One Hundred Twenty Seven

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Harry and I continued walking together
At some points he had to help me walk, my side was hurting and because of my condition I was weakened
But he never complained

We took a left turn and by this point I needed to rest
  "I'm sorry" I said as he helped me to sit down

  "Why?" He asked

  "I'm slowing you down"

  "No you're not, it's a good idea to rest. We can figure out which way to go from here while you sit" he said

I rested my back against the maze as Harry walked towards the dead end of our path

  "Right or left?" He asked me

  "Which looks less creepy?" I asked back

He was silent


  "Shit" He said

  "What?" I asked trying to get up

When I looked to where Harry was I saw that the mist from early was back, but this time we couldn't avoid it
The mist engulfed us, completely blinding our view and separating us

  "Harry?" I said
He was in front of me I remember that
I put my hands out into my path as I limped towards where Harry was before the mist took over

"Cora??" He said back

When I reached my hand into the mist, it felt cold
So cold
My body began shivering uncontrollably
"Harry??" I started to say panicked

"What's wrong?!" He yelled

"Is your arm...upside down??" I said
I looked at the rest of my body and it was completely upside down
My vision became blurred

"What do you mean? Do you see anything? I'm blind" he said back

"The world is flipped around...Harry we need to get out of the mist" I said
My whole body was trembling
I pulled my arms back into my chest but they began to burn
Was the lotion not working anymore??

"Fuck" Harry said

"What's wrong??"

"It's burning" he said panting

"It's not just me..." I said "Harry just run, I'll find you after we need to get out of the mist"

"I'm not leaving you" he said

"Harry please go, we will find each other again"
I closed my eyes and focused on my task
Opening them would only confuse me more, going around blind was better than seeing everything upside down

"Be safe" he said to me defeated

"You too"

I placed my hand on the maze and followed it
I heard Harry moving around as well, it sounded like he was going the opposite way
Kind of
I think the mist was making my hearing confused as well
I could have sworn I heard multiple footsteps near me now

"Just breath" I said to myself

After what felt like hours in the mist I finally found my way out
I heard a scream

It sounded like Fleur this time and when I looked up I saw a red flare being sent to the sky
She's out

I heard aggressive footsteps in front of me
I backed up into the maze, hoping whatever it was wouldn't come this way
I need to avoid fighting
I wouldn't be able to handle the serpent or the spider on my own
I don't even have my wand on me

The creature continued walking and I saw a glimps of what it was
A giant skrewt...

I felt the fire that it blasted in that direction and heard Viktor yelling at it
I can't help him
I'm useless without my wand and I'm so body hurts so bad
But I need to do something...I can't leave him to defeat that alone

I walked as quickly as I could to the creature
"HEY" I yelled at it

The skrewt turned around and stared at me
Well I think it did, they don't really have eyes but I learned which end was which during classes
It opened its mouth to breath fire at me but Viktor threw a spell at it
The creature looked back at him
"We have to both hit it at the same time, it's impossible for only one of us to beat it"

"I don't have my wand" I yelled back

"Fuck!" Viktor yelled when the creature blasted him again "run then let's go!" He said coming towards me
He grabbed my arm and we ran together away from the creature

"I'm injured I can't run fast...leave me"

"If I left you Hermione would never forgive me, we need to keep moving" he said

"I'm dead weight, my body is giving up" I said pained

Viktor picked me up and threw me over his shoulder
"Then I'll carry you" he said
He gave me his wand
"Send spells at it"

I nodded my head and began firing away at the creature, hoping to slow it down

Viktor took a right and then a left
"Hold on" he said to me

I clutched his wand tightly and felt him throw us through the bushes in front of our path
He clutched me close as we tumbled onto the ground
He got up and stood in front of me, but the bush closed behind us leaving the skrewt on the other side

Viktor was breathing heavily by this point, I fell on my hip and reopened my wound
"Viktor can you—" I tried to say but he kicked my stomach

He kicked me again and again

"What—" I tried to ask what was happening but he continued to beat on me until I was coughing blood

Then I heard him run off, leaving me behind
I stayed on the ground, shattered from all the pain that was just inflicted onto me

"F-fuck" I said reaching for his wand but it wasn't here anymore
He must have grabbed it before he left

I heard footsteps coming my way
I picked my head up the best I could to see who was coming over
"Harry...?" I asked out loud

I heard laughter
"You wish someone was here to save you" he said

"Th-this is just a-a boggart" I told myself

But I felt emotion
Bitterness clogged my throat
"" I said again and again

Corban walked closer to me and pulled me up to his face
He grabbed the camera off of my body and destroyed it
"Hello Daughter"

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