One Hundred Twenty Two

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Cora's POV

When I woke up the next morning I felt loads better
It felt like I hadn't gotten that much sleep in...well since Fred and I broke up

I stretched out my limbs in the sunlight and looked around the room
No one was in it
No one to read emotions from

I smiled at the thought of having a peaceful morning
I went to my closet and pulled out a regular day outfit, we had the weekend off and it was warming up outside
Today would be the perfect day to spent in the sun
I put in a long sleeved shirt, with a tank top underneath in case I actually got warm in the sun
I added a pair of cropped leggings and a jacket as well, with my body temperature always changing I didn't know what mood it would be in
I tied the jacket around my waist and began walking towards the Great Hall for breakfast

When I entered I saw my friends sitting closer to Fred and George
They were all talking amongst each other, I didn't feel like reading his emotions again so I walked away from them and towards Draco instead

He raised his eyebrows at me curiously
Reading emotions was draining but it never felt that way with him

"Are you mad at them?" He asked concerned "you usually spend breakfast together"

"No, something happened I need to discuss with you"

His face lost his smile and his eyes turned grey
"Who hurt you?"

My cheeks lifted softly
"No one, it's something personal that I don't want a lot of people knowing. Are you done eating? can we go outside?"

"I am, but you haven't started. Is it life or death important?"


"Eat first, the sun isn't going anywhere"

I picked up some fruit that was in front of Draco and began eating lightly

"No porridge? Are you sick?" He placed the back of his hand on my forehead

"No, I just wanted fruit is all"
I felt my body about to shiver but when I looked into his eyes again, I felt warm
Draco and Fred both radiate warmth when I'm near them, is that an emotion?

"What are you feeling right now?" I asked

He took a sip from his orange juice
"Nothing really, content that you're beside me. Why do you ask?"

"Like what do you feel emotionally?"

He scrunched his eyebrows together
"I don't understand the question...happy I suppose?"

No that wasn't it
Happiness was sweet

"Anything else?"

"Annoyed that Fred has started to look over this way again, have you been talking to him? Corrrraaaa" he dragged my name out

I looked at the Gryffindor table and Fred was staring at me
He motioned for me to come over but I stayed where I was

"Is the something you need to say about him? Please don't tell me you are together again..."

"No" I grabbed Draco's hand and held it tightly
"I truly have no idea what he wants"

"I'll go find out" he began getting up but I pulled him back down

"No please let's go outside"

"Fine" he said reluctantly "but if he's causing you trouble you better let me know"

We walked all the way to the forbidden forest, but we didn't get close
Draco knew about how I was stunned by Barty Crouch, and how they still haven't found him
So he didn't like me going close to the woods

Instead we walked to the black lake and laid down in the sunlight
I took my long sleeve off, to soak up more of the sun's rays

"Are you worried about the final challenge being in the full moon stage?" He asked after a few moments of silence

"Yes" I wasn't going to lie to him
He was the only person I would tell everything too
"I don't know what I'm going to do"

"If I can help in anyway I will. Any at all, I would even trade bodies with you to keep you from that harm"

I chuckled
"That's not possible but thank you for the offer...what if I lose this round?"

"Then you lose"

"I want to win though"

"So win?"

"You make it seem so easy"

"You make it seem hard" he turned his body towards me, so he was on his side now
I turned mine into his to be face to face

"It is hard"

"But you can handle anything thrown your way, you don't give up"

"What if I have to because of the moonlight"

"Then I'll love you either way"

Warmth again
It was different than the sun's heat
It felt personal, from someone's soul

"Are you feeling love for me right now?"

I saw his cheeks turn slightly pink
"I always feel love for you"

"I can feel emotions, and taste them" I told him

He sat up now
"What do you mean?"

"When someone is happy I taste sweetness, confusion tastes sour, and I think love feels warm"

He didn't say anything

"Am I a freak?"

He chuckled
"If I didn't think you were before, this changes nothing. It's interesting though, what do you usually feel from me?"

"Warmth, when you're near me that is"

He smiled softly
"Cora you impress me everyday with your new abilities"

"But there is a problem with it"

His smile disappeared

"It drains me, badly at the end of the day. Hermione had to hold onto me while we walked to the common room yesterday, I couldn't even walk up our steps without help"

"Did she have to drag you up?"


He rolled his eyes
"Fred helped didn't he?"

"I didn't ask for his help if that makes it better?"

"He's trying to get back on your good side"

"What if I want him on my good side again?"

"At the end of the day it's your choice, but as your best friend I advice against it. I don't like him you know this, I never will. But I won't stand in your way, for what you feel is right"

Metallic...his warmth disappeared

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