One Hundred Twenty Three

94 4 4

How will they fair?
I, Rita Skeeter, have all of the inside whispers for you
Last month Harry Potter fainted in his class room, clutching his forehead he disturbed?
Viktor Krum was seen hand in hand with Hermione Granger by the Black Lake, is this the hookup spot for these students?
Fleur Delacore has been seen with a few boys at a time, attention seeker?
Cora Yaxley...what to say about Cora
Part werewolf, the tournament finale is on a full moon should we all be concerned for our safety that night? Dangerous?
All these questions will be answered, I interviewed a few students on the matter
Yes Potter is disturbed
Yes Krum is hooking up with Granger
Yes Fleur is seeking attention
Yes Cora is dangerous

I stared at the parchment
My blood was boiling up
Tomorrow is the finale, Madame Pomfrey told me she found a way to help me during the full moon with the help of two students but they hadn't been able to perfect it until today
She told me the students would give it to me when it finished, they had wished to test it out last month but failed

I looked at Hermione who was beside me in the common room
She was silent
I could tell by reading her that she was angry because all I could taste was bitterness
Harry was annoyed by reading his emotions, annoyance was a burn in my throat as if I ate something that didn't have enough time to cool down
Ron was bitter too, he won't tell anyone but I knew how much he loved Hermione
Warmth radiated around him when she was close by, love for someone else always felt like eating a warm cookie
Love for me made my whole body warm

  "I'm going to find her" I said getting up from my seat "and give her a peace of my mind"

  "Me too" Hermione said

  "Shouldn't we be learning jinxes for tomorrow?" Harry asked "is this really that big of a deal?"

  "All she wrote about you is being disturbed of course you'd think that" Hermione barked "she's making me out to be a whore"

  "I think that's more of Fleur" he said "what she wrote about you is well..."

She glared at him and he stopped speaking

  "Is what?" Ron asked

My throat was filled with bitterness

  "It's nothing and none of your business" Hermione said to him "Harry shut up"

I looked between the two of them and stayed silent on that matter
Hermione told me that Viktor and her have been hooking up but Harry caught them and since then she hasn't

  "Could be worse" I said "you could be labeled as dangerous"

  "But you're not" Hermione said

  "Maybe I am" I winked "maybe this full moon I'll fully turn"

  "If you do we will lead you to Rita" Ron joked
We all laughed and sat back down together

  "Who's going to win tomorrow?" I asked "truly who do you think will?"

  "Well Harry did better than you in the first round, you did better in the second" Ron said "my bet is Harry because he's better at offensive spells"

  "But Cora thinks clearer than Harry does, it's a maze she's going to be able to find her way out" Hermione said "so obviously I'm on your side"

I smiled
  "I figured that's what you both would say"

The day of the last challenge has arrived
I woke up early to spend some time with Draco, he wanted me to practice offense spells

  "Are you worried for me?" I asked

  "Yes, I am" he said going to stand closer to me "for one, you're already burning up" he placed his hand on my forehead and pulled back "Two, you're reaction time for spells is way off, this is going to be hard for you"

  "I'll make it" I said trying to boost my confidence

  "I know you will, but it doesn't mean I won't be worried. We're going to practice until the last moment"

I nodded my head and continued learning spells with him until we were interrupted an hour later by a few footsteps and whispering
  "Can I talk to you?" Fred asked
He was with George and Lee

I looked at Draco
He was about to open his mouth but I shook my head at him

Draco's warmth turned bitter but he stayed where we were practicing while I walked over to some shade by a large tree where they were standing now

"What's wrong?" I asked

They looked at each other oddly
"Why do you say that?" Fred asked

I forgot they didn't know I could read emotions
All I can feel from Fred is anxiety

I placed my hand on my throat but then removed it before I let myself scratch at it
"You don't look well" I said

"I'm fine" he said

George pulled something out of his pocket
"We have this for you"

He passed me a small tub of lotion that smelt like peaches and mangos
I raised my eyebrows curiosity at them
"Thank you?" I chuckled "I didn't know we were exchanging gifts I would have made you something too"

"We're not" Fred said "it's made for you only"
He cleared his throat
"It's uhm, well we wanted to give it to you last month but it wasn't's a lotion" he was silent for a moment "yeah but it's meant for you"

"You said that already" I joked at him
George and Lee chuckled at Fred's awkwardness
"Why's it made just for me? Is it going to explode? Or glitter bomb me?"

They laughed again
"No, we wish we could have glitter bombed you with it" Lee said

"It's made from wolfsbane" Fred choked out "it's to keep your skin safe from the moon's affects"

I dropped my mouth open
"Is this what Madame Pomfrey was talking about?! You guys are brilliant I can't believe you created this...I mean I can believe I know you're geniuses but I can't believe you would put that effort into something for me"

"Of course I would" Fred said
My body felt on fire from all the warmth he was sending my way

"Of course we would" George corrected him "we care about you and wanted to help"

I hugged George and Lee together
When I let go I went up to Fred and hugged him tightly too
"Thank you" I said loud enough for them to hear "thank you for caring" I whispered for only Fred

He placed his hand on my back and began rubbing circles like he used too
"Anything for you"

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