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*=Song that inspired the end of my chapter was Someone to You by Banners

  "You both ok?" I heard Hagrid say panicked "Back Buckbeak" he was pushing back the Hippogriff who looked stressed

The body on top of me moved and clutched their arm
  "Draco?" I said panicked
He was bleeding from his left arm

  "I'm ok it's a scratch" he said to me

  "But why did you do that?"

He looked at me
  "Because I didn't want to see you get hurt"

  "Hagrid he needs to go to the hospital wing" Hermione said

  "Uh right I'll take him" Hagrid came over to help Draco up but he got up on his own "I can go myself"

Hagrid nodded

  "I'll go with you!" Pansy said coming up to us, trying to hold his arm but he pulled it back

  "You're the reason we're in this mess" he said pissed

  "I'll go with you Draco" I said touching his hurt arm

He nodded and we both left
I saw Hermione and Ron look at us worried
Pansy crossed her arms over her chest and glared at me while we walked

When we got to the hospital wing, Madame Pomfrey had Draco lay down as she tended to his wound
  "Nothing too serious" she said bandaging him "you will heal in no time"

He nodded his head

  "You need some potion don't you dear?" She asked me and I nodded

  "My stomach has been upset and my skin has been on fire all day" she nodded and gave me my potion

She left to go take care of other patients, she told Draco to hang around for an hour before he could leave

Draco ushered me to sit with him
  "What's the potion for? You haven't mentioned anything like that to me"

  "I don't honestly know what it's for...once a month I start to feel odd, like my body aches and I get really hot. I sometimes feel nauseous too, Madame Pomfrey has been giving me potions since my first year. I didn't think you cared to know"

  "Of course I do. Why would you think otherwise?"

I shrugged my shoulders
  "No one has before you"

  "I truly do. And as much as I don't like it that tall Weasley does too, and Granger. You have a circle, it's small but you don't need a large one. We care about you"

  "Thank you"

I hugged him and then left the hospital wing, Madame Pomfrey told me I needed to head to lunch, Draco would be done shortly

I left the wing and began walking towards the Great Hall. I wasn't hungry, I even thought about skipping until I walked into the twins and Lee going to lunch too

  "Hello Corey" George said smiling

  "Hey George"

  "Have a good day of classes?" Lee asked

I shrugged
  "Not really"

Fred looked at me concerned
  "What went wrong?"

  "Trelawney predicted my demise"

He laughed
  "She did that to me too, I'm still here" he said pointing to himself "don't take what she says seriously"

We all sat down at the long table and watched as lunch was served for us
I didn't grab any food for myself but Fred put on my plate some fruit and a sandwich that looked like it was filled with tuna

  "I'm not sure what you like, but I like all of this so maybe we are the same?"

I could feel myself wanting to smile but I didn't
  "I like tuna" I picked up the sandwich and ate it

I saw in the corner of my eye Fred smiling at me
  "Good" he picked up his and brought it over to mine to 'toast' them

I smiled, I couldn't help myself

  "What's next for you?" He asked

  "Free period"

He smiled and then looked at Lee and George
  "Good you're coming with us"

  "For what reason?"

  "If we told you it would ruin the surprise" Lee said laughing

Lunch was about to end and Fred put his hand out for me to grab, I did and let him lift me from my seat
I saw Draco enter the hall, he smiled at me and then went to sit with his friends
I smiled back at him and let Fred lead me to where George and Lee where going

  "You have no hobbies, but we can help you find a fun one" Fred said leading me to a hallway

I looked down it and saw some sort of treats hovering in the air
  "What is that?"

George smiled at me
  "Canary Creams"

I looked at Fred who smiled at me
  "Just watch"

We hid behind a corner and watched as a few 7th year Slytherin and Hufflepuffs walked down the hallway

  "Oooh look!" One said grabbing the treat
A few others grabbed some too and ate them without thinking twice

Once the treats were ingested I saw the 6 of them all turn into Canaries and fly around the hallway bumping into each other

I laughed
I laughed harder than I ever had before

When I looked at Fred he was smiling so hard it reached his ears

  "That was really funny"

  "I love your laugh" he said to me, making me blush "it's my favorite sound"

  "Whenever you need a release find us, we're pranking all day typically and would love to make your day better" George said

I nodded my head
  "This was great, I would love to see more"

Lee and George smiled at me and Fred threw out dungbombs to the ones who were lucky enough to not fall for the first prank

The hallway began smelling like actually shit and I covered my nose
  "This one is disgusting"

  "But funny" Fred said back to me

I laughed
  "My favorite food is porridge"

He looked at me curiously

  "My favorite color is green. I like magical creatures, I respect them and give them their distance but I like them. My favorite class other than Care of Magical Creatures is potions"

Fred smiled brighter than before
  "My favorite food is porridge too, I love red and my favorite class is potions as well. It helps us with our inventions being good at that class. Charms is another good one" he put his hand on my back and began rubbing circles on it "Thank you for telling me. Want to go to the Black Lake with me some day and talk about more favorites of ours?"

  "I would like that"

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