Thirty Nine

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Cora's POV

We returned to school two weeks later
I dealt with my symptoms while at "the Burrow" they all called it
Molly Weasley made me chamomile tea when everything hurt too much
Fred stayed by my side the entire week, even when his siblings wanted to play quidditch he didn't leave. Though I told him he could he refused
"I want to be here with you" he said "I didn't invite you to my house to just leave you behind when you were in pain"

I was sporting my new sweater that Molly made for me
"C" was in the front and the sweater was green
It was the nicest gift anyone has ever given me
I've never had someone hand-make me something

Draco gave me a gift, even though I told him not to
He gifted me a day in hogsmeade together, just shopping no limit on what I could buy
I told him I felt bad that I couldn't give him anything in return
"Your friendship is all I want really Cora, I can buy everything else. I just want you to be happy"

Today was the day Harry and I were to meet with my dad for our Patronus lessons

"I heard you got a new broom" I said to him while we waited for my dad to finish his lesson

"Yeah well Hermione told Professor McGonagall about it and she confiscated it to check it for jinxes" he said annoyed

"I bet you Oliver could get it back"

Harry smirked
"I already asked him, he said he's on it"

My dad opened his door and out came 1st years
"He's the best Professor we have"
"I love his classes"
"He's so nice"

Students all over the school loved my dad
It made my heart full

"Hello you two" he said with a smile "tea?"

We went into his office and drank while he explained the spell

"The Patronus charm is the most powerful defense spell a wizard can learn. It's immensely complicated and difficult to learn but I have faith that you two can achieve it" he pointed to the cabinet he kept the Boggart in "you need to have a strong positive force to use the charm, only positivity and happiness can truly defeat dementors. Now I obviously have none here, but the boggart will turn into one if you convince it that they are your biggest fear. Harry, Cora I want you to to train together at the same time"

We got up from our seat and faced the cabinet


We nodded our heads
My dad opened the door and a dementor came flying out at us

"Expecto Patronum!" We both said
Our wands lit up but nothing more
We tried again but the dementor, even as a boggart, was able to make both of us pass out

We awoke on the ground with my dad next to us
"Chocolate?" He said passing us both a bark

"Why didn't it work?" Harry asked

"What was your happy memory?" My dad asked Harry

"The first time I rode a broom"

"That won't do, stronger you need more emotion" he looked at me "Cora dear?"

I stared at my wand that was laying beside me
"I couldn't think of any"

My dad's face fell
"None at all?" He asked upset

"I wasn't sure what my happiness memory was, I was happy while I was at the burrow but that felt weak compared to what you said we needed. I don't think I have a strong enough memory for that"

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