One Hundred Fourty Four

93 4 4

A few days have passed and it was raining now
Pouring rain to be exact, it's been this way since late last night
Most of the dragons stayed under cover of trees and caves, but Cor stayed beside our tent
I tried getting her to move to a shaded spot, but she refused

I was still sharing a tent with Charlie, he told me I would get sick of being close to people by now but I felt the opposite
Everyone here is so nice
Other than Nico and Ace, I've also met the other males who reside here
I'm the only female

Ace was making breakfast for us all under a shaded tree
The tree was giant, covering all of the tamers and a few dragons who refused to leave their partners
Kai and Cor were here with us
  "Not that I care, but why am I the only female here?" I asked waiting for our porridge to finish

  "The other females prefer to nurse the dragons to health instead of what we do" Ace said

  "Which is..."

  "We are the ones who rescue dragons, and train them. We have the toughest job" Charlie answered

  "Can I be put on this team when I graduate?"

  "I would love that" Charlie answered "I'm sure Cor would too. She doesn't want to be around the sick dragons, I'm surprised she cared for the one we lost the other day. She usually avoids them"

  "I'm not good at taking care of sick people either, we fit well"

  "Hey Corey, you have a few letters" said the shortest male in the pack
He had very dark skin, with a white patch near his left eye
His name was Emil

I took the mail from his scarred hands
  "Would it be rude to ask how that happened?"

  "Not for me, I was rescuing a pair of ridgebacks. They didn't care for me that much, so I received fire back at my hands. I'm proud of my scars" he said flipping his hands back and forth to show the marks "How'd you get the one on your neck?"

I subconsciously touched it
  "Werewolf attack"

  "Gnarly" he said "how'd you run into one of them?"
Nico looked at me when Emil asked that question
Charlie waited silently for me to give him a sign of needing help, all I ever had to do was look at him if someone asked something I was uncomfortable with and he would change the subject

But instead of looking at Charlie, I looked directly at Emil
  "I'm part werewolf, my dad is fully one. I don't transform at the sight of the moon so don't worry about your safety"

  "I wasn't" he said flatly "we've all been through a lot, nothing scares us"
I felt happiness from him, like he was being sincere about his words

When I looked around the circle we formed, everyone smiled at me
These are my people

After breakfast ended I walked with Cor to a spot that was shaded and away from everyone
Not that I cared if someone read my notes, but I wanted some time with Cor
Speaking of the full moon, it would be arriving tomorrow
I still felt nothing, not even a tingle
  "The moon is stronger here, I don't understand" I said to Cor who curled up around me
I rested my head on her body and opened the first letter

Dear Cora,

I hope you are enjoying your time with Charlie. Sirius and I miss you deeply, but we know that this is what you need right now
We tried to retrieve Harry but he has to go to a ministry hearing before we can get him. He used the Patronus charm to protect himself and his cousin from a dementor attack, and since hes underage he has gotten into trouble for it.
Arthur is joining Harry at his hearing, seeing that Sirius can't go with him and it's too close to the full moon for me to go
Don't worry about him though, he will be fine and in school this year
We love you very much, if you stay longer than expected please write to us so we know what to expect

Sirius here, if someone bothers you at that campsite let me know I'll show them what they're messing with though having Charlie with you helps I'm sure
Be safe, have fun with your dragon don't do anything I wouldn't do
Which isn't a lot
Well its actually nothing...stay safe

Your dads

I laughed at Sirius's part in the letter but felt my heart hurting for Harry
  "He always finds trouble" I said to Cor
She puffed out hot air, I've noticed it's her version of scoffing

I opened the next letter

Dear Cora,

I miss you
Ginny is here to keep me company, but there are too many boys here for my own sanity
They're driving me crazy, Ron's annoyed at Fred and George who love to agitated him more
Pranks flying around the house and Molly getting pissed from that
I can't keep up with all this
I'm sure you heard about Harry, I'll write to you when I know how his hearing goes
I hope you're enjoying your time, Draco wrote to this house but I wrote to him telling him how to find you
I'm sure you'll receive a letter from him soon, stay safe please
I worry over you and your decisions when I'm not around

I love you,

  "She worries too much" I said smiling
I love that she worries over me

Two more letters

Dear Cora,

I wish you would have told me that you were going to see Dragons
I mean you know I would have advised against it so I'm sure that's why you didn't say anything
Hermione told me you left the same day, I'll try to not stay hurt that you didn't come to see me before
Though I'm worried for your safety, I know this will be good for you. You need time away from the bullshit here
Even still...if someone makes a move on you there I'll fuck them up
Hermione told me you'd be there for a week, if it's longer let me know
If not, then can I please see you before school? I can't wait till then
I miss you terribly...I went through a lot when you were missing
I need to see that you are ok, I feel physically ill without you near me
Stay safe please, but have fun as well my dragon tamer

I love you,

  "Another worrier" I smiled brightly at his concern
My friends and family love me so much
Cor placed her head on my lap and I pet her while I read the last letter

Dear Corey

I miss you


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