One Hundred Fourty Five

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  "That's it?"
Cor looked at me confused
  "Me too"

  "Me three" said Nico
I looked up from my letter and saw him walking over with Kai
His dragon came over to Cor and curled up around her
Nico came over to me and sat beside us
  "That's a lot of letters"

  "My dads, my best friends and my well...I don't know what we are" I confessed

I passed the letters to Nico and he laughed at Fred's
  "That's the you don't know huh"


  "Are you two dating?"

  "We used to, I have a complicated past so it's a long story but I broke up with him when he stopped caring about me...since then he's been trying to be nice like he used to be"

  "I have a complicated past as well, but this" he said picking up Fred's letter "is pathetic no offense. If he wants to show you caring he would have wrote like how these three well four did"

  "You have a complicated is your past?"

He leaned against the tree I was using as a resting spot
  "My family was a family of 6"

  "Was?" I asked
I felt his pain then

  "I graduated Durmstrang, and went to work here. When I left my entire family was murdered by poachers who I was tracking...I blamed myself for their death. If I wasn't doing this well...they'd be alive. But they supported my choice, I know they support me to this day" he looked up at the sky
The sun was moving over to us now, the rain clouds were gone

  "I'm sorry for your loss...that's awful"

  "It was, still is of course but this group has become my new family. We look out for each other here"

  "What year were you? Did you graduate in Charlie's year?"

  "No, I was supposed to be two years ahead of what you are right now but I left early. I had a calling and needed to begin working on it, durmstrang isn't for wizards like me anyways"

"How come?"

He smiled at me softly
  "They're all pricks, and have an ego problem. Plus they use dark magic and teach it in school. I wanted to go to Hogwarts maybe if I did I would be there still"

  "Why didn't you?"

"My parents went to Durmstrang and wanted me there too...they were nice though. Some nights I look up at the stars and see them dancing around with their zodiacs"

"So you've been alone?"

"Never alone, not when I have my family here"

We sat in comfortable silence before he broke it
  "I didn't know that you were part werewolf. Is that hard for you?"

I shrugged my shoulders
  "It can be, when the full moon is out especially"

  "Are you going to stay inside tomorrow?" He asked concerned

  "I'm not sure...I'd usually feel weak by now but I don't. I'm going to play it by ear and see what comes of it. Romania feels different to me...this environment makes me feel stronger like I can take on anything"

  "Romania is magical, this area has the power to heal those who call it home. It's why we take the dragons here, they love it and so do we"

I began telling Nico my story, from being beaten to almost death by my father, to the Triwizard tournament. From how I used to have a drinking problem, to how I was almost raped in my third year. I wasn't sure why, but I felt like I could trust him

He placed his arm around my shoulder and pulled me in for a hug
  "I'm sorry for all you've been through but I don't look at you with pity Iike you thought I would"

  "You don't?" I asked lifting my head off his chest

  "No I see strength. It takes a lot to get passed everything you went through, and you did. You're here today because you're strong and brave"

"That's what everyone tells me"

"Maybe you should start believing it, want to fly?" He said smirking at me

I folded the letters and made a mental note to write back later to everyone
"Of course"

Nightfall hit faster than each day here, the full moon was out and I could hear creatures of the night howling to it
Charlie ate dinner with me in his tent, worried for my health since we weren't sure what would happen here
"I have lotion that the twins made for me, but I want to try standing in it first. I feel different here"

"You burn up under the moon light right? I'll be right beside you if I notice any sign of discomfort I'm getting you out of it quickly ok?"

I nodded my head
I could hear Cor outside of the tent, she was flapping her wings excited
I felt like we both are connect by emotions, I'm excited to try sitting in the moon and she is excited for me to just be excited

I took a deep breath and placed the lotion down onto the coffee table beside my chamomile tea
I looked at Charlie, I felt his emotions he was nervous but he did a good job not showing it
He smiled brightly at me without a worry line on his face

I walked to the front of the tent and placed my hand outside of it
I waited for a burning sensation but I felt none

"Woah" said Nico on the other side

"What is happening?" Charlie asked now concerned

"It doesn't hurt" I said feeling even more excited

"You're glowing" said Alec, a large red headed male I met this week as well

I whipped open the covers, I heard Charlie calling my name but I wanted to see for myself
And so I did

I looked at each place that the moon hit, and I was glowing
I turned my hand back and forth and saw the moon glistening off my hands and the rest of my body
"This is incredible" I said excited

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