Thirty Seven

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Christmas holiday was here and I took the train ride out of Hogwarts, but instead of going to my childhood home I went to Fred's

His father was waiting for us off the train
I waited to be one of the last to leave the train
I was too anxious to see if Yaxley was there

Fred waited with me while Ron looked around with George
"I won't let him take you" Fred said in my ear from behind me

"He's here, but we can avoid him completely" Ron said coming back "George has some dungbombs he can throw at him, he'll distract him while we take you to a spot to apparate out of"

I took a deep breath and placed my hand on my heart
"I don't want you guys to get hurt..."

"Oi! I almost forgot" Ron said "George!" He called his brother over "he doesn't have to do that, though I'm sure he's going to anyways" Ron pulled out a cloak "put this on"

I picked it up and looked at it curiously
"What is it?"

"Harry's invisibility cloak, he said he wanted me to give it to you for the holiday in case you needed it to avoid your dad"

I smiled and placed the cloak around me
"I need to write to Harry and thank him"

Fred took his hand from my shoulder
"Excellent, let's go. Cora stay behind me please"

I walked with the Weasley's towards their dad
I looked around and saw Yaxley

He was tapping his foot impatiently and glaring at the Weasley's while they walked, he looked around and even pushed people out of the crowd to see if he could see me
I never came home for holiday...did he do this every time?

I watched him walk over to our group and intercept it
I stayed behind Fred
He put his arm up subconsciously but put it back down before Yaxley noticed

"Cora Yaxley, seen her?" He asked the group looking annoyed "I heard she was coming back for holiday"

"Nope" Ron said
Fred's body was trembling with adrenaline

"You're telling me my source lied?" He demanded

"Yup" George answered

He looked around the twins and pushed over Ron
I saw their dad walking over to us

"Yaxley" he said pushing in front of Ron Ginny and the twins

"Weasley" he glared back at him
Arthur Weasley was inches from Yaxley's face

"Is there a problem?" Arthur demanded

Yaxley looked around and then looked at Fred
I couldn't see his face but I knew Fred was seconds away from losing his temper

"Looking for my daughter have you seen her?" He asked Arthur

"I'm here for my children that's all" Arthur said "come kids"

He let his children go ahead of him, I stayed close to Fred's side
He was so close to me I could feel the heat his body was radiating

"If you see her" he said with his back facing us "give her a message for me"

"We're not owls" Ginny said snapping back at him "she wouldn't want to hear what you have to say"

Yaxley turned around and began walking to Ginny who was standing tall
Fred George Ron and Arthur walked in front of Ginny pushing her behind them

"Don't even think of coming any closer" Arthur threatened

Yaxley stopped walking and then turned around
He apparated out of the crossing

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