One Hundred Fourty One

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Nico walked me to Charlie's tent
After he said goodnight I pet Cor softly
  "Goodnight Fireheart"

She puffed out hot air as I got closer to her
She opened up to me and exposed her wings
They were huge, and warm as she placed them around me and pulled me in tightly
  "Would it be strange to sleep out here with you?" I asked her

She curled up around me and laid down
I looked at Charlie's tent, he had a light one I'm sure to help me find my way in
But when I looked back at Cor, she looked so at peace being close to me
So I opted out for sleeping in Charlie's tent and I slept with Cor the entire night

I never got cold
She kept me warm up until the morning when I got up and stretched myself out

  "A dragon tamer at heart and soul" Charlie said walking towards me with a cup of tea

I took it from him
  "Why do you say that?"

  "I also slept outside the first night I went to work with Dragons, when you love them it's hard to stay away"

I sipped on the tea he provided me, a simple green tea
  "She looked peaceful, something I wanted to be as well"

  "You're here so she is, I don't know what she's going to do when you leave again"
He looked at me and smirked
  "I'm sure staying for the rest of the summer would help her"

  "Last night was the first night I felt...normal. I didn't have any nightmares, I slept right away and I was warm the entire night because of her" I looked over at Cor and she was stretching out her wings
The sun shined through them, creating rainbows on the ground in front of me

I walked over to the ground and placed my hand on the rainbows that were sparkling with the morning sun
  "Dragons are the most beautiful creatures I've ever had the pleasure of being around. Charlie I really don't want to go back" I said now getting closer to Cor
She lowered herself to the ground and extended her wings out wide
I raised my eyebrows at her and she puffed out smoke

  "She wants you go with her, have you ever ridden a dragon?" Charlie asked

  "Never, is it hard?"

  "Not for a trained dragon, she's not trained like the rest are, but that's what you're here for. No time like the present that's what I always say"
Charlie came up to me and hoisted me up onto Cor
  "Now let me get Norbert and we can fly together ok?"

  "Ok" I said
I placed my hands on both sides of Cor, her skin was rough, I could see marks from where she was whipped in her earlier years
  "You've been through a lot, but you're still strong and beautiful. I hope I become as strong as you are"

  "Heard we're going for a ride" Nico said

I turned around and saw that he was walking over with who I assumed was his dragon
  "What kind of dragon is that?!" I asked excitedly

Nico walked closer with his dragon
Male by the looks of it, completely black except for his stunning purple eyes
His wings resembled a bat's, transparent like Cor's but when the light shined through them instead of making a rainbow it only shined one color, purple
"Hebridean Black is what he is, they're used for safeguarding. The males and females are all very protective of their families, and riders" I watched as his dragon placed his head on top of Nico's
Nico began petting him slowly
"He used to be skittish, another sad tale for this one. He was bred for one purpose, fighting. Loads of nasty wizards breed dragons for money and fights, he was one of them. We rescued him when he was tossed into a lake for losing his "owners" money. We were able to find the group and get them shut down, but we only rescued him. They killed the rest when they found out we were coming"

I felt my heart tug for those poor dragons
"I'm really sorry, that's so sad"

"It is, but that's why we're in this field. We care about dragons and want to help them"

"What's his name?"

"Kai, it means fire in Scottish. We found him in Scotland it felt appropriate"

I smiled, feeling his emotions turn from sad to happy as his dragon curled his tail around his body

"Ready?" Charlie asked coming up with Norbert

"Norbert you're so big now! " I said placing my hand out for him to smell
Norbert rubbed his snout on my hand and puffed out hot air

"He remembers you"

"I'm glad" I said smiling

"Alright for your first ride, here is some advice" Charlie began to say

I listened deeply
I wanted to be good at this, I wanted to ride my dragon well

"Don't fall off" Charlie winked at me and then took off into the air
Norbert's wings flew dirt all around us, creating a cloud I couldn't see out of

"Really??" I said

I head Nico laugh, and take off as well
I closed my eyes, to keep the new dust cloud of my vision
"Ok, Cor are you ready?"

I trusted her
I trust in my dragon
She took off from the ground, lighter than the other two dragons
I'm not sure if it's a female thing or just her, but we didn't leave trails of dust
Instead she just cleared the area and flew up gracefully

I met up with Charlie and Nico quickly
"You're dragon is the fastest here, clearly" he laughed

"Want to race? Bet I'm still faster" Nico said to me
He took off into the sky, but Cor was competitive it seemed because right when he took off she went along with him

Faster than him, I held on tightly in the beginning but felt my hands loosening up as I stayed on her back longer
I looked behind us and saw Charlie and Nico were trying their hardest but it seemed that I was the winner of this race

"Fly to your hearts content, as fast as you want or as slow I trust you"
I knew she understood because she took us into the clouds and spread her wings out fully, gliding
I don't know why, but I wanted to stand
So I did
I got up on my knees at first, and when I knew she was steady I stood on her and closed my eyes
"This is incredible"

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