Fifty Eight

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I woke up the next morning in a bed next to Ginny
Fred must have brought me up here last night

I stretched out my limbs and looked around the room
Ginny decorated her bedroom with Quidditch posters and she had clothes scattered on the ground

  "Sorry about the mess" she said "I was looking for something this morning for you to wear while we wait for Hermione to send clothes, I found this if it's ok?"

She passed me a simple white teeshirt and long black leggings
  "It's perfect thank you for sharing"

  "Of course! My brothers grew up sharing clothes and I never had anyone to give mine too, you're smaller than I am so I knew my clothes would fit you. Lucky for you youre the smallest of our group"

  "Yeah I suppose that is lucky in cases like this where I need to borrow clothes"

She smiled
  "I heard you come in last night, Fred brought you, he said you fell asleep on him near the fireplace. Ive never seen so many blankets placed on someone" she pointed to my bed

I looked and saw that Fred had given me 5 blankets
I didn't wake up cold, for once I was comfortable
  "He knows I get really cold, that's very kind of him to leave me with so many"

Ginny grabbed my hand
  "Let's go get breakfast, wanna play quidditch after?!" She asked excited

  "Yes!" I matched her energy

Ginny chatted the entire walk to the kitchen, which wasn't very far but she filled it with conversation
When we got there I saw Fred wasn't down here, neither was George or Ron

Molly came up to me and hugged me
  "Sleep well?"
I nodded my head
  "Good! Can you girls go wake up the boys? It's breakfast time"

  "I'll get Ron" Ginny said maliciously

  "I'll get the twins" I said smiling

Ginny and I went separate ways after we walked up the stairs, Ron's bedroom was the very top of the burrow and the twins were right next to Ginny and I

I knocked on their door lightly, no one answered
I heard screaming coming from Ron's room, Ginny must have got him up already

I opened the door slowly and saw both of them sleeping
George was at an angle on his bed with his legs against the wall and his head dangling from the bed, he looked like a L
Fred had his hand's over his eyes and his legs hanging off his bed

I walked over quietly to Fred first
He was breathing softly, like he was in a deep sleep
What a shame it is to wake them up when they both look so peaceful

I lightly shook Fred but he didn't wake
I took his hand and held it
"Fred time to wake up" I said softly

"Mmmm?" He said
He took his other hand and used it to pull me into his bed
My heart started to pound loudly
He put both of his arms around my waist and pulled me in tightly to his chest, I had my back facing him
What do I do
Should I try to move?
I don't want though, he's so warm and he smells so good

I started to play with his arm lightly, tracing freckles that were painted on his skin

Ginny came running down the hallway
"GET UP" she yelled at their door

Both of them jumped out of bed
Fred looked at me in his bed and then scratched his head
"Did I bring you here last night? I thought I dropped you off in your bed"

I blushed
"No kind of pulled me in when I tried waking you up"

Now it was his turn to blush
"Sorry I didn't mean too"

My heart sank
Of course he didn't mean too

I got up from his bed and straightened the shirt I was wearing
George was smirking at me
"Yes?" I asked

He started to laugh
"Nothing wolf, playing quidditch with us today?"

"Of course! I wouldn't miss it" I said smiling, my blushed cheeks went back to normal "I'll meet you downstairs" I said looking at Fred who was still blushing

Fred's POV

I watched Cora leave the room, Ginny waited for her and held her hand while they walked down the hall

George was still smirking
"What" I said to him

"You like her" he teased

"Yeah what of if?"

"You going to ask her out or wait for some git to beat you too it??" He said grabbing a shirt to change into "I think I heard that one Ravenclaw in our year talking about her last year, what was his name..."

"I don't want to stress her out, I'm happy being side lined...which Ravenclaw?"

George laughed
"Roger Davis, I heard Justin Chambers saying shit too. She likes you though" he said coming up to me "give her time if you want, but she can't wait around forever for you"

George pushed me over and then went into the hallway to go eat breakfast
He's right
Someone else could ask her out before me, what would I do then

I paced around my room
Would she even say yes? To me or to someone else?
I don't want to hurt her, she's been through enough
She doesn't need me chasing after her
Maybe I should pull back on being around her
But I can't stay away
Just thinking about not being near her makes me insane

I took a deep breath
Give her time

I walked down the hallway and towards the kitchen
I saw Cora was sitting in between George and Ginny
She was laughing
Her angelic laugh

I sat down across from her
She smiled at me brightly
"I was wondering when you'd join us" she said

"I wouldn't want to miss a second" with you

George got up from his chair
"Well you missed quiet a few seconds of breakfast, we will meet you outside"
He picked up Cora and threw her over his shoulder
He then grabbed Ginny and did the same thing
"Let's go" he said running for the door
Ron got up and ran with him, leaving just me and mum

Mum used her wand to clear the table, all but my plate
"Everything ok?" She asked me

"Everything is better than ok" I said getting up and looking out the window "she's here and safe"
Cora was tackling George with Ginny
I heard her laughing hysterically
It was like the wind was pulling her voice towards me

"You love her dont you" my mum said coming up to my side

"Mum I'm in love with her"

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