Sixty One

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The night before the Quidditch cup had arrived
I was sitting outside, the moon was covered so I was able to sit in peace without issues from it, I've noticed that even if it's not a full moon the moonlight still makes me weak
The whole house was sitting around a fire pit they had in their yard, I was in between Fred and Hermione
We were eating some sort of muggle treat Hermione called "s'mores"

"You toast a marshmallow" she stabbed one through a stick we gathered "then when it's cooked you place it with chocolate on these Graham crackers" she made a sandwich with it "and you eat it"

"So you can't eat these raw?" I asked picking up a white fluffy piece of candy

"No you can, but they taste fantastic when they're toasted" she said eating hers and making me one

"Brilliant" Ron said

Harry smiled
"I've always wanted to make these but my family parties weren't like this" he stabbed one of his own and put it into the fire

We all had to go to bed soon, Arthur said we have to get up and be ready by 4am tomorrow to walk to our portkey location
I was already tired, I woke up early to help Molly clean around the house

I did more chores than anyone here, she didn't make me she told me I didn't even have to help but I wanted to pull my own weight around the house.
I want her to know how much I appreciate her compassion towards me

"I saw you wrote to your dad again" Harry said placing his stick down and eating his s'mores treat

I didn't know anyone saw me letter him this morning
"Mhm" I said burning my marshmallow in the fire

"He never answers?" Hermione asked

Fred put his hand on my leg and started to rub circles on it

"Nope" I said watching my marshmallow catch on fire "never"
My candy fell off my stick and into the fire, the logs underneath crackled and sparks flew into the air

"What's his deal?" Ron said sitting back in his chair and looking at the sky "I can understand not wanting to be close to you after what happened, but what's the harm in writing to you?"

I subconsciously went and placed my hand over my scar on my neck
"He hates me. I'm used to it"

"I don't think he hates you" Harry said "do you hear from Sirius?"

"I do, he writes me back everytime I write him. He told me his house will be ready next year, he said I'm welcome to stay there with or without my dad. He said he thinks my dad is being too tough on himself. I haven't decided if I'm going to stay there or not"

Fred squeezed my thigh
"You're welcome to stay here anytime you want, you know that right?"

I smiled and put my hand on top of his
"I know Fred, thank you"

An hour went by and everyone was still awake, Hermione and I were the most tired by this point
Fred moved his chair closer to mine so I could rest my head on his shoulder
He even brought out a blanket for us to be wrapped in

"Its too bad summer is ending" Ginny said wrapped in her own blanket "I could spend every night like this"

"Me too" Fred said rubbing my leg under the blanket

I wasn't sure when but at some point I closed my eyes, I drifted off into a peaceful sleep
One that I only get when Fred is near me

I woke up at 3am, I wanted to be showered and ready to leave on time
I didn't want to be the one holding back the group
Turns out I wasn't even close, Ron and Harry were the ones holding us up

Everyone was downstairs waiting on them, Arthur kept looking at his watch and tapping his foot impatiently

"Those boys" Molly said going back upstairs to yell at them to hurry up
We were all dressed in muggle clothing, as casual as we could get
I was told that the Quidditch game was on a muggle owned property, they bewitched the owners yearly so they wouldn't remember anything
I was already cold, so I was in thermal leggings and a sweatshirt with a Jean jacket over it
I had long socks on and a pair of sneakers that Hermione brought for me. She brought me so many clothes that she said she didn't wear anymore

Fred looked at me and laughed to himself
"Yes?" I asked mischievous

"Want to see what we're bringing to the cup?" He raised his eyebrows and opened his pocket
It was the same candy they used on Dudley, Ton-tongue-toffees they called it

I laughed quietly
"What is your plan with those?"

George came over to me
"Sell them and make a killing" he said

Molly looked at us when she got back downstairs with the boys
"Have anything you shouldn't be bringing with you??" She demanded

Fred and George both answered no at the same time

I put my hand into Fred's jacket pocket swiftly and took out some pieces of candy, she was extremely angry at them for messing with Dudley, I knew where this was going

"Accio" she yelled and all the candy they had in their pockets went flying to her hands
I held onto mine tightly so they didn't move
"Ah ha!" She yelled "and what were you going to do with these?!"

"Sell them" Fred said boldly

"I wish you two would find a real job like your brothers!!" She pointed to Charlie, Bill and Percy who all arrived this morning
Percy pulled at his collar, acting proud but the other two just stood there awkwardly
She continued to lay into the twins about how their prank items wouldn't do them any good after school and how she wanted them to get good ministry jobs
I felt bad, I knew the twins were incredibly smart but their mum just saw the mischief they caused instead of the happiness they created

I walked outside with Fred and George who both looked disappointed
"There goes our money" George said sulking

We met up with the rest of the group and began walking towards our portkey
I was in the middle of the group with the twins, Ron and Harry were behind us and Ginny Hermione and Arthur were in front of us
The other three siblings would apparated to our location later

I went into my pocket and picked out the 15 pieces of candy I grabbed earlier
I poked Fred's shoulder and he looked at me
He looked so sad

I opened my pocket and showed him the candy I had
"I know you don't like sharing these with me, I hope you don't mind I took some" I said winking at him

His face lit up and then George came over and looked too
"You're incredible" George said

"It's not all of it, I'm sorry that your mum did that" I said passing them the candy

"It's plenty, this will get us what we need to continue creating more. Thank you so much Cora" Fred pulled me in and hugged me tightly

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