One Hundred Thirteen

103 4 2

  "You ok?" He asked nicely

I didn't answer I just kept crying
He continued to hold me until l felt his body get ripped off of me
I picked my head up and saw Draco shoving Blaise into the wall
  "Leave her the fuck alone. Haven't I made myself clear on that?"

  "I was being nice" he said pushing back

Draco shoved him to the wall again and then placed his elbow into Blaise's neck

Blaise laughed
  "Or what?"

  "Leave" I said through my tears "I don't need anymore arguments"

  "As you wish Princess" he said to me

I glared at him as he walked away
Draco took Blaise's place and pulled me into his chest
  "What happened?"

  "He was being nice" I said

  "I meant with Fred, fuck Blaise he isn't just nice..ever. He's used to getting what he wants remember that"

I nodded my head and then rested into Draco's chest
  "I broke up with Fred, he's drunk" I felt my chest getting heavy

Draco rubbed calming circles onto my back
  "I'm sorry"

  "Dont be, Fred's changed. He used to care for me, and now he's just a prick"

  "You don't deserve that"

  "I know, that's what I told him"

  "I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself"

I stayed with Draco for a while before I got up from the ground and wiped my face clean of tears
  "How do I look?" I asked knowing my makeup was smeared all over my face from my mental breakdown

  "Honestly? Beautiful" he said to me
He tucked a hair behind my ear softly

  "I doubt that, I'm sure I have makeup all over my cheeks"

  "You could be covered in unicorn shit and I would still think you're beautiful"

  "You're being nice"

  "I'm being honest. Let's go back inside and dance, Hermione is worried for you, and you had a really fun time before Fred ruined it. Let's go back to having fun"

I nodded my head
I should be enjoying this night, in our time at Hogwarts we won't be having another ball
Plus I want to get Draco's money's worth of this dress, I refuse to let Fred ruin me

When we walked back into the Great Hall Fred was nowhere to be seen
Neither was George or Lee
I assumed he left with both of them

I walked over to Hermione
She didn't ask what happened
Instead she hugged me tightly and then took my hand
"Let's go back to dancing"

I smiled and let her lead me onto the dance floor

An hour went by
I was slow dancing with Neville when I noticed Hermione yelling at Ron
"Ron you ass next time get the courage to ask me your damn self instead of using me as a last resort" she threw her drink onto him and stormed out of the hall

I looked at Neville
"I should go see her"

"Thanks for dancing with me" he smiled
Neville was so sweet
He's always been nice to me, helping me whenever I needed it and being a light for me to follow

I left after hugging him goodnight and found Hermione on the steps taking off her shoes
I sat with her in silence until I pulled her in for a hug
"Boys are stupid"

She chuckled
"So stupid"

Ron came over to us with Harry

Hermione looked up from my shoulder and threw her shoe at his head
"Fuck off Ronald"

Harry grabbed Ron's arm and dragged him away
"Goodnight" he said sadly

I nodded my head and watched them leave
Hermione was the next to leave, Viktor offered to bring her back to the common room
After she left, I sat alone watching everyone dance some more
Not many students stayed behind now, Neville was now dancing with Ginny and Katy
I got up from my seat and walked back to the dance floor
When I was walking I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder and squeeze lovingly

"He's being an ass, I've told him that already. I'm sorry about tonight, and for the past few weeks. You did what was best, he needs to set himself straight before you take him back. If you do" George said

I felt my eyes watering up just hearing him say that
"You don't have to apologize for him"

"Well, I do he's my twin" he winked "let him be alone for a while. He's been different recently, and if you don't take him back I won't blame you"

"Thank you for being kind"
He pulled me in for a hug
Hugging George always felt comforting
He's a big brother I never expected to have, but I cherish being near

When he let go I walked onto the dance floor and began dancing with Ginny
"My brother's an ass, focus on winning the tournament"

"Definitely will" I laughed "too bad there was an age limit, I'd love to have gone against you"

"You love to lose?"

I laughed even harder
"You're so feisty tonight"

"Every night" she winked at me

We danced until the night ended and the Professors made everyone go back to their common rooms
Draco held his hand out for me
I didn't even notice he came back into the hall
He left a little while ago, walking Chloe back to their common room
"You're back?"

"I went to get changed and figured you'd be here all night, I came back to bring you to bed. You have a challenge to win tomorrow"

"I guess it's time to sleep" I hugged everyone I was with goodnight and took Draco's hand

As we walked we talked about what we thought the next challenge would include
We talked about how the night went after Fred and I's argument
We just talked
I loved being near Draco

When we got to the common room door he kissed my cheek softly
And longer than he usually does
When he pulled away he brushed a piece of hair behind my ear and then held my face in his hand
"Goodnight Cora"

"Goodnight Draco"

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