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"No we are ok thanks Professor" Lee said

I watched as the Professor walked through the hallway and out of our sight

Draco eased up on his hold he had on me and so did Fred
"You ok?" Draco asked me

I nodded my head
"Yes thank you both"

I watched as Draco glared at Fred and then look back at me
"Do you want to come back with me?"

"I'm ok for now, I might find you before we arrive"

He nodded his head and then exited

"Creepy thing those Dementors are...what were they doing here" Lee said confused

"Looking for Black probably" Fred said

"Sirius Black? I heard he escaped but I doubt he'd be coming to Hogwarts"

"Who knows" George said sitting back down

I could use a drink of my whiskey after that encounter but I didn't want to bring it out in front of them

"I have to use the restroom" I said reaching for my bag but Fred grabbed it for me and handed it over

"Want me to escort you?" He asked and I heard Lee laugh

"I think she's fine mate" he said

I nodded my head
"I'm ok thanks...I'll be back in a little"

I walked out of my compartment and began walking towards the restrooms
Someone was in it at the time so I waited outside until I was able to get in

"Hey!" I heard a voice say down the hall

I looked and saw Oliver running towards me
"Hey" I said back

He was smiling
"You're trying out for Quidditch this year right..."

"I don't think I'd be any good"

"Try anyways you never know what you're capable of. I know you had no trouble controlling a broom your first year, I could use a new chaser" he said

"I'll try"

He smiled again

The restroom opened and out came a Slytherin I recognized to be Adrian Pucey

"Wood" he said glaring at Oliver who glared back at him "Yaxley, a pleasure to see you"

I looked at him confused
"Why's that?"

I've never talked to him

He smirked
"Always nice to see a good looking female" he winked at me and then walked away flipping Oliver off

"Fuck that guy" Oliver said annoyed

I waved Oliver goodbye and walked into the restroom
It was a single stall, meant for changing and toilet uses

I opened my bag and took out the bottle of whiskey I brought
Just a couple of sips

When I was alone I found myself recalling what my father would do to me
My body would start to phantom hurt when I thought about how he hit me or kicked me
My arm throbbed thinking of how he broke it without a single thought
He meant every part of pain he inflicted on me that day, everyday but that day specifically

He will never love me
Why would I want him too...
I felt myself crying and with every tear that fell I took another sip
I ended up drinking the entire bottle before I heard knocking on the door
I put the empty bottle in my bag and brushed my teeth quickly, trying to hide the smell of whiskey
I exited the restroom and saw Fred was on the other side

"Hey I got worried you took a while" he said looking at my bag

"There was a line" I lied and stumbled into the doorway

He looked at me with sorrow
"Did you bring liquor with you?"

"Do you want some?" I asked
I was too drunk to care what he was going to say, yell at me push me I don't care when I'm drunk

But he did none of those things
He pulled me into his chest and hugged me tightly
"I don't know what demons you hide, but please talk to me instead of drinking them away. It worries me that you drink so much"

I felt my eyes sting
"I can't"

He continued to hold me

"You'll hate me"

"I won't"

Part of me thinks he might not hate me if I told him what I was hiding

"Not here...maybe sometime this year...can we go back to the compartment?"

"Can you dump out all the liquor you have before we go?"

I looked back at my bag and then grabbed the two other bottles I had
I went to the sink and dumped them out
Draco would be furious with my new hobby anyways...I couldn't have my only friend mad at me

"Talk to me when you are ready, but if you even feel you need to drink just find me I'll be there for you instead"

I nodded and let him lead me back to the compartment
I was tripping and falling over the floor but Fred kept me steady

I watched Fred open the door so I put on my best not drunk face and walked back to my seat near the window

"Get lost?" George joked

"A long l-line" I said stuttering at the end

George looked at Lee and then Fred who was rubbing my back again

"Are you drunk?" Lee asked concerned "it smells like whiskey in here now"

"I'm tired I'm going to sleep" I said not answering his question
I put my head back on Fred's chest, I was too intoxicated to care what George or Lee thought about it

I heard them whispering to Fred about my drinking but I passed out before I even realized it

Hours went by and I felt Fred tap my shoulder
"We're almost there you might want to get changed"

I nodded and got up from my seat
My head was pounding, I put my hands over my head and held it gently
Fred tapped my shoulder and in front of me George was passing me a cup filled with water

I hesitated
"I promise it'll help" he said
I nodded my head and drank it slowly

"It was mostly water but we added electrolytes into it, it helps with the headaches after drinking" Lee said "we've drank ourselves stupid over the years, we know how to help a headache"

I nodded
"Thank you"

I got up from my seat and stretched
My head was feeling better already
Fred got up with me, grabbed my bag again and gently passed it to me, it was lighter without the liquor in it

He followed me to the restroom and I went in and got changed first
He went in second and while we were walking down the hall I saw Hermione walking towards the restroom to change

She ran up and hugged me
"Cora, hello!"

I was taken back by her hug but I embraced her back
I saw Fred smiling

"I missed you" she said

"You did...?" I was confused

"Mhm!" She nodded her head "want to come sit with me during dinner?"

"I would like that"

She smiled and then went passed us to go change

Fred was smiling at me still
"Yes?" I asked

"Hermione is a good person to be around, I'm glad you have her"

I felt my cheeks rise up

"You have a beautiful smile" he said, making me blush

"No I don't" I said making my face neutral again

"You do though" he smiled at me again "I like when you smile"

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