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My mind came back but my head was pounding
This was the worst I've ever felt
Except I was still comfortable
I didn't know why but I was the most comfortable I'd ever been

I didn't open my eyes, I didn't want the comfort to stop

  "I'm going to kill him" I heard Fred say

Am I laying on Fred

I felt his hand rubbing circles on my back
I'm definitely laying on Fred

  "He's a piece of shit. We got him pretty good already" George said

  "He deserves worse" Lee said and I felt Fred nod his head in agreement

  "If it wasn't for the map I don't think we would have made it before—" George began to say but Fred must have done something to make him stop halfway

  "I can't believe she's been drinking still" Lee said sadly "I thought you said she quit"

  "Something had to have happened to make her go back, she was doing well I thought..." I felt Fred's heart beating but the sound it made soothed me

I heard more footsteps come into the room we were in
  "Is she ok??" Hermione asked I felt her hand go on my back too

  "I don't know" Fred admitted "we got there before Adrian completed what he was going to do, but I don't know if that'll scar her too..." the hand that was rubbing my back continued but slower this time

  "I'm going to fuck him up" Ron said
I didn't think Ron cared

  "We did a pretty good job already but have at it" George said

  "How did you guys find her?" Hermione asked

  "Luck" Fred answered

I let my eyes stay closed
There were too many people here and I didn't want to hear their pity or hear them be disappointed in me

  "Should we tell Draco?" Hermione asked

  "Let's let her wake up first, I don't think he knows she has been drinking to numb her pain. I think she should be the one to tell him" Fred said

I felt relief in knowing he was giving me that option
I wanted Draco to hear from me, not from them

Hours went by and I found myself asleep again
I woke up to an empty room, except Fred who was holding me to his chest

  "Hey" I said waking up

He looked at me and sighed with relief
  "Hey" he said back

I got up but felt my head pounding so I laid back down
Fred passed me a glass filled with water
  "Lee made this for when you wake up"

I took the drink and felt it instantly make my headache subsided

  "Care to explain?" He asked me softly

"On what" I said avoiding the subject I didn't want to talk about

"I found you drunk and being...well in a state I know for a fact you didn't want to be in"

I started to pull the skin around my fingers

"Adrian is an ass, the biggest one in this school. If I knew you were friends with him I would have warned up, he's the worst in my year"

I stayed quiet

He took my hand gently
"What brought you to drinking with him?"

"I've done it twice..."

Fred stayed holding my hand

"Please don't be disappointed in me...or stop talking to me"

"Why would I? I care for you, that's why I went looking for you when Hermione told me you had an awful day"

"How did you find me?"

"An answer for an answer"

I started to bite my lip
"We discussed boggarts today"

"What did you see"

I took a deep breath, I could feel my anxiety rising again
He used his finger to rub circles on the back of my hand that he held

"I saw my father"
I was silent after I admitted that

"Tell me, I'm here for you" he said looking into my eyes
His eyes burned with a flame I'd never seen before, he held so much passion in his gaze

I took another deep breath
"My first memory I have is my father beating me. He does it daily when I'm home, there isn't anything I can do right. I couldn't even get into the house he wanted me to get into, Draco knows about my home life. He's the only one who knows, I didn't tell him he heard from his dad who works with him. Ever summer since school began he's tried getting me to go to his house, but my father is always there waiting for me off the train. He grabs me before I have a chance to go with Draco, except my first year back. He abandoned me then, I went to the ministry to find him after being in a storm all night and getting sick from it. Your dad was at the ministry and saved me from the worst beating I'd ever received, he made my father leave the room and when he returned he left me alone. I was bleeding a lot so I think it satisfied him momentarily. Then during the summer I accidentally fought back, and that's when he broke my arm. He told me I wasn't allowed to get it fixed until I went to school, I ran away that day. I made friends with the bartender at the Leaky Cauldron and he supplied me with alcohol to drown myself helped to hide my pain but no matter what I did it always returned. The first time I found myself truly laughing was with you three playing pranks on people. You're the first person who's ever made me smile"

I can't believe I'm being so vulnerable...he's going to hate me

Fred stopped rubbing my hand

"I saw my father as the boggart, his hands were bruised and bloody. His face was tighten, the face he wears before he beats me. Seeing him in my safe place scared me, I know it's not real but it felt very real to me. I panicked and needed a way to get out of my mind, Adrian told me the first time I saw him drinking that he could supply me with alcohol. I didn't know what I was getting into, what he gave me was strong and then he..."

Flashbacks of him touching me hit my mind and I curled my legs into my chest and began hyperventilating

"Please..." I started to sob "don't hate me now...I don't know what it's like to have friends, Draco was my first and I'm trying to have more I really am. But I don't blame you if you want to distance yourself from me now...I have a lot of damage and I'm hurt deeper than you will ever understand. I can't blame you if you never want to talk to me again"

Fred stared at me still
I looked away from him and then let go of my legs
They fell to the ground and I tried getting up but he pulled me back down and into his arms
I heard his heart beating, it was beating fast

"I will never leave you" he whispered to me "I promise you, with me you are always safe. I won't let anyone hurt you, I will be there for you always. I won't let you fall"

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