One Hundred Fourty Eight

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School is coming soon and I have to leave in a few days
I promised my family and friends I would see them the last week before school began again
But that was before I fell in love with Nico
Before I realized how much I hurt thinking of leaving this paradise

Days have been spent learning how to train dragons who are little still and my own
Cor responds extremely well to me, especially after I received my dragon scale from her but even before
We match each other's energy and I can trust her, with my life
A few times I've fallen from her, but before Charlie or Nico could fly to catch me she was already back beside me waiting for me to grab onto her back again

I told Hermione about Nico, but that's all
I wasn't sure how to tell Draco, or Fred really
Or my dads
Or anyone else
Just Hermione, she wouldn't tell a soul
Come to find out she was in Romania recently visiting Viktor
She wanted to meet up but we are in a secret location and I've been told by Charlie the order didn't want me roaming around
She lost her virginity to Viktor while she was there too
Since our first, we've had sex almost every night
The way he felt inside me was a feeling I couldn't describe
It felt like we were made to love each other, something I thought only Fred was for me

Since it was public news, I switched tents as well
Charlie didn't mind me sleeping beside him, he wouldn't have cared if I continued but I wanted to be beside Nico and he understood
I haven't had a single nightmare since I've been here, not even a sleepless night

Nico and I were flying around on our dragons, investigating a new campsite for everyone
They had to stay on the move every few months, poachers are less likely to find them that way

The new spot was beside a lake, which would only work for a few weeks Nico told me
Lakes are nice for the dragons to be near but it's too open
Our spot currently was in the woods, a lot easier to hide in

We flew down anyways, the water looked so clear
  "I've never seen water this clean" I said skimming it with my hand as Cor flew just barely above it
She was dipping her toes in to test it

  "Romania is like that, I can't wait until you're here permanently. There is so much I want to show you" he said laying back on Kai as he did what Cor was doing

Cor looked back at me
  "Yes?" I said suspiciously
She puffed out air and then dove right into the water with me on her back
I held on tightly, to her and my breath
But what was under the water was even more stunning
Fish that I've never seen in colors I didn't know to exist
The floor of the lake was covered in seagrass as green as a lime
The water was so clear, I could see every scale on Cor's back shine through it

She brought us back up and then went back to Kai and Nico who laughed at me
  "Think it's funny?" I asked him

  "Usually it's my dragon being spontaneous—" he began to say but Kai did the same thing to Nico, bringing him under the water and then back up again
Except he did it again, and again
I started laughing, a true laugh
Something I've learned how to do here again as well

He came back up for the final time and used his hand to smooth back his hair out of his eyes
  "Typical Kai" he said laughing too

He looked at me then, and I felt warmth
So much of it

  "I love you" he said to me "I am so deeply in love with you"

I wiped back water from my eyes, tears or the lake I wasn't sure
  "I love you too, so much. I don't want to leave you"

  "I don't want you to leave—" he began to say but an arrow went flying by in between our faces
Cor pulled me to the right as Kai pulled Nico towards the left
I learned that the poachers in this area use magic against the trainers but they use poisonous arrows for the dragons

Nico looked at me and I felt his emotions turn from warm to itchy
I was so itchy
  "Cor take her away, I'll find you Cora just stay hidden with your dragon until then" Nico said turning back towards where the arrows were being shot from

   "Nico I'm not leaving!!" I yelled getting out my wand, readying to defend our group

  "You don't have a choice, Cor go" he said in a voice I've never heard him use
A voice that held authority

She didn't hesitate
She flew me towards the right, away from the chaos
I began panicking
I felt my heart racing
  "Cor please go back we need to help" I said grabbing hold of her tightly
She didn't budge
She continued on her path to I wasn't sure where, but it was away from here
  "Cor please" I begged "please"

She flew faster to whereever she felt was safest and finally landed
When we hit the ground I jumped off of her and took my wand out in front of me
  "Expecto Patronum"

I waited for my wolf to appear, but it was a dragon instead
  "What the..."
I can't waste time figuring out why it's a dragon not a wolf
  "Charlie, we're in danger. Poachers have reached us and Nico went after them. He forced me to leave ordering Cor to take me away. Please hurry I'm worried"
I used my wand to send my Patronus away, and then began pacing

  "Please don't die" I said out loud
Cor watched me pace, I knew she was keeping me safe but all I needed right now was to know that Nico and Kai were safe too
  "Please don't die"

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