Fifty Four

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I heard him walking down the stairs again
I stayed in my spot on the ground

He walked up to me
"I'm having a meeting here soon, go to your room" he demanded

I crawled up to the wall and pulled myself up

He grabbed me by my hair and pulled me towards him
"Don't make a fucking sound during this meeting"

He threw me into the hallway and I crawled into my bedroom
My room was the same as I left it last year
A bed for me to lay on, and a chair for my clothes to be folded onto
I had nothing else here

I looked at the only window I had
It overlooked a thorn bush, but I knew this was my only escape route
I lost my bag in the living room, if I tried to get it I would suffer more. I have to leave it behind
I'll find a way to get wolfsbane, I just can't stay here

I found a white shirt I left behind and ripped it apart with all the strength I had left
I bandaged my head that was bleeding and wrapped my ribs that were broken

I opened the window softly and then waited to see if he heard anything
He didn't

I took a deep breath and walked to my door to listen for his voice

I heard his front door open and multiple feet walk in
I heard voices that I didn't recognize, at least 5 of them
"Hello Corban" one said
"Nice touch to the ground" another said

I grabbed a jacket that I had here and put it on
It wasn't terrible right now but I knew that it would take me a while to walk to my destination and by that point it would be extremely cold

I went back to my window and crawled out of it carefully
Thorns scratched my face but that was the worst of it
My body was in so much pain but I was walking on adrenaline at this point

I walked to a nearby forest I used to take when I was younger and hid behind a tree
I looked back at his house, I realized I didn't close my window but I had no time to go back for it

No one noticed I left
So I walked

I took a trail I used to use when I would hide from him when I was a kid
This trail lead me to a glimpse of happiness I never knew existed
This trail lead me to the Weasley's

I walked for hours until I finally found their house
It was dark out and freezing now but I walked on, still working off my adrenaline from leaving

What if I wasn't wanted here anymore

Fred's POV

I woke up in the train station
I got up quickly, I could hear voices around me panicking
"Where the hell did they go?!" Draco yelled


"Where is Cora!?" I yelled

Everyone looked at me
Draco's face was bright red with anger

"Fucking Corban took her and you got knocked out" he said enraged

He was going to hurt her again

"We have to find her" I said holding onto my head
I had a pounding headache from being knocked back but that was the least of my concerns

"We have to find out where his manor is first" my dad said "I'll go to the ministry to find out. I'll meet you home, take the floo network there" my dad apparated away

Draco looked at his mum
"Dads got to know where he lives right??"

"He might" she grabbed his hand and they apparated too

"How did this happen" I said frustrated

"He bested us" George said kicking the wall

"It's doing us no good to stay here, let's go home and wait for dad" Ron said

We all walked to the floo network fireplace and went to the burrow

Mum was waiting for us in the front yard but we came in through the fireplace instead
She ran inside

"Where is your father? And Cora??" She asked concerned

"Corban took her" George said "dad went to go find out where they live so we can rescue her"

My mum put her hand on her heart

My dad didn't come back for hours and when he did he said he had no luck retrieving information on their whereabouts
"The ministry has no information on his house at all" he said defeated

"Then what do we do?? Just let her get..." I couldn't even finish my sentence
My hands were trembling

"I don't know what to do" my dad confessed

"Maybe Draco had better luck we can letter him?" Ginny said getting a parchment ready

I went to the front door and opened it
I slammed the door shut behind me and walked to the steps that lead down our patio

The moon was covered tonight, not a star in the sky to wish on

"Cora please stay alive until we can find you"

Cora's POV

There in the distance was the Burrow
I could smell baked goods coming from their house, I knew his mother baked when she was stressed
I saw lights on in the house and the wind was shaking the corn field back and forth

But there
Sitting on the steps was Fred
I lost control of my body and ran for him as fast as I could being broken

"FRED" I yelled

He picked up his head from his hands and looked around for me
I ran closer and closer
He saw me finally and ran for me too

When I got closer he opened his arms and I ran right for him
He placed his hands under my legs and picked me up into his arms
I wrapped my arms around his neck and held on tightly

"You got away" he said softly "you're alive"

I heard their front door open and out came his parents and siblings
"Cora!!" They yelled

Everyone came over to me and group hugged me while I held onto Fred

"Deary you are safe here" Molly said kissing the back of my head "let's go inside where you can get healed up"

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