One Hundred One

111 6 14

I closed my eyes waiting for the impact of the dragon to hit
But it didn't
I heard gasps and screaming above my head but I kept my eyes closed, not wanting to see the creature kill me

The air became hot from above me and then I heard a dragon roar
Wait not just one dragon
Two dragons...

I gained the courage to open my eyes and when I did I saw the Hungarian Horntail above my body on the rock I was supporting myself on
She was roaring to the short snout Dragon trying to charge me again
She placed her claw in front of me, blocking me from the raging creature

"CORA!" Fred and Draco yelled

I looked towards them and they were pointing to the egg below them
"GO FOR IT" George yelled

The short snout came charging for me again but the horntail took her spiked tail and whipped the blue dragon across the field and into the wall near the entrance of the tunnel

I looked up and the horntail dragon smirked at me
I placed my hand on my stomach and hobbled my way towards the egg
The dragon followed me, growling at the short snout who kept trying to get closer to us
Why is she protecting me

The short snout opened her mouth and fired at me, but the horntail put her wings around me and covered me from the blue flames

Inside her wings I felt nothing
No flames or heat came through
She had spikes all over her body but her wings were thicker than the other's
I held onto the dragon while I waited for the other one to seize fire

No one in the stands spoke
It seemed everyone was in shock that Harry's dragon showed up
Even more that she was protecting me

Once the flames disappeared she opened her wings and charged at the blue dragon again and again
A full on dragon fight was happening in the center of the field
Rocks were being destroyed and tossed around the field and flames were sparking in every direction
I kept my other hand in front of my face, hoping to avoid everything being tossed towards my already bleeding head

I stumbled my way closer to the egg, the entire time dodging thrown terrain and never taking my eyes off the blue dragon
The other one didn't want to hurt me that was clear
Without her intervening I don't know what I would have done

The egg was in sight
I heard my friends and Fred screaming my name and the crowd going insane from the dragon brawl

Almost there
I went to put my hand on the egg but I fell to the ground instead
"CORA GET UP" Draco yelled
"CORA" Fred yelled pained
"Fred you can't go down there!!" George yelled
"Neither can you Draco!!" Hermione yelled too

I looked up and saw both of them trying to get to me but were being held back by the rest of the group
I tried to push myself up but I couldn't
My eye sight was going
Dont pass out
Dont do it

I took a deep breath and felt the hole in my stomach worsening from that
I looked towards the egg and it had moved further away, the rumbling from the dragons moved it

I used my hand to wipe the blood away from my eyes and looked back at the dragons
The horntail was now blocking my path from the short snout
I looked around them and saw Dragon handlers in each corner, ready to enter if I passed out
Charlie looked at me and smiled
Why is he smiling

He chuckled and then nodded his head to me
I nodded it slightly back and began crawling towards the egg
I'm going to get it

I felt dirt entering my stomach hole, it stung every time I moved and my head was pounding so much that keeping my eyes open was painful
But I crawled over to the egg and grabbed it
I pulled it into my side and heard horns going off, signaling that the challenge was over

I heard multiple footsteps running around the terrain, more than likely capturing the dragons who were still fighting each other

I felt a familiar hand on my back and when I looked over I saw it was Charlie
"Good show" he said smiling "I think you're calling has found you"

I raised my eyebrows slightly

He pointed to where the dragons where and calmly standing was the horntail waiting for her capture
They got the short snout first it seemed they let her remain because of how calm she was acting

"That horntail hates everyone, literally everyone. She has tried to kill me more times than any other dragon, but not you. She chose you" he said to me

The dragon turned around and looked at me with soft eyes
Then she let the handlers take her off the terrain and into her cage behind the stadium

Charlie stayed with me while we waited for a stretcher to come get me
With my injuries and my condition I was glad to have someone come help me move around

Inside the medical tent Madame Pomfrey had a bed waiting for me
"Got pretty banged up, the worst out of all 4 of you" she said to me as the stretcher brought me over

I laid down on the bed as she mixed up potions for my wounds and then she began wrapping them as I drank from the viles she gave me
"Heard you scored an 5/10, sounds like they gave you that score because you went over your time and Ludo said it was also because you received help from another dragon" She said annoyed "not like you called upon it"

I rolled my eyes and let her continue working on me
I heard footsteps come into the tent and saw my fellow competitors come inside
Harry walked to my side and so did Fleur and Viktor

"Fred and Draco are annoyed that they can't come see you, but I told them I'd be with you so to not worry" Harry said "my dragon came in to rescue you how strange"

Harry accio-ed me my parchment and quill

Very strange, she likes me for some reason. I got a low score because of her help, according to the Ludo I received help so he couldn't score me high

"That's bullshit" Viktor said "you had two dragons in your arena, you should have received a fair score"

It's ok, I made it to the next round that's what matters

"You are very hurt" Fleur said "we all have to go to the arena for our placements can you walk?" She placed her hand on my stomach

I don't think so

Viktor put his hands under my back and lifted me gently
"It's ok I can help"

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