Sixty Nine

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We all got up early in the morning to pack our things and head back to the burrow
My eyes felt heavy but I couldn't shut my mind off long enough to sleep
When I got into the tent last night, Harry told me that there was a dark mark in the sky, signally death from a death eater. He also told me that they tried to pin it on him because his wand produced it but he had lost his wand in the chaos
Apparently Mr.Crouch's house elf that we met that night had been the one to produce the mark, none of us believed that though
Why would she have?
Harry said she was devastated when Mr.Crouch fired her, he couldn't have her around him even if she was innocent

I started putting all the things that Draco bought me in the bag Hermione enchanted for me, it was able to hold an unlimited amount of items
I don't care if Draco's dad is a death eater, he's my best friend he's a good person
I trust him with my life

I packed all my things and looked around the tent, everyone was quiet this morning
Most of the people here were recovering from the night before, Fred and George were just as quiet

"If we're all ready, we are going to apparate back. Charlie, Bill Percy and myself are going to assist in that" Arthur said to our group "meet outside"
Even Arthur was tense this morning

I sighed and started to walk out of the tent but Fred walked in front of me
"Are you ok?" He asked looking into my eyes "did you sleep last night?" He took his hand placed it on my cheek, then ran his finger under my eye "you look so tired Love"

I closed my eyes at his touch
"I couldn't shut my mind off" I lend into his touch

"I would have stayed up with you, I should have I'm sorry"

"Dont be, someone has to sleep around here" I fake laughed but he didn't laugh with me

"You don't have to put on a show for me, if you're hurting let me in please"

"That's the problem...I'm not" I opened my eyes "I'm not hurting, I don't feel anything"

"You've been through a lot, I'm here for you ok?"

I nodded my head

"But" he said looking around the tent, we were the only ones left inside "Harry told me something last night. I would like to talk to you about it"

I raised my eyebrows
"Is it about Draco's dad?"

"Yes" he brought me over to the couch and we sat down together "he told me his father was with death eaters"

"He might have seen someone else, it was a chaotic night" I said feeling my blood begin to heat up

"Let's air on the side of caution for now..."

I moved my hand from his
"Whats that supposed to mean?"

He sighed and then scratched his head
"Would you stay away from Draco if I asked?"

"No" I said feeling defensive

"But his father...if he's a death eater you aren't safe around his family or him"

"Draco would never hurt me, he saved me remember? While you were where?" I asked getting agitated
I felt my heart beating fast

He tried to take my hand again but I moved it to my chest
"Cora, I have your best interest at heart. I looked for you right away when I lost you, I didn't go to the woods like I was told to. George took Ginny there and I ran around looking for you, I was at the tent because that was our meeting location. I had just gotten there after searching for you all night"

"I was safe, with Draco" I looked in his eyes "Draco loves me, he would never let anything happen to me. Ever"

"I don't like you being near his family"

"I don't like you assuming the worse from him" I said back

"I'm just trying to protect you" he said
Fred's face was tense again, I could see his forehead scrunching and his jaw twitching

"I don't need anyone protecting me" I got up from the couch "I'm fine on my own" I started walking to the outside of the tent but Fred blocked me "move"

He shook his head
"I won't. What I'm trying to say isn't coming out right...I know you love Draco, just be careful around him"

"You all are so quick to think he's a bad guy. Is it because he's in Slytherin?? He was my first friend, and for a while he was the only one looking out for me. I know him, better than anyone. I don't need to be careful around him, I won't be in danger because of him" I scrunched my eyebrows together

"What if this is a way for Corban to get you back? What if they are using Draco's friendship with you, to lure you in and hurt you again? If he's a death eater, they're working together you know that right??" Fred was starting to get defensive too

"Maybe Corban should come and get me" I threw my hands into the air "then I wouldn't be anyone's problem right!? No one would have to worry about me ever again. Your lives would be easier"

He pulled my hands down and then took me into his arms
"That's not what I want, none of us want that. I want to protect you"

I pushed him back
"No you want to control who I'm friends with"

"Not at all...I just don't trust Draco right now"

"I do. If you don't trust him, you don't trust me"

"Cora, I trust you"

I scoffed
"I'm leaving" I tried to move away from him but he blocked every direction I tried "move"

He shook his head

"Move" I demanded again

"You aren't going to the burrow angry, please calm down"

I shoved him away
"I'm not going to the burrow"

He scrunched his eyebrows
"Yes you are"

"No I'm not. You won't want me there, I'm too much of a problem. You won't have to worry about me if I'm not around you right?"

He pulled me into his chest, refusing to let me go
"Stop" he put his hand in my hair and held me tightly "please, please Cora I want you to be at the burrow. I need you close to me, I can't lose you. If you trust Draco I will too"

I started to sob into his chest
I refused to let myself feel emotions earlier, but with Fred holding me so tightly I couldn't help it.
He let me cry for as long as I needed to, holding me close to him the entire time
When I was calmed down, he took my hand and we walked outside where Bill was waiting to apparate to the Burrow

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