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The end of my first year came faster than I expect
No one tried to be my friend
No one bothered me after the first week
I did find myself at the hospital wing more often than I imagined. Something happened every month that brought me to Madame Pomfrey, only at night
She would give me some kind of potion and told me to see her monthly for it
I wasn't sure what it was, I didn't even know how to ask my dad about it but she gave me enough to last over the holiday
It just started happening this year, I'll have to do research on my own

I did however notice Hermione and Fred looking at me more than the rest but no one cared to try to be my friend
Why would they

I never received a letter from my father, it's either he didn't care that I was placed in Gryffindor or he was furious
Probably the later one

Everyone was leaving school to go home
I didn't want to go home
I was the first to get up this morning so I packed right away and then went down stairs with my shoulder bag that had my change of clothes for the train and my favorite book
  "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them"
                   Newt Scamander

I left the common room and found Professor McGonagall outside in the hallway

"Professor!" I said running up to her

She turned around
"Yes Miss.Yaxley?"

"Do I have to go back home?" I asked nervously

She looked concerned
"You don't want to?"

I shook my head
"No, is there a way I can stay here over the summer?"

"That's not possible, why don't you want to go back home?"

"Never mind it's nothing...thank you anyways"
I walked away before she could question me more
I'll just have to deal with what happens when I get home

I could hear her walking behind me but I ran instead of let her confront me
I didn't want to tell anyone about what I encounter with my dad when I'm home

I walked down to the Great Hall, they were having a ceremony on which house won the cup this year and it would be a big feast for breakfast
I didn't think my house was going to win because of how many points we've lost
Harry Hermione and Ron seemed to lose a lot this year, I didn't help in that though
I didn't try to lose them, I just didn't care to be on time for classes or hold my tongue when a Professor would get snippy with me
Especially Snape

I saw a lot of empty spots, I was the first to arrive so I chose a spot on the furtherest end of the table
Everyone always chose the middle and worked their way down, it was the least likely spot for me to have people sit beside me
Or so I thought

  "Can we sit here?" A voice came from behind me
I turned and it was Fred with George and his Friend Lee following behind

  "No I prefer to be alone"

He sat down anyways and so did his group
  "I don't believe that"

I saw Harry Hermione and Ron come into the hall and they sat close by us too
I put my head in my arms on the table and closed my eyes
Maybe I can just pretend to sleep through this

Laughter was heard from around me but no one bothered to talk to me
A hand did rub my back gently but that was all

I heard Dumbledore explain who had won the cup, Slytherin, but last minute Gryffindor ended up pulling through and winning this year
I felt bodies around me get up and yell with excitement, but I stayed in my arms
I wish I could enjoy this moment too...

  "Hey, we won" I heard Fred whisper in my ears "I don't know how you could be sleeping with all this excitement"
The hand continued to rub my back in circles
  "But sleep well, I hear you don't sleep at all most nights"

I felt myself tearing up but I didn't let my tears fall, I stayed as neutral as I could while under my arms

He never stopped rubbing my back, even when I felt food hit the table he continued

My mind went to complete darkness, no nightmares that usually haunted me but no dreams either
I heard nothing just silence
My mind is never silent

I felt a tap my shoulder at one point, telling me about the food but I kept my head where it laid
I wasn't hungry anyways
I couldn't eat with the gloom I felt about going home
I was an outsider here too...but at least I didn't have to take hit after hit here

I must have actually, for once, fell asleep because I felt Fred tap my shoulder again a little more assertively and he said
  "Hey Corey, breakfast is over it's time to go to the train"

I lifted my head finally and looked around
Most of the students had left already, even his group left
It was just him and me in the hall

  "Where'd everyone go?"

  "To the train, I tried waking you earlier but you were dead asleep so I stayed rubbing your back and waited till the last minute to try again"

I got up from my seat
  "I can't believe I actually fell asleep" I said stretching

  "You were relaxed, how come you can't sleep normally?"

I felt my heart palpate
  "Have a good ride home Fred...thank you for rubbing my back"

  "Let's walk together? If you don't have a compartment to sit in you can join mine and I'll rub you back to sleep again"

So tempting
  "No it's ok, I'll go alone"

I began to walk away but he put his hand on my shoulder
I flinched and he pulled back
  "Why do you want to be alone?"

  "Being alone is easier"

Before he could say anything new I grabbed my bag and ran off towards the train station

He didn't call my name or run after me
No one cares about me

I made it to the train and looked around for an empty compartment
Please please

They were all filled
Of course they were...I was one of the last to arrive here

A door opened beside me
  "Want to sit with me?" Draco asked

I nodded my head and walked into his compartment
It was just him, no one else

  "Where are your friends?"

He sat down near the window
  "They went to get junk"

I put my bag above our heads and sat down across from him
  "How was your school year?" I said trying to stay casual

  "What is your dad going to do when you get home?"

I stared at him and then looked out the window
  "I don't know...why do you ask?"

  "I know things" his eyes pierced my own, for someone as young as himself he held such power in his stare "my house is open for you if you want to stay with me"

  "I need to go home and see him first"
I don't want to involve Draco or his one should be involved
If I could stay at the school at least it wouldn't hurt anyone else

  "I don't like that" Draco confessed

  "Me neither" I said softly

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