me my name
"Waste of resources"
Was my name even really Cora? I was never called that

Whenever I went back home, my father would refuse me dinner
"You left for dinner so you get none"

My only escape was going to that strange house and watching them be happy
I stayed far enough away and no one ever noticed me

I had no hobbies
I had nothing to pass the time
I read some Wizard books my father had around but I could only read about the ministry so many times before I clawed my own eyes out

The worst day of my life so far was the day I found out I was placed in Gryffindor
My father sent me away to Hogwarts to be rid of me
He told me he wished he could have done it sooner, and if it wasn't for him working for the ministry he would have abandoned me earlier on
"You're lucky. Orphaning you would look bad on me here" he would tell me "cover up your arms when you're here don't embarrass me" he would say to cover up my bruises from him and cover my face if I had black eyes from his hands

But my first day in Hogwarts was the first time I could have been praised by my father
"Slytherin is the house you need to be in. Get in and you will find praise from me"

I wanted to so badly
I met up with Draco who my dad introduced me to that day
"Draco this is Cora, you two will be friends" my father demanded of me
I had nothing against Draco, he seemed just as lonely as I was

We sat together on the train ride to Hogwarts, I wore long sleeves even though it was a hot summer day

"You aren't hot?" A boy I learned was Vincent Crabbe said "I'm sweating"

"She isn't fat like you are pig" Draco said back which made the other friend he had Gregory Goyle laugh

"I'm fine" I said

My dad told me I would be punished worse if someone found out about his anger. He would lose his ministry job and that would make my life worse

I didn't want friends so I stayed quiet the entire ride
Draco didn't bother me after that, he noticed I wanted to be alone so he let me be
I wanted someone to see through that

*I know another Gryffindor story but it just makes the most sense with where my story is going*

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