One Hundred Thirty Three

99 4 8

A cup of hot tea was placed in front of me
I was seated in the kitchen, while I waited for Hermione to come by

  "Chamomile tea" I said softly

  "Is that ok?" My dad asked
He was cooking, stress cooking it looked like

I nodded my head
  "It's one of my favorites yes"
I felt myself smiling and when I looked at my dad he was as well

  "You can smile after everything you went through, you're just like your mother in every way" he said to me

  "I'm like you a lot of ways too"

  "How so?" He began stirring a pot of vegetable stew he was in the process of finishing

  "I'm smart, thanks to you"

  "Remus was the smartest one in our house" Sirius said sitting across from me

  "You got my bad traits though" he said
I felt it then
His emotions pouring into me

I got up
I winced while moving and saw both Sirius and my dad get up to help me but I put my hand up
  "It's ok" I said

I walked slowly over to my dad and hugged him tightly
  "Bad or good traits, I'll take any of them if it means I'm your daughter"

sweet emotions

I felt my dad shutter against me
Then I felt another set of arms wrap around us
Sirius' emotions were the same
Chocolate pudding
Pumpkin pastries

I smiled against both of them
  "I love you both" I said softly

  "We love you too" Sirius said

  "So much dear" My dad said to me with a kiss on my head

A crack was heard from the living room
Both my dad and Sirius let me go and walked in front of me towards the fireplace

  "It's me" Hermione called out

  "Password?" My dad said
Sirius transformed into his dog form and began a low snarl

  "March 1st" she said

  "My birthday is the password?" I said

They nodded their heads
  "It changes everytime, the order decided this would be the best way to ensure you're safety here. We sent word to the order the same time we called Hermione, they will be here tomorrow to discuss what happened, it's that ok?" My dad asked

"It is...but what is the order?

"An organization, I'll explain later" my dad said
They both moved aside to let Hermione through

I felt my eyes watering again

"Cora" she said

I ran over to her and held her tightly
"Hermione I'm so glad to see you"

I felt her tears mixing with my own on my shirt
"I'm happy you're so happy"

After our dinner we decided to sleep in the living room with my dad and Sirius, who stayed in his dog form laying on my back

Sleep found me again
I used to have a hard time sleeping, but I'm so exhausted
My body could not handle any more sleepless nights

When I awoke I saw that my dad and Sirius were gone, but Hermione and I had been sleeping tightly next to each other wrapped in the same blanket
I got up and tried to stretch, but I was hurting too much for that
So I laid back down, listening to the conversation coming from the kitchen

"She's alive" my dad said "I don't know how to thank you for finding her..."

"I love you both, so much. She's my daughter, blood or not she is"

"I know she loves you just as much" my dad said

"Remus, I love you" Sirius said

"I love you too my love" my dad said

I heard them kiss and my heart exploded with happiness
Both from my own, and theirs
My dad doesn't have to be alone anymore...they have each other

I pushed myself off of the blow up mattress on the ground
It hurt, but I wanted to see them
I wanted them to know how much I loved them being together

I used the couch, and then a chair to help get to the kitchen
They noticed me in the hallway and both ran over to me

"What's wrong??" Sirius asked concerned

My dad went to grab me but I pulled them both in
"I love that you two are together. I love this so much. You both are pressing so much love into my mind, it's made me the happiest I could be. Truly, I love my dads"

They both began chuckling
"We love you too" they said together

I heard Hermione coming up to us, she got pulled into our hug by Sirius

After breakfast, Hermione and I walked up stairs and found a room they cleared out for me to stay in

"How did they find you?" She asked
I explained to her what happened and how I got back home

She sat down on my bed and rested her hands in her lap
"Do you think he's...dead?"

"I hope so, Sirius really did a number on him...I can't see how he would have survived. We should have stayed to finish him off completely, what if he's alive??" I felt myself starting to panic
My hands were shaking, and my breathing became erratic
Hermione got off the bed and held my shaking hands

"It's ok, you're safe" she reminded me

"How was your summer?" I asked trying to change the subject

"Draco and I teamed up to search for you" she said

I sat down on my bed
"Draco was looking for me too..?"

"Obviously" she said laughing "do you really think he'd sit by waiting around? We used the polyjuice potion you and I made last year and transformed into ministry workers to search around for clues about you. We found where...uh he lived, but when we investigated it he had moved out already. It was abandoned, I would say months before hand"

"You two could have gotten into so much trouble...that's not like you Hermione"

"My best friend needed me, I wasn't going to sit by while you were in trouble" she said smiling

"I should write to Draco, I'm sure he's worried still..."

"Your dad has already taken care of notifying everyone. He told them to leave you alone until called upon, so I'm sure you'll be getting letters from them soon"

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