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There was a ringing in my ears, and then it disappeared
I couldn't speak
I tried talking but my voice was gone
I touched my ears and they were bleeding profusely
I wiped my hands on my uniform to get the blood off

I saw Draco saying something to me but I couldn't hear him
Then Fred turned me and looked at my face
He was saying something too but I couldn't hear him either
I put my hand to my mouth and when I looked at it, it had blood on it again
I wiped my hands off again, panicking this time
I couldn't hear them
I couldn't speak to them
I saw Harry running over and Hermione too
Ron was looking at me concerned from the table but he didn't move
Harry said something to me and then Hermione grabbed my arm and brought me out of the hall and into the hallway

I saw Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape go up to Fred and Draco after we left
The look on both of their faces was haunting
They wanted to follow me with Hermione but both teachers stepped in front of them, blocking their exit

I saw her lips moving, possibly trying to comfort me but I couldn't hear a mouse squeak if I tried
I felt warm blood falling down on my shoulder and onto my chest
Hermione passed me her scarf to hold onto my mouth as she tied mine around my head to keep my ears from dripping

When we got to Madame Pomfrey's office she was tending to a student who had a broken arm

She looked at us, she did what I assume was a gasp and ran over
She took my hand and lead me to a cleared spot so she could help me

Hermione's mouth was moving a lot, explaining what happened and Madame Pomfrey removed my scarf to assess the damage
She said something to Hermione and she nodded her head
Madame Pomfrey left

Hermione sat beside me and rubbed the back of my hand
She turned to me and started talking, and then stopped remembering I couldn't hear her
She summoned parchment and a quill instead
I saw her writing quickly and then she passed it over to me

Madame Pomfrey is making a potion
She said she thinks your eardrums are ruptured and your voice box as well
The combination of the two jinxed did this
She wanted me to tell you it's going to hurt like hell to fix

I began writing back to her

They didn't mean to hurt me, I hope they don't get into too much trouble
I'm sure it's not the worst I've been through, I'll be fine

Hermione rolled her eyes but smiled

You must not be in too much pain, it's so like you to be worried about them and not yourself

I smiled

There isn't any pain y—

I folded over my legs in my bed and Hermione jumped up
My throat was burning and my felt like someone was stabbing me again and again

I felt Hermione lift her hand and disappear from my side
This might be the worst I've been through
Not even my werewolf scar hurt this bad...

I felt someone put their hand on my back again, which made me jump
Without being able to hear, I couldn't tell when someone was approaching
I looked at who was touching me and it was Madame Pomfrey
Hermione was on my other side, holding my other hand

Madame Pomfrey passed me a potion and I drank it right away
Anything to make this pain go away

But when that pain left a new one formed
I felt inside my ears pulling and my throat was unbearably itchy
I let go off Hermione's hand and began scratching my throat as hard as I could
Hermione grabbed my hands and brought them down to my lap
They were covered in blood and my own skin was built up under my nails

Hermione put one hand under my chin and moved my head to her
She looked into my eyes with determination
I nodded my head and took the next potion Madame Pomfrey gave me

Hours of excruciating pain went by
By the time my hearing came back it was nightfall
My voice wouldn't be back for a few days, Madame Pomfrey told me before she went off to dinner

"Im staying with you" Hermione said when the dinner bell rung

I shook my head no and put my hand on hers

"Nope I'm staying, I'm not leaving you alone"

I laid down on my bed
I looked at the parchment I was using to communicate with her earlier and started to scribble words onto it

Why haven't they come to visit me

Hermione read my note and then looked at me
I felt a few tears escape my eyes, I batted them away

"They're probably serving detention. I'm sure with at least Draco would do anything to be here right now, the way they both looked when we left was enough to prove my point"

What if my voice doesn't return...I won't be able to sing again

This time I saw a tear leave Hermione's eyes
She pushed it away and held onto my hand
"It'll come back, Madame Pomfrey said so"

Hermione singing was the only thing I was good at

"Not true, you are good at quidditch and school"

But singing was my one else in our group was a singer
How am I going to compete if I can't speak?

"Let's not worry about something that hasn't happened yet"

I think I'm going to sleep, you can leave if you want

She shook her head no but then Madame Pomfrey came into the room
"It's almost over, go eat deary before you miss out. I can have food brought here for you Cora"

"No I'll stay"

"I'm here with her, she won't be alone"

Hermione looked hesitant but I squeezed her hand to let her know it was ok
I didn't want her to go hungry because of my sake

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