Eight Three

140 9 2

October 30th has arrived and we were all excused from classes so we could greet the two visiting schools
I was waiting outside in between Draco and Fred
It was cold today, so being in between them definitely helped but I was sure to pack on layers and my Gryffindor scarf that Draco kept tightening up for me when the wind blew too much in my direction

"Look there is a flying carriage!" A student yelled
She was pointing to the sky so we all turned our heads and looked
Being dragged by 10 Pegasus' was a baby blue carriage, small enough to fit inside a house

"I heard that Beauxbatons is a school for very proper wizards and witches" I said

"We wouldn't fit in" Fred said smiling

"We wouldn't want to, they're just...rude is the best way to put it" Draco said

We all ducked for the oncoming carriage, Draco and Fred both had one hand on my head pushing me down, it was being pulled towards Hagrid's hut
He was given the job of taking care of their horses while they stayed

"A ship!" A male student yelled

We all looked towards the lake and saw a massive ship rise out of it
"How interesting" I said

"Why's that?" Fred asked

"I mean it's a lake, they must have transported their whole ship under water it's just a strange way to arrive"

Draco scoffed
"Showy more like it. Just like the school, I'm glad I didn't go there"

"I'm glad you didn't either"

I watched as the ship docked and students began walking out of it
"Is that Viktor Krum?!" Ron yelled from behind us

The last one to exit the boat was indeed Viktor Krum, he was wearing a fur coat worth more money than I've ever seen in my life
He had this smug look on his face, and when he looked around he looked unimpressed

"Ass" Draco said "he thinks he's so much better than the rest of us"

"He kind of is" Ron said "he's the best player Bulgaria has ever had"

Fred rolled his eyes
"He's just a player, maybe you can finally ask his hand in marriage"

Ron watched Viktor walk towards us
He waved at him but Viktor didn't even acknowledge his presence
He focused mostly on Hermione who was beside Ron, and then he looked at me

"Hello" he said to Hermione "what is your name?"

"Hermione" she said trying to not blush

"And yours?" He asked me

"Cora" I said trying to seem neutral
It was kind of exciting to have a professional quidditch player here

He smiled at both of us
"Beautiful names for beautiful girls"

He winked at us and then continued walking
I felt Fred and Draco inch closer to me when Viktor walked by, as if they were both going to jump him if he tried coming closer to me

"I wonder if we will be friends" I said to Hermione "he seems friendly"

Ron scoffed the same time Fred did
"Seems like someone wants to be more than friends" Ron said crossing his arms across his chest

"Weren't you just smitten by him?" I asked raising my eyebrows

"Things have changed" he said looking at where Viktor walked to

"He's a douchebag I can already tell" Draco said annoyed

"I thought he was nice" I said softly

Dinner arrived and it was crowded with all three schools
Beauxbatons chose to sit with Ravenclaws and Durmstrang chose to sit with Slytherins
Viktor sat beside Draco, to Draco's dislike
I chuckled slightly when Viktor asked to sit beside him and Draco just rolled his eyes
Viktor pushed his way in, forcing Draco to move more into Pansy who, even with Viktor beside them, still had eyes for Draco

Dumbledore greeted the schools and announced that the Goblet of Fire, which the ministry used to choose champions, would be placed there in a week and anyone old enough could enter then
An age line would be drawn around the cauldron, keeping underage students from entering
I saw Ludo Bagman and Barty Crouch near Dumbledore
I looked at Fred George and Lee who were glaring at Ludo who wouldn't make eye contact with them back
"We will talk to him after dinner" Fred said to his group

"Want me to help?" I asked

"No it's ok Love, we will figure it out" Fred took my hand and kissed it softly "I will let you know if I need assistance"

"Has anyone noticed how pretty Cho Chang is this year?" Harry asked changing the subject
I looked at him and he was love struck by the Ravenclaw

Ginny rolled her eyes and continued eating her dinner

"How about that girl from Beauxbatons, she's blonde and I think part Veela" Ron said
To which Hermione rolled her eyes

"They're both beautiful" I said

"I know someone who is more beautiful " Fred said looking at me

I felt my cheeks heat up
"Who's that?" I baited

"Fred I think our best chance is now" George said interrupting us

I frowned when he interrupted but Fred quickly began talking about how Ludo couldn't escape them here
All three of them got up and started walking to the front of the hall, Ludo noticed them and began walking the opposite direction

"Do you think Fred is ever going to ask you out?" Hermione asked taking up his seat

I shrugged my shoulders

"Why don't you ask him?" Harry said

"Because...well because"
I couldn't think of a good enough reason to not ask him myself

"Exactly, ask him out I'm sure he'll say yes. The way he acts it's as if you're the only person in the room when you are near" Ron said "it's kind of annoying really"

I smiled
"But what if I ruin our friendship?"

"What friendship? You two act like a couple already" Ginny said

"I just don't want to lose him if we don't last"

"Which is the same thing he's worried about I'm sure" Hermione said "I heard they are going to be announcing a ball this year, wait and see if he asks you out for that"

Ron and Harry sighed deeply
"A ball?! Is that why mum got me that ugly outfit earlier this year??"

"Probably" Hermione said "they are going to announce it after they chose the champions but I over heard Professor Flitwick talking about it, he's going to have his choir sing an opening song for it"

"A ball huh?"
If Fred doesn't ask me out to that then I am going to ask him

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