One Hundred Fifty

98 4 3

  "Nico..." I said walking towards Norbert "Nico..."

I could feel everyone's emotions
So much metal

  "Charlie" I said looking up at him when I got closer to Norbert

  "Cora, he was hit with poisonous arrows a few of them. We took the arrows out, but the poison is still in his system. We sent our faster rider to get medicine but I'm not sure if he'll make it in time...he's been unconscious since we found him"
Charlie jumped off of Norbert and grabbed Nico into his arms

I went up to Charlie and stared at Nico
He was covered in blood, all of the color in his skin was fading
I put my hand on his chest
Barely warm
He's so cold
  "W-w-w" I couldn't get my words to come out
  "What...Kai?" I could barely talk, I was sobbing now

  "We didn't make it in time for Kai...when we got there they had already murdered him. They were in the process of stealing his scales when we arrived...there was a group of 10 of them Cora even if you stayed you wouldn't have been able to do anything different I know what you're thinking"

  "But maybe if I did I could have convinced him to leave" I said through my sobs

I heard a few others crying for Nico I also heard Cor roaring into the sky, for the loss of her friend

  "No, you would have been killed" Charlie said flatly "I'm going to go put Nico in his tent while we wait for the medicine"

  "I should go I have the fastest Dragon here" I said looking back at Cor

  "Cora I think it's best you stay, Nico may wake up and may be the only time he is conscious before..." Charlie didn't finish his sentence

I fell to the ground, sobbing again
I covered my face with my hands as I let my emotions pour into them
  "Why...why" I kept saying

I heard Charlie call someone over, after he did I heard him tell them to take Nico to his tent
Charlie then got down on his knees with me and held me tightly
  "Cora I'm so sorry" I heard him say
I felt his own tears escape onto my hair as he held whatever pieces of me together that he could
Breaking one by one
All the pieces that Nicolai put together, rebreaking
But this time it was worse

And I wasn't sure if I would recover again

Hours went by, no sign of the rider who took off to find medicine
I stayed in Nico's tent with Charlie
I held his hand gently rubbing it with my own as I stared at his lifeless body
I wiped more tears off of my face
  "Why don't you all keep the medicine here?" I asked
The first words I said since Charlie carried my broken body here

  "It takes rare ingredients to make it, we keep it in safe location that can only be accessed by dragons. If we kept it with us we risk losing it all if we get raided" he said pulling me into his chest again

  "I can't lose him Charlie" I said "if I lose him..."

  "I know" he said to me "he means a lot to all of us but I know how much he means to you. He was my first apprentice"

I stayed silent as Charlie told me the story of Nicolai
  "He came here broken too, we all usually do. When he found Kai he changed completely, it was like he found himself finally. He left his family who supported his want to be with dragons yes, but he was a broken soul. He has been the hardest worker I've met since I left school, he puts himself one hundred percent into everything. He loves with all he has too. You are so lucky to have him in your life"

  "I am" I sobbed out again
And again
I didn't know I could cry this much, nothing has ever broken me to this extent

Another hour went by
  "Is he going to come back soon?" I asked
My voice was almost gone at this point, breaking to this point has caused it to almost go again

  "He should have been back by now, I'm going to go see what's going on" Charlie said getting off the ground "I'm going to send Alec in here to sit with you"

  "Can I be alone for a little?" I asked pained

Charlie debated it
He knew my past, and knew that being alone would be just as painful but he accepted my requested
  "If you need anything, Alec will be waiting outside of this tent" he walked up and kissed the top of my head "I won't be gone long, I'm going to send my Patronus to Jessie and figure out what's going on"

I nodded my head and watched Charlie open the tent and close it softly
I heard him talking to someone outside, it sounded like Alec
Then I heard him walking away with Norbert it sounded like
I knew Cor was outside, she was mourning the loss of Kai I knew it was hard for her
She pretended to not like him but he was her friend
I wanted to be there for her but I couldn't get myself to leave Nico's side
Not even to eat
I had food brought to me, but I ignored it

I placed my hand on Nico's chest
I could feel his soul slipping
The most perfect man
I don't want to be without him
He was my person

  "Nicolai I can't know what a life without you is like, not anymore. Don't leave me" I felt hot tears rush down my cheek bones
They fell on his cold chest
  "P-p-please dont"

I laid my head on his chest and cried again
  "Please don't die"


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