One Hundred Fourty Six

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"You're beautiful" Nico whispered as everyone else awed at me
I don't think anyone but myself heard him, so I let it be
Maybe I heard him wrong

"Why am I glowing?" I asked out loud

"Who knows with Romania" Charlie said "better than burning right?"

"I want to fly" I looked at Charlie and Nico "who's coming??"

"You know I'm always down" Nico said calling Kai over

"Fuck it I'll go, but bring your lotion just in case please" Charlie said calling Norbert over
I watched as all the other dragon tamers called their own and began mounting them

I got onto Cor and began petting her softly
"Let's fly pretty girl"

Weeks have gone by, i lettered all my loved ones at home telling them I would spend up to the last week at the campsite
Draco was disappointed but I promised I would see him first when I got home
Harry's situation had turned out alright for the most part, he's seemed to have made an enemy of the ministry though
I don't receive the paper here, so any news of the outside world is coming only from my family and friends
Fred still hasn't sent me anything more after that first letter

Cor and I went for a solo ride and arrived back at a forest near the campsite
Still an hour's walk or 10 minute flight

Charlie told me he was in charge of watching me, but felt comfortable leaving me with Cor
She wasn't going to let anyone hurt me, she barely let the others around me as it was
"My sweet girl, what are you going to do when I'm at school?"

"What are any of us going to do?" Nico said coming up to me with Kai
The two dragons went nose to nose and then began flying around each other
Rolling in the flowers that surrounded us and wrestling

"I want to leave school early like you did"

"I don't suggest it. It worked out for me, but you should finish school, it's important"

"You're going to lecture me?"

Nico laughed
His eyes were a soft brown, like they were everytime he was happy
We've grown very close since I've been here, Charlie and myself too
But Nico has been around me constantly, he's always teaching me tricks for dragons and his emotions are nice to be around
He was always happy

"Yes I am" he said pulling me close to his body
I felt my heart skip a few beats and my face warm up
I wasn't sure when, but I caught feelings for Nico while staying here
I loved Fred and Draco but Nico...he's so sweet to me and calming to be around
He took his finger and tapped my nose
"You're beautiful did I tell you that recently?"

"Only every chance you get" I said smiling brightly

"I'll tell you as many times as it takes until you see it too. The most beautiful, brave, caring girl I've met. Fate brought me close to you"

I wanted to look away feeling bashful, but he pulled my chin closer to his face to look into his eyes once more
He didn't say anything, he just stared at me sweetly
His eyes were pools of chocolate, sweet and warm
I could stare into them for hours and have no recollection of time
I used to think his eyes resembled Fred's but theyre so different
Fred had fire in his eyes, Nico didn't he had love filling his

We aren't dating, nothing official but I knew if he asked me I would say yes
Even knowing I wouldn't see him again until the holidays

He placed his hand on my face and cupped my cheek
He pulled me close enough that his lips met mine and he poured his affection into our kiss
I wasn't sure if anyone else at the camp site knew about us, but Charlie had to
I've seen him smirking at us when he notices how close Nico chooses to sit with me during meal times
Or how close we fly together
I'm sure everyone else notices as well

Even if this is just a summer fling, I wanted it
I wanted him

He kissed me gently and then lifted me up into his arms
He walked us to a tree and pressed me softly into it as he deepened our kiss
I ran my hands through his soft dark brown hair and held tightly as he moved his hands from my legs to my bottom
I haven't had sex yet, but I wanted Nico to be my first
I wanted my summer fling to show me how to love again
How to feel alive again
I felt like I couldn't give myself to Fred or even Draco as I was before




All these feelings I had disappeared when I was with Nico
He made sure of it too
There wasn't a day I spent here that he didn't remind me how special I was to him, to our dragons
He made me feel again
And even if this just stays just for the summer, I'll always be thankful for his love and patience he's given to me

Today felt like the day I would give myself all to someone
As he moved his hands around my body, I felt every nerve wanting him
He helped me back onto the ground and moved his hands under my shirt
"Is this ok?" He whispered to me

We were in the middle of a field, in twilight
My vision was blued and I knew darkness would fall soon
Was I really about to do this in the woods?
"Yes" I said breathing heavily

His hands felt like fire on my skin
He moved them up to my bra and cupped my breast lightly
I moved my hands from his hair and down his stomach
I lifted his shirt, exposing his chest filled with scars and memories
"Don't feel sad for me" he said noticing my eyes lingering "I don't regret getting a single one of my wounds, it was all to help dragons I would do it again and again"

"You're perfect" I said tracing over a long scar that went from his neck down to his bottom ab muscle

"Im glad you think so, though im far from it it's appreciated" he kissed my lips and began taking off my shirt
His mouth made a trail from my jaw line down to my breasts
"Tell me if this isn't ok anymore and I'll stop"

"Dont stop" I said feeling heat rise in my stomach "I want this, I want you"

"That's what I like to hear" he said leaving a love mark on my left breast

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