Seventy One

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Arthur sent for us to have cabs bring us to King's Crossing, he had to go deal with something at the ministry dealing with Alastor Moody aka Mad Eye Moody. He said he has gone insane in his older years, but told us he would be teaching us defense class this year
I wish my dad was teaching again
Not some crazed ex-Auror

My dad told me he would see me off this year, if he didn't I wouldn't be surprised but I did hope to see him before I went on the train

The car ride was long, per usual but I was excited for the new year
I already guessed that a dance was happening, we haven't had one since I've been attending Hogwarts
I wonder what the occasion is

When we all arrived at the platform, I saw Charlie was standing beside my dad
I smiled
I didn't expect him to be here

"Hello Cora" Charlie said smiling
I was hugging my dad and then I hugged him too
I've become close to Charlie and Bill over this summer, Percy has kept his distance from all of us unfortunately

Fred took my bag from my hand
"I'll see you inside?" He asked

"I'm going to find Draco first, then I'll make my rounds" I winked at him

He smiled
"See you next year Charlie" Fred said waving to his brother "see you at Christmas Remus?"

  "Uh possibly" he said in return

I side eyed him
If he's trying to get out of spending the holiday with me...

"I will be seeing you all sooner than you think" Charlie said smirking

"What does that mean?" Fred asked

Charlie laughed
"You'll see little brother"

My dad hugged me again
"Stay safe ok? Letter me, I promise I'll write back" he said smiling

I nodded my head
"Ok I will, goodbye I love you"

"I love you too dear" my dad kissed my head and then watched as I walked onto the platform

I walked around until I found a compartment that had Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and unfortunately Pansy occupying it

I opened up the door
Draco smiled at me, Pansy scowled my way

"Hey Draco" I said smiling back
I say Pansy mocking me silently, but i did my best to ignore her

He pushed Pansy over and she reluctantly got up and moved across him
"I got your last letter, you're talking to your dad again?"

I sat down beside him
"I am, is that bad?"

He shook his head
"No no that's good" he lost his smile "my father tried getting me to enroll in Durmstrang this year"

I felt my heart tug
"Why?? They're known for dark arts, it's an intense school"

He shrugged his shoulders
"Not sure, the only thing that stopped me was my mother taking my side. I didn't want to go, and she helped convince my father to not send me"

"I'm so glad you aren't leaving Hogwarts. I don't know what I would do without you here"

"Me neither, Draco I would go with you though. Where you go I go" Pansy added
Draco rolled his eyes

"How was your summer?" I asked her
I didn't like her, at all, but I didn't want any more enemies

She ignored me
"Draco, you have gotten more handsome over the summer" she went to touch his knee but he moved it

"Cora asked you a question" he said to her
I wanted to laugh but I held it in

She glared at me
"It was great, now Draco sit next to me during dinner?"

"Crabbe and Goyle sit next to me, I don't have room for you. Cora you can sit with me though" he said looking at me

I could feel her burning her eyes into the side of my head but I didn't give her the satisfaction of looking her way
"I might, if not I'll be there at breakfast with you"

He slouched back in his seat and I laid my head on his shoulder
I ended up falling asleep on Draco, long enough that he ended up waking me when we were almost there
"Cora" he shook my lightly "you should probably get changed were almost there"

I got up and stretched
"I can't believe I slept that long"

When I looked around I saw Pansy was gone
"She left after you fell asleep, she was being a bitch to you when you couldn't defend yourself so I told her to fuck off. She left after slamming our door, I'm surprised you didn't wake to that. You must have needed the sleep"

I nodded my head
"I suppose I did. I would have loved to see her face when you told her off though"

He got up and stretched too
"Let's go change"

I looked up at Draco
I didn't remember him being this tall when I saw him at the cup
I put my hand on the top of his head
"You've grown so much"

He laughed
"You've just shrunk"

We walked together to the bathroom
Draco stayed outside while I changed, and before he got changed he walked me to where Fred was
He was with George and Lee per usual

I opened the door, and they all stopped talking
I looked at Draco
"Thank you for walking me here, I'll see you later" I smiled at him
He smiled back and then left

I closed the door behind myself
"Am I interrupting? I can go somewhere else" I said going back for the door

"No, please come sit" Fred said giving George a parchment

I went over to him and sat on his right, next to the window
"What have you all been up too?"

"Nothing really, just shop ideas" George said

"Like what?"

"It's a surprise" Lee said

I looked at all three of them, they were all tense

Fred took my hand
"It's nothing, really. I expected you earlier, did you have fun with Draco?"

"I fell asleep next to him" I said keeping my answers short too

Fred sighed
"I can tell you are annoyed, just know that when the time comes I'll tell you. Right now it doesn't involve you, and I don't want it too. When we figure things out I'll let you in, you'll be the first to know"

"Mhm" I said

George laughed
"Dont "mhm" us. You're so nosey" he teased

I stuck my tongue out at him
"I can keep secrets too you know"

"I'm sure you can, and when we do tell you I know it'll be safe in that big brain of yours" George said smirking

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