Ninety Two

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"Get" Madame Pomfrey yelled at Draco and I

"Please we just want to see Cora" I said
I could see her bed in the furthest corner, she was laying down

"She's sleeping, and since she isn't awake to agree to see either of you I want you out" she barked

Draco looked like he was inches from losing it
"But—" he said

"Get" she picked up her wand and pointed it to us
We both backed up and walked back out of the hospital wing
Outside Hermione and Harry were waiting for us with George and Lee

"She won't let us see her yet" I said

Draco kicked the wall for the hospital wing
"Fucking shit" he said "I'm waiting until she's awake" he said sitting down on the ground

"You'll get in trouble for being out past curfew, let's all just go to our dorms" Hermione suggested

I sat beside Draco, who scooted over more to avoid being close to me
"I'm staying too"

"No you're going to your dorms" the voice of Moody yelled down the hallway "I knew I'd find you lot here. Go to bed you can't wait here"

"Like hell I can't" Draco said

"Want a detention tomorrow too?" Moody threatened

"I don't give a shit how many detentions you give me. I'm waiting here" Draco said

I nodded my head
"Me too"

He looked at Hermione and the rest

They looked at us and then left apprehensively

Moody picked both of us up and threw us into their direction
"I won't tell you again"

"What are you two doing?" Snape yelled down the hallway "listen to the Professor and go to your dorms"

Snape walked up to Moody
He glared at him but then looked at us
"You aren't doing her any good sitting outside of the hospital wing. I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't want to see either of you"

"She does" Draco said

"And we need to see her" I said

Professor Snape grabbed Draco's collar and Moody grabbed mine
We both struggled but then Dumbledore walked into the hallway
He ushered for them to release us

"If they want to wait for her they can outside in the hallway" he said

Snape and Moody looked at us and then released our collars
"they were the ones who jinxed her, we shouldnt reward them" Moody said

"They both suffered enough. Let them stay"

Snape took his cape and walked down the hallway alongside Moody who stumbled his way through, glaring back at us

"Thank you Headmaster" I said
Draco just sat back down

He nodded his head and walked away too

I sat beside Draco who moved over again
"I'm sorry" I said

He stayed silent

"I shouldn't have acted that way, ignoring her and attacking you when you were only defending her...thank you for doing that. I should be the one defending her and on her side"

He stayed silent

"Draco" I said "I don't want to be your enemy. Cora cares for you a lot and I don't want to be on your bad side because well..." I put my hands in my lap "I love her"

"Love her huh" he said bitterly "you don't love someone and act like that"

His words cut deep

"When you love someone you stick through all the bad shit with them. If you can't do that you don't deserve to be with her. You don't deserve her at all actually, she's too good for you"

"I know she is"

Draco looked at me
His eyes turned grey just like the did before

"So leave"

"No" I said

"Why hurt her anymore than you already have?"

"Because I'm not going to hurt her again, ever"

He scoffed
"You're not going to have the chance, stay away from her"

"I can't"

Draco glared at me
"I'm never going to forgive you for this Weasley"

"I'm never going to forgive myself for it either"

Cora's POV

I could hear arguing happening outside of the hospital
I could tell it was Draco mostly, I could hear a little of Fred too
They came to see me finally
I got up from my bed but Madame Pomfrey lightly pushed me back down
"No, let them stew on it Deary. I've contacted your father he should be here come morning, but I wouldn't talk to those boys until then either. They need to learn consequences for their actions. Wands can really hurt people, you're not even fully there yet"

I nodded my head and laid back down
My dad's coming here I wonder if Sirius is going to join him, he did say he was going to visit soon
I wish Hermione was here still

I took the parchment I've been using and quill, I began writing a note to Madame Pomfrey

Can Hermione come stay with me?

I used my wand to send the note to her
She opened it and walked over to me again
"I can ask Minerva to bring her here, but it's not a guarantee. She might be asleep, should she wake her if she is?"

I nodded my head
I need her

She nodded her head back and sent her patronus, the shape of a cat, off to find Professor McGonagall

It didn't take long for the two of them to show up here
Hermione ran over to my side and I opened my blanket for her to sleep beside me
Professor McGonagall walked away with Madame Pomfrey

"As soon as the Professor woke me up I knew it was for you. I'll stay here all night to keep you company"

I wrote down a note for her
My dad is coming by tomorrow to see me

"Oh? Good I'm glad he's coming. Draco and Fred are outside in the hallway waiting till morning to come see you. Madame Pomfrey denied them entry when they tried earlier"


"You weren't awake and she didn't know if you wanted them here. They're both really worried about you, when I walked by they got up and started asking why I was summoned here. If I have said something bad happened to you again they would have busted through this door"

I smiled
Should I forgive him?

"Fred? I wouldn't for a while but I know how you feel about him. I think he deserves to feel the way he does, he's been an ass to you"

Hermione I love him, I know that I do now

"Let's discuss this after some sleep"
She pulled the blanket up to our faces and we slept next to each other the whole night

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