Twenty Two

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Classes were going by quickly this week and so far Quidditch practices weren't bad
I was sore after every practice but Fred told me that I would get used to the feeling after a while

It was Thursday and we were all sitting around the Great Hall eating lunch
I sat beside Draco for a little, I noticed Fred kept an eye on me when I sat here
I could trust being with Draco, I knew he wouldn't let Adrian get near me or Graham for that matter
He was beginning to become an ass to me too, but I didn't hate him nearly as much as I did Adrian

I put on my plate things to make a salad with, I wasn't very hungry but I knew eating made Draco and Fred feel better. They didn't like when I skipped meals
But skipping meals was more rare for me these days, I felt myself wanting to eat during my meal breaks but I still didn't have a large appetite
Quidditch might help that, I'll be burning more calories than ever before

"Incoming!" Yelled Goyle who was a few spots from us at the table

I saw an Owl flying towards Draco and I with something large in its mouth
I figured it was going to Draco, no one would send me anything, so I backed up with my plate in my hand waiting for the Owl to drop the package for him

But it dropped it in front of me

I looked at it curiously
"What the...?"

Draco looked at the package
"Looks like a broom"

I looked at him
"A broom?? Who would be sending me a broom??"

He shrugged his shoulders and helped me open the package
I looked over and Fred was staring at me confused too

I finished unwrapping it and saw that it was indeed a broom
It wasn't the newest broom on the market but I didn't care
It was new to me and the scratches on it meant it was loved by someone else

"Woah" I said picking the broom up

"Why would someone send you a used broom? If you needed a broom you could have asked me I would have gotten you the best one on the market"

I slide my hand over the broom
"I don't want a new broom, I like this one a lot. Thank you anyways though" I smiled at him "I don't see a note, I don't know who got it for me"

"Fred?" Draco said

I shook my head
"He looks confused too"

Draco looked at Fred and he was beginning to walk over to us

"Someone got you a broom?" He asked looking at it

I smiled and nodded my head
"It's perfect"

No one else would appreciate a used broom, but I did. I had nothing to my name, this was the first thing I owned that my father didn't buy for me in spite

"Well as long as you like it" Draco said "I didn't even think about you needing a broom. I forgot your dad took all your money"

Fred's face fell
"You have no money?"

I looked down at the broom
"Nothing at all"

"Is that why you were stressed the other day? I figured it wasn't just Hogsmeade" he said

"I was stressed about buying equipment"

Draco's face fell too
"If you ever need money you know I will get you anything you need, or want really"

"I know...I just didn't want to seem like a mooch or a bother to you. Either of you"

They both looked at each other
"Neither of us think that" Fred said and Draco nodded his head in agreement

"Better check that broom for jinxes, it looks as old as this school" Graham yelled over the table, getting the attention of the rest of the students who surrounded us "actually don't, I'd love to see you play damsel in distress during games"

I glared at him
"Shut the fuck up" I said before I could catch myself

His face tighten
Fred and Draco both laughed

"You stupid little—"

"I think you heard her the first time" Fred said glaring at Graham "need her to remind you?"

Adrian put down his turkey leg and stared at me
His eyes were almost black
"Feel brave all of a sudden?"

I felt my heart race
I couldn't find the words to say when he stared at me
But Draco found them for me

"Pucey fuck off you piece of shit" he got up from his seat and moved to block me from his view

Tension was high and I felt my anxiety rising with it
I shouldn't have said anything to Graham
Draco and Fred weren't going to back down and neither were those two
Fred and Draco were now beside me and I watched as Adrian got up from his seat and started walking towards us with Graham

"Problem?" Professor Lupin said coming from behind us

"Not at all Professor" Graham said going back to sit down and pulling Adrian back to his seat with him

"Good, looks like your problem is solved" Professor Lupin said winking at me and the broom

I smiled
"Yes one of them at least" I looked at Adrian who was staring at me still

Professor Lupin went to sit with the rest of the Professors

Fred's face was tight and so was Draco's
"I think I'm going to skip the rest of lunch" I lost my appetite again

They both looked at me saddened
"No eat please" Draco said sitting back down with me

"No im ok" I got up from my seat and began walking out of the hall
I felt them follow me but I kept going until I got to an abandoned classroom

I walked in and fell to the ground
"I can't do this"

Draco and Fred sat beside me
Fred began rubbing circles on my back and Draco held my hand

"What can't you do Corey?" Fred said to me

"I can't be near him. I thought I could stand up for myself, but when Adrian came into the picture I felt myself lose all my bravery. I can't look at him without thinking of that day"
I started to sob

"It will take time" Draco said "I'm sorry that you get put in that situation with don't have to sit with me at lunch if it helps"

I shook my head, tears fell down onto my lap
"No I don't want to do that. I like being near you"

"He wins if you avoid him" Fred said softly "you are braver than you think. I've never seen you stand up for yourself like I did today"

Draco smiled
"Me neither. You can do this"

I stopped crying and got up from the ground
"I can do this" I repeated in my head again and again
Until I believe it

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