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The storm rolled thunder again
I not only had to watch out for bludgers that got passed the twins, but lightning shooting down too
This game was miserable

  "He's found the snitch!" Yelled Lee

I looked up and saw Harry and Cedric flying for the snitch, into the storm clouds
Be safe

My arm was throbbing by this point
A mixture of the cold and the actual damage I endured made it impossible for me to get a hold of the Quaffle
Angelina got hit with another player when she had the ball, her broom snapped into two when they collided

We were losing players by the minute and I didn't want to back out just because of my pain

Fred stayed by me now that they had less players to watch over
George stayed near Oliver at the hoops

Lighting struck the ground
Fred looked at my arm and then back to where Harry disappeared too

All of a sudden it felt even colder
My body was uncontrollably shaking and when I looked at Fred I could see he was getting cold too
This felt like a different kind of cold

Fred flew his broom right next to mine, as close as he could get this time
  "Somethings not right" he said looking into the storm clouds

Harry came flying down from the clouds, his broom was going the opposite direction

  "Harry!!" I yelled

But someone casted a charm suspending him in the air and lightly bringing his body down to the ground
Dementors began flying around the field and Fred looked at me
  "Fly down" he demanded

We both flew down to where our locker rooms were and went under the stadium
George was next to fly in, followed by Oliver and Harry who was on a stretcher now

We all looked at Harry and then at Oliver

  "Hufflepuff wins, Diggory caught the snitch" Lee said through his speaker

Oliver threw his broom onto the ground and then began slamming his head into the wall

I went to walk up to him but Fred put his hand on my shoulder and shook his head
We all slowly made our way out of the lockers
Harry was already being transported to the hospital wing

I held my arm to my chest and Fred walked beside me
"What about his broom?" I asked worried that his beautiful broom would be lost out there

"Don't worry we will find it later" George said hearing my question "looks like most of the team needs a visit to Madame Pomfrey" he said looking at Angelina who was bleeding from her head and me who was clutching my broken arm

Hours went by and we were all healed except for Harry who just woke up

"Who won?" He asked

We all looked at each other but it was Hermione who answered him
"No one blames you Harry, the dementors weren't supposed to be that close. Dumbledore is furious"

Harry slouched back into his bed
"Did any of you see the grim in the crowd?"

We all shook our heads no

"What about my broom anyone know where it is?" He asked

Ron picked up broken pieces from the ground
"George and I went looking for it...You see it went into the womping willow and...well" he placed the pieces on Harry's bed "sorry Mate"

Harry closed his eyes
"It's's everyone else?"

"Katy will be here over night with you but she's awake. Angelina's head is fine now and Corey's arm is fixed too" George said

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