One Hundred Thirty Five

91 4 1

I was in a dark room
It smelt of decay

I walked up to a window, when I looked out I could see nothing but darkness
I turned around and began walking around the room, looking for a door

A noise came from outside of the door
It sounded like someone was knocking
The knocks were getting louder

I hesitated but I opened the door
No one was there
"Odd" I thought to myself
I close the door and began to walk away, when I heard the same
Before the sound happened again I ran for the door and swung it open
No one

"What the hell" I said out loud
I slowly backed away
The further I got the louder the sound got
More aggressive
I tried covering my ears, but the sound made it through into my mind anyways
I began screaming
I ran for the door again
No one
I backed up, and then ran for it again
No one
I screamed again
And again
Trying to drown out the sound
I felt my body shaking and when I looked my hands were covered in blood
I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and when I looked down I saw blood
So much blood
The door opened by itself this time
This time I screamed in horror
Corban Yaxley stood in the doorway, bleeding from his neck
"Next time make sure I'm dead" he began walking towards me
I backed away as far as I could, but I hit a wall
Closer and closer he got
My heart was pounding, it felt like I was going to have heart failure
The closer he got the more panicked my screams became
He picked up his wand and pointed it to me
I tried to find mine but I couldn't
I was defenseless
"I'm going to make sure you're dead"

I jumped up from my slumber
I had sweat pouring down my face and when I looked at my body it was trembling

"Cora?" My dad said sitting beside me
I looked around the room and saw Hermione holding my arms down
Sirius was standing on my left side, my dad sitting on my right
"Cora dear" he said again softly "you were having a nightmare"

I looked around the room, it was dark
"What time is it..."

"3 am" Hermione answered
There was a knock of the door
I jumped back into my bedpost, knocking over my end table

"Everything is fine" Sirius answered

"Kreacher heard noises, Kreacher came to check on masters" a grouchy voice came from the other side

"We're fine, leave us" Sirius said back

I looked down at my hands and they were bloodied
My vision started to go
"I'm going to pass out" I said panicked

My dad took my trembling hands into his
"It was a dream, you're safe"

"Why do I have blood on me" I said

I felt emotions pouring into my mind
I took my hands away from my dad and threw them onto my face
"Make it stop" I said panicking

"Make what stop?" Sirius asked as quietly as he could, trying to not further scare me

"These emotions...I can't handle them right now please make it stop make it stop make it stop!!" I began yelling

My dad pulled me into his chest and held me tightly
I felt more arms come around me as Sirius and Hermione followed
It took some time, but my breathing went back to normal and I felt my heart rate slowly back down
"What's wrong with me"

"Nothing is wrong with you" my dad said

"We need to start training you on how to keep emotions out" Hermione said letting go of our embrace
"It's too much when you're already stressed"

"When do you want to start training?" Sirius asked

"Do you know how to help keep them out?"

"Not at all, but I bet Occlumency could help, it's used for keeping people out of your mind but I wonder if it'll work for keeping emotions out too" he said "I'll write to Dumbledore, he would know someone who could help us"

I nodded my head
"What if he's not dead..."

"Corban?" My dad asked

I flinched at his name and looked back down at my hands
"Why are my hands bloodied?"

"You woke me up when you started screaming...when I looked at you, you were scratching at your throat and I had to pull your hands down to keep you from harming yourself further" Hermione said solemnly

"Is my throat bleeding..?"

"No, Remus beat me in here when we heard you screaming I was downstairs at the time, before I could run into the room he yelled for me to get the Dittany from the cupboard. I ran in and applied it to your neck before it bled too much" Sirius said

"What if he's alive Sirius...we didn't check his pulse he could be" I said feeling myself begin to panic again

"I tore into his throat, if he's alive he's not going to be the next time I find him" Sirius said in a deadly tone

"I'm scared" I confessed "I'm supposed to be brave"

"You don't have to be all the time, we are here to support you when you aren't" Hermione said "everyone is scared of something, boggarts exist because of that reason"

"I'm so tired" I said feeling my eyes begin to shut

Everyone but Hermione got off the bed
My dad walked over to me and kissed my head
"Go to sleep dear, we will stay in here until then"

Sirius came over and kissed the top of my head as well
"I'll even sleep as padfoot, I know how much it calms you" he said transforming into his dog form and laying on my lap

I slowly began petting Sirius, until my eyes closed and my mind shut off

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