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"Practice again" my dad said to Harry and I
We were training our Patronus' again

Harry had been able to produce one, but I still couldn't
Harry's stag Patronus flew around my head and landed on the ground beside him

"Harry how are you doing it?" I asked frustrated

"I made myself happy...I imagined a life with my parents still" he confessed

I looked at Harry and felt myself sadden more
He was without his parents, I had a bad childhood but does it compare to what he went through?

"Harry imagined a good memory, you could give it a try too" my dad said putting his hand on my shoulder "Harry sit out for this one"
Harry nodded and let me take control of training

I closed my eyes
Imagine happiness
Who makes me happy?
Draco does, he's my best friend
Hermione is too

My wand started to spark
My dad makes me happy, I have a dad who cares for me now
Fred makes me happy

My wand sparked more
"Good keep going" my dad said to me

Fred makes
Forget all of my past
Whenever I am with Fred I feel alive, he makes me want to live

My dad opened the cabinet and I pointed my wand at it
"Expecto Patronum!" I yelled

My wand started to shake in my hand
Out came a silver colored spell that repelled the dementor into the cabinet

Harry got up
"Yes Cora!!" He yelled clapping

I looked at my dad and he was smiling brightly
"You're doing it" he encouraged me

I let myself smile
I even laughed a little
After 10 classes I was able to produce one
I let myself feel happiness

Hot tears fell down my smiling face
"You ok?" My dad came up to my side

"I am...I let myself feel happy" I said looking at him and then at my Patronus
A silver wolf stared at me and then ran around the classroom
Harry used his Patronus charm and his stag ran around with my wolf

"It would be a wolf" I said laughing
I looked at my dad and his eyes were glossed over
"You ok?" I asked him this time

He looked at me and then at Harry
"Stag just like your father, wolf just like me. All that's missing is a dog and a rat, then the crew would be back together" he smiled "it reminds me of my close friends"

"Sir did Sirius kill my parents? I heard teachers talking about it" Harry asked

My dad ushered us to his office
Both of our Patronus' evaporated in the air

We sat down and he poured us tea
"He didn't, I wasn't aware of that for a while either. I thought he did...but recently I learned that it was another friend of ours who was made your family's secret keeper. Sirius tried to kill him for betraying James, but he ended up making a scene in front of muggles and was captured. He had spent the last decade in Azkaban for a crime he didn't do, but the person who did it is dead"

  "Would we have grown up together, if things were different?" I asked

  "You two were together a lot in your first year, that was definitely the plan. When I lost Coral, I thought I lost you and I gave up all hope of ever being happy again. I couldn't produce a Patronus for a decade" my dad said

  "What brought it back?" Harry asked

My dad smiled at me
  "I found out she was alive"

Back in the common room, Harry was with Ron playing wizard's chess
Hermione was studying with Neville
Fred was with George and Lee testing out inventions
I was sitting on my chair with my legs relaxed under my body, I was studying potions

Hermione's cat jumped on my lap and I began petting him
A bliss filled day, ending perfectly

The night ended and everyone went to their dorms
I stayed behind with Fred

  "You had a good day today huh" he said laying my blanket over us
We've been sitting together on the couch when everyone goes to bed

  "I did" I relaxed on his chest

  "What made it go so well?" He began playing in my curly hair

  "I was able to produce a Patronus charm, it's a wolf just like my dad" I said picking up his other hand to look at it
He had freckles all over his face, but I never noticed how many stars lined his body
The two darkest are on his palm, his heart line to be specific

  "Wolf, you know they are brave right?" Fred asked watching me play with the lines on his hand

  "They travel in packs too, by themselves they aren't as big as a threat. But together they are stronger" I said being mesmerized by his spots

  "You are brave on your own" he said pulling my hand up to his face
He pressed a kiss lightly on my palm
On my heart line

  "I wouldn't be where I am today without you, Draco, Hermione Harry Ron George any of you"

  "You would be, because you can overcome anything"

I was awake and then I wasn't
Fred has this way of calming me down, bringing me to a peace I can only find with him
Nightmares escaped me, even dreams did
My reality was finally better than what my mind could conjure up

I heard Ron scream and jumped from my sleep
  "Sounds like he saw a spider" Fred said running his hands down my back and up again "go back to sleep"

  "Should we go check on him?" I asked concerned

We heard running coming from the same direction
Fred got up from the couch, I stayed sitting down under my blanket

  "We need Professor McGonagall" Harry said

  "Whats wrong?" I asked getting up now

  "Ron thinks he saw Sirius come into his room, his curtain is slashed"

Fred looked concerned
  "But Sirius isn't bad remember?" I said to Harry

  "Why would he attack Ron if he was the good guy?" Harry answered

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