One Hundred Thirty Four

99 5 6

There was a thump on my window
The blinds were covering it, but by the sound of the noise I figure it was an owl

"Already?" Hermione said

I walked over to the window and opened up the blind
A beautiful black owl was waiting patiently for me to take her letter
I knew this was the Malfoy's owl

I took her letter and searched around for a few treats to give her
I handed them over but she stayed
"You can go it's ok"

"She's waiting for a response, I bet she is instructed to stay until then" she said getting me a parchment and quill

I opened up the letter


I don't even know if words can describe how happy and relieved I am that you are safe and home
Your dad used his Patronus to find me and tell me you arrived with uh Padfoot is that his name?

I chuckled

When you are well, I need to see you
I'm sure I'm the last person your group wants around their house, so please letter me when you are able to see people
The day you went missing was the worst day of my life, I'm so sorry it happened...
I did everything I could to find you, I didn't stop you can ask Hermione

"Its true" she said reading over my shoulder "he was the most determined to find you. We all were but he was another level"

I'm also sorry that you weren't able to finish the challenge...I know that's the least of your problems but I know how much it meant for you to won in my eyes though
I love you, stay home and stay safe until I can meet you somewhere


I began writing him back, explaining in small details about what I went through and how I was rescued
I was going to save the bigger details for when I saw him, it felt wrong to letter him about everything that happened

When I gave my letter to his owl she took off, fast
"What a fast owl" I said watching her fly away

"That's what they're known for, that breed. I'm sure he used her for that reason"

Hours went by and it was time for the Order meeting
My dad told me all who would be here today, so I wouldn't be surprised by anything
Alastor Moody
Professor Snape
A girl nicknamed Tonks, which is what she prefers
Arthur and Molly Weasley
Bill and Charlie Weasley, if they could come
And a ministry member named Kingsley Shacklebolt

The rest of the Weasley's were to stay home, no one other than order members would arrive today
Sirius told me if I felt comfortable with this many people, then tomorrow they could all come by
He also reminded me that at any time during the meeting I felt uncomfortable, all I had to do is nudge him and he would get me out of it
He didn't want to overwhelm me, which I was thankful for
Hermione was allowed in this meeting, for support too

Someone at the front door knocked
It made me jump a little, knocking over my tea
  "I'm sorry" I said getting up to clean my mess, but my dad placed his hand on mine

  "It's ok're sure you want people over?" He asked

I nodded my head
Hermione stayed next to me as my dad and dog Sirius went to the front door
  "Password?" He asked

  "June 18th" the voice of Alastor Moody said

  "What is that date?" I asked

  "The day I met Sirius" he said smiling at me
Sirius wagged his tail but then went back to looking at the front door

He growled at everyone that came in, reminding them who's house it was

I saw each member walk in slowly, being sure to not overstimulate me
First came Moody, ending with Molly Weasley

She looked at me

She ran her way over to me and pulled me in for a hug
  "I'm so sorry I was rude to you last year..." she said
I knew she was being genuine
I could feel her sorrow, but a slight warmth surrounded her as well

I didn't say anything back
I knew once I opened my mouth with her hugging me, I would lose control of my emotions again
She cupped my cheeks after she let go of our embrace, and then walked passed me
Arthur went up to me next
He didn't say anything, he just hugged me tightly as well

Sitting at the large dining table was the whole order
Next to me were Hermione and my dad
Sirius sat at the head of the table, the opposite head was Dumbledore
Beside him was Snape and Moody
The rest filled in the blanks around us all

After hours of discussing what happened to me I knew it was time for me to leave
I was beginning to feel overwhelmed with all of the questions about what to do with me, and what will become of me
I looked at Sirius
He was in a deep discussion with Dumbledore about Harry and I's safety this year

"I assure you Sirius, we will do everything we can to protect them" Dumbledore said

"I trusted you last year look what happened because of it. Both of my kids were placed in danger" he said agitated

"I know, we won't make that mistake again. Not at the castle" he assured Sirius
My dad stayed quiet during this conversation, he was the silent protector
Sirius was the aggressor
I heard from my dad that they've always been that way
If anyone messed with their friend group, it was always Sirius who defended them publicly

He told me to nudge him when I was ready
I didn't want to make a scene, but I am beginning to feel anxious
And worn out...all these emotions around me are hard to turn off

Sirius noticed something my way, maybe it was his instinct that told him I was ready but before I could nudge him with my foot he got up from his chair
"Cora, you must be tired by now, let me walk you to your bed" he said sweetly

I nodded my head and got out of my chair
Hermione followed suit
"We're not done with this meeting" Moody barked

"I'm done with it" I said trying to stand my ground
I knew that Barty Jr was impersonating him last year, but I couldn't help to not trust him still
I spent all last year hating him

"We have more to discuss sit" he demanded "if you want to be a part of the Order you need to stay for full meetings"

Sirius whipped his head towards Moody, but it was my dad who intervened
"She's had enough. There will be no more discussion with her in the room, respect my daughter's wishes"

"And since she's his responsibility, she can come to any and all meetings she wants. And LEAVE when she wants to as well"
Sirius gave no room for argument
I saw all eyes on me from the members of the Order, but I focused on my dads'
I walked up to my biological dad and hugged him tightly
"Goodnight dad"

"Goodnight Cora" he said letting me go

Sirius took my hand and walked with Hermione and I to my bedroom
After hugging him goodnight, Hermione and I changed into our nightwear and cuddled under a blanket together

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