One Hundred Nineteen

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I fluttered my eyes opened
The first thing I saw was Harry beside me, what I saw after were trees and a few Professors scattered around
My throat felt odd, it itched a lot when I looked at Harry

I touched my head and winced

  "You fell on a rock" Harry said lifting my back off the ground "I'd move carefully if I were you"

  "What happened?"

Harry looked from me to where Dumbledore was standing with Moody and Snape
Viktor was beside me too, I didn't notice him before but now he's standing in front of me

  "You were struck by Barty Crouch, he disappeared I don't know where he went off to" Harry said

  "I should have stayed" Viktor said annoyed

  "No you did the right thing, I'm fine I just got jinxed"

  "But you are special to Hermione, I don't want anything to happen to you" he said

  "I'm ok I promise"
My head throbbed but other than that I really was
I've been stunned before, won't be the last time
  "Why did he attack me?"

  "I don't know, he was acting odd and when he noticed you were here he attacked. I couldn't defend you in time I'm sorry, when I turned to look at you he disappeared" Harry said

I took Harry's hand off of my head and held it
  "Dont worry about me, you have nothing to apologize for"

I felt it again
Harry's sadness leaked into my mind and into my throat
His sadness tasted metallic

I touched my throat and when I looked at Harry he was looking at me confused
I could taste sourness from his confusion
  "Can anyone else feel emotions?"

  "What do you mean?" Harry asked
Confused...tartness filled my throat

  "I can taste emotions" I said realizing how crazy I sounded

Harry looked at me oddly
  " hard did you hit your head?"

  "I felt this before I hit my head but it wasn't as odd" I said confused
I'll have to ask Hermione or my dad about this

Harry helped me up and then he straightened my vest for me
I fluffed out my skirt and dusted off my legs
Viktor walked from us to where his headmaster was beside Dumbledore
The two headmasters were in a hush conversation, Karkaroff showed up at some point during my conversation with Harry
Moody continued to stare at Harry and I, when he looked at Harry he was...excited I could taste sweetness but when he looked at me I could taste bitterness again
Why does he hate me so much?

  "You should all go back to your dorms, Professor Moody will escort you" Dumbledore said coming up to us
Karkaroff and Viktor walked off together, Dumbledore stayed behind with Moody and Snape who I over heard talking about roaming the area for Barty Crouch

Moody walked up to our area reluctantly and pushed passed to be in the front of us
  "Let's get a move on I don't have all day" he said annoyed
So much bitterness from him

I put my hand out for Harry who took it subconsciously
We walked away from the scene of the crime and followed Moody all the way to our dorms
He didn't say a word after dropping us off, as if it inconvenienced him

When we opened the door we saw Hermione and Ron waiting for us
  "We got nervous when you two didn't show up after breakfast or the first few classes" Hermione said hugging us

  "especially after we saw Fleur walking into lunch" Ron said hugging me and then patting Harry on the shoulder

Harry began to explain what happened with Barty
After he told the story I noticed the fire in the common room began flickering
I walked over to it slowly and noticed it began taking form of a face

  "Sirius?" I asked the fire
I heard footsteps coming over to me and saw Harry stand beside me

  "Cora sweetheart" Sirius answered "what happened today?"

  "How did you already find out?" Harry asked

  "It's not important" Sirius answered
Harry and I took place in front of the fire and retold the story about this morning
Sirius stayed quiet during our story, listening to every detail

I saw another face take shape, this time it was my dad
  "Hello dear" my dad said "I'm sorry I can't be at the final tournament"

I felt metallic hit my throat again
  "It's ok, dad I have a question for you"

Sirius and him both quieted down
I took a deep breath
  "Can you or could mum...taste feelings? Or read them?"

I saw Sirius's head turn slightly to the side and my dad put his finger to his chin
  "Not that I know of, why?" He asked

  "I kind of can"

I felt Hermione Harry and Ron all staring at me, making my throat filled with a tartness
  "This is the first I'm hearing of it" Harry said

  "Me too" Hermione said next

  "It just started happening, I thought I felt something from Fred but then today I felt all emotions pouring into me"

  "Very odd, I can look into your family history and see if there is any reason for it. It sounds more of a nuisance than harm" my dad answered

  "But if she's taking in emotions it can distract her from protecting herself in the future" Sirius said like the protective figure he is

My dad silently looked at Sirius and then sighed
"You are right"

"I know I am" he said smirking "try to turn it off maybe? Keep your mind shut off when others are around, and if it comes in try to not absorb their energy. It'll be hard, since we know no one who experiences this, but we will be there for you as much as we can" Sirius said
My dad nodded his head

The common room door opened and laughter was heard from that area
Sirius and my dad looked at us
"We have to go, we love you both" my dad said before they disappeared

Harry and I turned to look who was coming in and it was Fred and George
They looked at us
"What are you four doing? Looking suspicious" George said
Fred stayed quiet

"None of your business" Ron said annoyed
Fred looked at George and they both ran for Ron who got up quickly and ran away from them before they could catch him
Harry laughed at them chasing him around, but Hermione watched me intensely
I could feel emotions coming from them, but I focused on Fred's
I tasted sweetness, as if he was happy but in the back of my throat I could feel something metallic forming

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