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"But why" I said through my sobbing "why even bother with me, I avoided you the best I could during my first year and my second year I barely said anything. Why would you do this for me?"

He began rubbing my back again
"Because you're hurting, you don't deserve the life you've been given. If I can make it better for you I will, I'll even tolerate Draco if it means you will be ok. To answer your question George and I have a map that is enchanted to show names of everyone in Hogwarts. It shows where they are at all times, when Hermione told us she was worried about you I opened the map and saw your name with Adrian's. I showed George and Lee and we all ran to where you were"

I continued to sob

"When I opened the door he was on top of you, I ripped him off and the three of us beat the shit out of him. I then went up to you and put you in my arms and carried you here, you were passed out for a little while. I have a feeling you woke up when everyone entered the common room though"

"How did you know?" I was able to stop sobbing

"I felt your body tense up, I had you in my arms and felt a difference when you woke up. You're body relaxes when you're with me, but when you woke up you were stressed. I'm sorry you have gone through all of that, but I promise I will do my best to make it better. Starting with joining me for pranks from now on, you need a new outlet and you said yourself pranks made you laugh"

I nodded my head and relaxed in his arms
"Thank you for caring"

"You don't have to thank me, but we should go find Draco. You need to tell him what's been going on with you before he hears it from someone in his house"

"Will you come with me?"

He nodded his head and took out his map

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" he pointed his wand at the parchment and it began showing us where everyone was
Most students were in their common rooms, but Draco was pacing around outside of ours

I got up and Fred joined me
"He's outside, I can go with you still if you want?"

I shook my head
"No it's ok, he's close by I will be ok"

"I'll wait for you here" Fred said sitting down and closing his map "mischief managed"

I walked to the entrance of our common room and opened the door
Outside was Draco who looked stressed out
He looked at me and I began crying again

He ran up to me and held me tightly
"Draco I've fucked up" I said through my sobs

"No you haven't. I have as your friend, I should have seen the signs of your alcohol abuse" he used his hand to gently glide down my head, he rested his hand on my neck

"How'd you know?"

"I over heard Flint talking about how you went with Pucey to get drunk again, when I comforted him about it he told me you were fucked up and needed some way to cope...I'm so sorry"

"Draco, Adrian tried to take advantage of me" saying the words out loud hurt

I felt Draco tense up
"He did what?!" He asked seriously

He pulled back from our embraced and looked me over
"Tell me everything" he demanded

I told him what I remembered and how Fred George and Lee saved me from my assault

Draco's face was tensed, I saw his jaw muscle flex a few times

"I'm glad they were there for you, remind me to thank them...but I'm going to fucking kill Pucey "

I put my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around my back
"Please don't, I don't want you to get suspended or expelled. I need you Draco"

He put his hand in my hair and held my head
"I need you too...you're my best friend. I wasn't there for you, I'm sorry I failed you"

"You didn't though, I failed you. I used alcohol to cope with my emotions, I didn't want to bother you or Fred. I am a burden I know"

"You're never a burden. I love you Cora, so much. Please come to me when you are upset I promise I will always listen"

I stayed in Draco's arms until we heard the footsteps of Filch coming towards us
Draco pulled away from our embrace and kissed my forehead

"I love you"

I nodded my head
"I love you too"

I turned to the dorm room entrance and said the password
I opened the door and watched as Draco snuck through a door before Filch came wobbling through

I closed the door and saw that Fred was sitting in the same spot he was when I left him

I walked over and sat beside him

"Is he mad?"

"No...He told me he loves me. No ones ever loved me...I don't know how to love someone back"

Fred's face turned devastated
"You've never been loved before? What about your mother? Was she as bad?"

I shook my head
"The only person I had in my life was my father, I've never been shown love. My mother died giving birth to me...my father blamed me for her death"

He pulled my body into his and I rested my head on his chest
He rubbed circles on my back, slowly and with extra care

"What do you want to do when you leave school?" He asked

"I don't know...I've never thought of my future. You?"

"Open a joke shop with my brother, we put all of our money into our future"

"You both are brilliant, I can't wait to be a customer at your shop"

I felt him smiling
"Favorite dessert?"

"I don't know...I'm sorry I know this sounds boring but I haven't experienced enough desserts to know what my favorite is. My father would feed me the bare minimum"

"Tell me something about yourself, maybe something no one knows or something only Draco knows. I want to know you"

"I used to sing when I was a kid"

I felt him smile again
"Sing for me now" he asked kindly

"Not here...I can hum for you though, can we start with that?"

"Yes, whatever you feel comfortable with Corey"

So I did
I hummed him a soft melody that I used to sing when I was a kid
As I hummed he rubbed my back, and then started to draw circles on it

We stayed like this all night until I fell asleep and my humming stopped
I felt him kiss the top of my head before I actually shut my mind off
Sleeping near him was easy
He brought out a calm that I've never encountered in my life

Death Eater's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now