Sixty Seven

157 6 1

Hermione and Ginny jumped out of bed
Arthur was standing in our doorway, ushering them to get out
  "Now" he demanded at us looking from inside our tent and then outside again

I got up from my daze and stumbled to find my bag
I threw in as much as I could find and ran outside with the rest of my group
When I looked around I saw fire was blazing every tent in our location
Spells were being thrown at wizards and witches, and the muggle family who owned this land was being suspended in the air

"We have to help them" I said lifting my wand but Arthur came up to me and pushed it back down

"Not you, you all use your magic to defend yourselves only" he said looking at our group
I felt a hand go around my shoulder and pull me into his chest
I looked up and his eyes were filled with worry

"Percy Charlie and Bill youre with me" Arthur said and they nodded their heads "George and Fred you two are in charge of the rest of the lot. Get to the woods and wait for us there" Arthur and the other boys took off after the muggle family who was being spun in the air now, the poor woman who married the ground keeper looked about sick from being up so high

Fred moved his arm from around me and then grabbed my hand tightly
George grabbed Ginny's and Hermione grabbed both Harry and Ron's

"Let's go" Fred said

We all started to run in the opposite direction of the fight scene
There were wizards in dark cloaks firing spells at other wizards and children who were running away
What was once a happy event, filled with laughter was now a traumatic scene filled with screams

I looked at Fred and he was focused on running ahead with us all, he had his wand out in front of him
We weren't allowed to do magic outside of Hogwarts but I'm sure the ministry would forgive anyone who was going against that rule now

A shot of yellow went flying for me
I closed my eyes waiting for an impact but nothing hit me
When I opened my eyes I saw that Fred had casted a protection spell in front of me
"We have to keep moving" he said to me
I nodded my head and let Fred lead me away

George and Ginny were beside us but when I turned around I didn't see Ron, Harry or Hermione

"They're gone!!" I yelled
Smoke was filling up the are we were in and I began coughing
Fred ripped part of his shirt off the bottom and put the fabric over my mouth to help ventilate air

"They'll be ok, we have to keep going" Fred said pushing my head down to duck an oncoming spell

"We can't leave them" I said pulling back but Fred kept moving forward "Fred please"

He ignored me and kept moving forward out of the smoke that surrounded us

"Fred!!" I yelled letting go of his hand
He turned around and went to take my hand again but someone pushed me back and I fell down onto the burnt ground
I covered my head and started to get trampled by terrified people

"Cora!!" I heard Fred yelling

I started coughing and felt pain hit my body from every angle
I was being stepped on and kicked by multiple people now

"Fred?!" I yelled from the ground before I got kicked in the face by someone
I tasted blood pouring from my lip now

"Cora?!" Fred yelled again but his voice was getting further away

Come back please

"Fr—" a kick into my mouth again
Then someone grabbed me and pulled me back up to my feet

I turned to thank them but I couldn't figure out who it was, I saw new faces all around me every second

I placed the fabric that Fred gave me for breathing over my bleeding mouth and started to run through the smoke, trying to find someone from my group

I saw an opening that was burnt from the fire that had engulfed it
I walked over to the now dead grass and looked around
I looked behind me, in front and around but I didn't see them anywhere

I heard a spell coming towards me so I ducked to the ground
When I looked up I saw a tall wizard standing before me

"Who are you?" I asked getting up from the ground with my wand facing him

He didn't answer

"What are you doing here??" I demanded

Still no answer
He picked up his wand and fired more spells at me
I fired some back, we shot spells at each other both of us dodging each other's
Until one hit me straight in my chest, knocking me backwards

I felt like I had got hit by a train
I looked at my chest and it wasn't bleeding but breathing became difficult
I tried to get up but I felt pain like I've never felt before hit my body
Crucio curse

I was screaming and my body was convulsing
"Stop!!" I yelled

"Worthless" the male said

What did he just say...

The pain stopped and when I looked at my attacker he was gone
Replaced by Draco who was rushing towards me
"Cora!!" He said coming down to my level "what hurts?" He asked

"My whole body" I said in between breathes

"What are you doing alone?? You're bleeding from your face what happened?? Never mind we need to get out" he put his arm around my waist and helped pick me up
He supported me while I ran beside him

"Why are you alone??" He asked as we ran towards the woods

"I got pushed down and then trampled, I lost my group"

"I've got you now, I won't let anything happen to you" he said holding onto my tightly and moving his eyes back and forth looking for a safe trail for us to take

"Death eaters..." I said "that's who's here isn't it?"

"Yeah" he said

"I don't understand..." I said "why?"

He didn't answer

"Draco?" I said looking up at him
His eyes were blank

"I don't know" he said to me "my dad went missing, so I went to look for him but I found you instead and I'm glad I did" he kept supporting me until he saw woods in the distance and ran for that direction

Draco lead me to the woods and we sat together
He placed me down gently, helping me to get to the ground and then he sat beside me holding my hand
We were near a smaller group, a family it looked like
They were terrified, their children were crying softly
Everyone around us were trying to be silent, not to be found by whoever was destroying the grounds

"I can't believe Fred let that happen to you" he said annoyed "I wouldn't have"

"He didn't do it on purpose, it just sort of happened" I said

"Regardless I wouldn't have let you out of my sight, I trust him with you while you're away from me and he does this shit?? Just wait until I see him..."

"Draco, be nice please"

He looked at me seriously
"You're safety is my biggest concern. I won't lose you. Losing you is my biggest fear" he said
I pushed myself closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder

"Stay with me please" he asked

"I will" I said closing my eyes "I'm so tired"

"I'm sure you are, you can sleep im here" he kissed the side of my forehead "Did you recognize who was attacking you?"

"I think it was Corban, but I don't have proof" I said looking at his hand interlaced with mine

"I'll fucking kill him" he said to me "one day I will"

"Draco" I said softly

"No he's dead" he said squeezing my hand "ill make sure of it, there will come a day when he can't hurt you anymore"

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