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The next morning came and we were all back at the Great Hall for breakfast
I didn't sleep, per usual but sleep found me at last when I sat next to Fred
He rubbed my back soothingly, if he did this for just me or everyone else around him I didn't know.
I just knew that it made me feel comfort

"You're missing breakfast" Ron said stuffing his mouth with eggs

"Shh" Fred said "she doesn't sleep at night let her rest"

"How do you know that?" He asked

"You can tell she looks exhausted all the time" George said sadly

I heard them bickering before I ended up passing out from exhaustion

I woke up almost an hour later to Fred tapping my shoulder
"Time to wake up" he said nicely

I got up and stretched my arms out
My time chart was in front of me along side a plate filled with porridge

"I made you a plate" Fred said "before all the good food was gone, porridge is the first to get eaten"

"Thank you"

He was smiling at me, staring into my eyes
I pushed my hair behind my ear
"Everything ok?"

He nodded and then cleared his throat
"Professor McGonagall gave out our schedules, what do you have first?"

I picked up the parchment and began reading it

Hermione smiled
"Us too!"

I looked at her chart and then back at her again
"How are you taking so many classes? You're brilliant truly"

She blushed
"Thank you, I have a way to do it this year so I figured I would take every class available to us"

Ron spit out his food
"EVERY CLASS?! You're bloody insane"

"I'm jealous, I wish I had the drive to do that"

"But how??" Ron questioned

"Don't worry about how" she said annoyed

"You only have a few minutes before the food disappears, you should try eating" Fred suggested
I smiled and began eating the porridge but when I looked around the table I saw his brother laugh with Lee
They looked at me right before their laughter broke out
Were they making fun of me...

"Actually I'm ok thank you for making this for me though"
I pushed the plate away and put my head back down on the table

I lost my appetite hearing the two of them
Did they think it was funny that I wanted to eat

Fred looked at me confused
"But you were enjoying it?"

I shrugged my shoulders on the table and didn't answer him
I waited for the food to disappear before I got my head back up and then the rest of me from my seat

"I'll see you in divination" I said defeated

Fred was getting up to follow me but then Oliver yelled at him that he needed to have a meeting with the team before tryouts happened this weekend
Fred reluctantly sat back down with George and Harry

Hermione and Ron ran up to my side
"You ok?" Hermione asked


She looked at Ron and he shrugged his shoulders

We walked together, Ron talking to Hermione about her schedule again but I just stayed silent

We walked up the stairs that twisted and turned around into a spiral, it was raining outside I could see through the windows
I felt that sickness coming along that I experienced my first year here, I knew I would have to visit Madame Pomfrey again tonight for some potion
She healed my arm without questioning how it happened, she deals with enough broken bones to not bother asking how we ended up with them

We went into Professor Trelawney's classroom that was at the highest tower in the castle, inside she had it decorated with stars and moons
There were tables made for 4 students each, I could sit with Hermione Ron and Harry but when I opened the door I saw Draco smiling at me and usher me over to him

"I'm going to sit with Draco" I said to Hermione and Ron
They nodded and went to their own table

I began walking over to Draco Crabbe and Goyle when Pansy pushed me over and sat down next to Draco
"Too slow" she said annoyingly

I got up from the ground with the help of Ron who came over when he saw I got shoved, and I glared at her
Fuck is her issue

"Pansy this spot is taken" Draco said agitated

"Yeah by me Dracy" she pulled him into a side hug

I rolled my eyes at her
"I'll sit with you during potions instead Draco" I said walking back to the table that had Hermione and Ron

Draco looked pained but didn't bother moving Pansy like he did on the compartment, it seemed like she wasn't going to move and he might have known that

I sat down beside Hermione and she looked me over
"You alright?"

I nodded my head
"Just a scratch on my elbow I'm not worried"

"I meant in general"

"I'll be ok"
I've been through worse

Harry joined our table, being one of the last to join the class
"Oliver said you might try out for quidditch?" He asked

"I have no hobbies, I suppose having one now would be nice"

He nodded his head in approval
"Can't wait to see you then! You did well flying in our first year, we have spare brooms that you can use until you get your own"

My father didn't give me any money this year
He told me I didn't deserve any after what I did back to him
Maybe trying out was a bad idea
I had no money for brooms or equipment

I faked a smile at Harry and then went to my bag
I took out my book for this class and then some quills
I saw an empty bottle of whiskey that I never got rid of
I need a drink

"Good morning class" Professor Trelawney said "please come get a cup of tea from the front of the class and bring it back to your table"

I got up reluctantly and walked to receive my tea cup
They all looked the same, black tea
I grabbed one closest to the edge of the table and then walked back to my seat

"Today we will be reading tea leaves that end up at the bottom of your cup, drink the tea and then turn to page 87 to read your response"

I quickly drank my tea and then looked at the bottom of my cup
Professor Trelawney walked around the class looking into our cups, she told Neville his grandmother wasn't well and told Draco his cup meant he would be suffering from an attack
She came over to our table and looked at Hermione's cup

"I see nothing dear, odd you must not have the power" Hermione rolled her eyes

She looked into my cup
There was a cross at the bottom of my cup with something else I couldn't tell
"Trials and great suffering" she said looking at me "and a skull...danger in your path"

She then looked at Harry's cup and gasped
The room went quiet
"You have the grim" she said covering her mouth

"Death" Dean said from next to Neville

"Oh please" Hermione said annoyed

Trials danger great suffering

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