One Hundred Five

113 4 5

I took the paper and crumbled it
Then used a nonverbal spell to set it on fire

Draco smirked
"Good nonverbal"

I sat in silence annoyed
Fred put his hand on my lap and made me look at him
"Don't worry about what she says"

I angrily began writing
I don't care what she says, I'm annoyed that out of all the hell I went through that's what she chose to write about

"She wants a story love" Fred said "which team are you on?" He smirked

I lightly shoved him and then wrote down

He kissed the top of my forehead

Draco sat beside me
"You can go Weasley I had everything under control"

Fred looked like he wanted to retaliate but he kissed my lips and then left me with Draco
After he walked back to his seat I turned to Draco who was glaring at Fred
Can you try to be nice? He's trying

"No" he said flatly

I sighed and rested my head on Draco's shoulder
A few owls came flying down towards us
One landed in front of me and another in front of Draco

I took my note and gave my owl a treat
I watched Draco do the same thing for his, except he had a large box instead of a letter

I opened my mail

Dear Cora,

I read your letter about the first tournament
Two dragons? That's a lot to deal with
I'm with you on being annoyed that they accused you of cheating, but I'm also glad that you had that second dragon with you.
I wish I could have been there to cheer you on, I'm hoping to be around for the second tournament but we will see.
Sirius said congratulations as well, he thinks you should study in Romania with Charlie this summer
I'm in agreement with him, I think it's good to weigh your options out dear.
Best of luck in the coming tournament, I love you


I smiled at my letter
He didn't mention my voice
He's the only one who doesn't bring it up constantly, which is nice for a conversation to be about anything but that

I looked over at Draco and he had placed his box in front of me
I raised my eyebrows but he pushed it closer
"Open it" he said to me

I began opening the box slowly
And inside was another box, jewelry it looked like
I looked at him and he was smiling softly

I opened the jewelry box and saw a fire stone pedant on a necklace
I picked it up gently and looked closely at the stone
It was moving around like actual flames

What is this
I wrote down

"I had to specially order this for you, I went to the jewelry store in Hogsmeade and ordered it there. I told you I would buy you something special for each challenge. This one has dragon's fire inside it, truly remarkable" he took the necklace and placed it around my neck "Fire heart"

I turned to him and hugged him tightly
I wanted to thank him but he knew I appreciate it deeply

"Look into your crystal balls and tell me what you see" Professor Trelawney said to the class

I was sitting with Hermione Ron and Harry
The two of them made up earlier this week thankfully
Ron admitted to being a git and Harry accepted his apology without giving him too much grief over it

I looked into my crystal and saw fog everywhere
I looked at Hermione's and she had rays of sun coming through hers

The Professor walked over to me and gasped
"Fog? FOG??" She yelled

I stared at her blankly

"It means your speech will go..." she said "oh wait" she looked back at me "well it means it's gone for now yes yes you don't have it still correct?"

I nodded my head
I heard Ron chuckle

"You poor dear" she said patting my shoulder and then walking to Neville
She gasped at his table too

"Nice necklace" Ron said

I looked up from my textbook and stared at him

"I think Malfoy's in love with you" he said to me

I rolled my eyes and continued reading about fog

"I'm serious why else would he defend you all the time. You're the only Gryffindor he likes" Ron said

"They've been friends since first year that's why" Hermione said defending me
I nodded my head

"Fred's worried about him stealing you" Ron said

I closed my textbook and crossed my arms around my chest

Ron moved his chair closer so no one could listen
Draco was in this class but he was currently discussing his crystal ball with the Professor

"Why would he be?" Hermione asked

"Because Draco bought her a necklace. Fred saw that and was pretty peeved. You might want to talk to him about it Cora"

I began writing
He knows we're best friends, that's what we are. Best. Friends.
I scribbled the last part aggressively

"Sure sure. Just be careful, Slytherins are sly creatures" he said

"Boys are stupid" Hermione said to me

Fred doesn't think that
Does he?
He knows I'm close with Draco, not in love with him
And Draco knows we are friends nothing more
I shouldn't even listen to Ron

Harry stayed quiet during this class
I wasn't sure what was on his mind but I knew at least one thing
Our egg

We still hadn't figured out what to do with it
It seemed like Fleur and Viktor were in the same spot, anytime I watched them walking around they always seemed stressed

I think I want to take a bath tonight

I passed my note to Hermione
She nodded her head

"I'll join you" she said

"For what?" Ron asked

"None of your business" she barked back

"Don't have to be so rude" he said slouching "Harry want to do something secret and not tell them?"

"Sure" he said side eyeing Ron "what would that be?"

"Can't say in front of them" he said to us

We both stuck our tongues out at Ron
The class ended and we all headed in the direction of our potions class

Draco walked up to me
"Want to walk together?" He asked

I nodded my head
I felt Ron's stare on me but I ignored him
Draco's my best friend that's all

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