One Hundred Ten

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I turned around the corner and saw Draco and his friends covered in green mucus
It made them look slimy and they were stuck to the ground

"Weasley!!" Draco yelled

"Something wrong?" Fred said

"Fuck is your issue?" Draco demanded

"You are" he bit back "do me a favor and stay away from Cora I'm sick of you being around her"

Draco looked stunned
Then he looked angry
I stayed around the corner
I didn't want to involve myself yet, I wanted to see how this played out

"Stay away? Fuck you"

"You're in love with her aren't you?? I'm not stupid"

"She's my best friend, she deserves better than you"

"You didn't answer my question"
Fred stared at Draco
Draco met his glare with equal amount of hate

Crabbe and Goyle had managed to get the slime of each other and began helping Draco
He shoved them away, watching Fred intensely

George and Lee looked my way and saw I was watching from the hallway
They shrugged their shoulders but didn't expose me

A few silent minutes went by before Fred asked again
"Are you in love with her?"

"I think you have bigger issues to worry about, like any of the other assholes who are interested in her"

"You're the only one I'm concerned about"

"Fuck you"

"Enough" I yelled coming out from the hallway

They both turned their heads towards me
I heard enough

"Cora go" Fred said

I glared at Fred
"You're being an ass"

"Are you in love with Draco?!" He yelled at me

I jumped back startled that he yelled at me
Draco began walking towards me
He got his feet unstuck from the ground finally
He then put himself between Fred and I
"Don't you dare fucking yell at her"

"I think that's enough for now" the voice of Moody said from behind me

I watched as he used his wand to send Fred George and Lee away and then Draco Crabbe and Goyle the opposite direction
He left me there
Alone watching them all being forced to walk away from the fight

"Figured out the egg did you?" He asked me

"Yeah" I said

He slapped my back
"Good luck"

He walked away from me and I stared questionably at him
My back throbbed from his slap but that was the least of my problems
Draco is definitely in love with me...he didn't answer Fred's question when he asked
But neither did I

I told Hermione about what I saw happening
I finally agreed to what her and Ron were saying

"We can still try the potion?"

"I don't think I want to know" I confessed

"Would it make a difference?"

"No, he's my best friend either way"

"Well" she said looking at her parchment "let's figure out the riddle?"

I nodded my head softly

Hours went by and Hermione had decoded the riddle
She told me it seemed like something I cared about would be taken from me and I would have an hour to retrieve it
Being merfolk voices in the egg she assumed it would be under water
Now all I have to do is find a way to stay under water for an hour
I had an idea, but I needed Professor McGonagall's help with it

The hallways were decorated for Christmas
The ball is in a few days, and the second challenge is the day after that
Fred hasn't brought up what I saw with Draco, and Draco hasn't either
Both of them have ignored what happened that day
I tried, but all I could think about is how much they hate each other

Draco and I were going to Hogsmeade today, I refused to stop being friends with him even though Fred hates him
When I told Fred my plans today, he didn't say anything
He kissed my cheek and then ignored me
He still hasn't asked me to the ball, but at this point I'm assuming we are going together even without him formally asking

I walked away from him and met up with Draco who was waiting patiently for me with an extra jacket
I wore enough to stay warm, but it was nice that he cared enough to bring me an extra
Fred hasn't cared like that for me in what feels like weeks

"Ready?" He asked putting the extra jacket around my shoulders

I nodded my head and walked with him to the carriages that were pulled by the Thestrals
I knew Draco couldn't see them, most can't
I watched my mom die when I was younger, not a lot of people have witnessed death

The carriage ride was cold, fresh snow littered the ground
The extra jacket came in handy
My hands stayed cold, but Draco noticed and took them into his and began blowing hot air onto them

"Thank you"

He nodded his hand and help my hands warm the entire way to Hogsmeade
When we arrived the walkway was decorated with Christmas just like Hogwarts
Everyone was in the holiday spirit it seemed
Unfortunately we weren't able to go home this year, but my dad has Sirius so I know that he won't be alone

Draco and I stopped at a few stores before looking for a dress and robes for him
I used some of the money that Sirius sent me to get gifts for everyone
He sent me more money the day before, telling me it was the least he could do for me
I tried sending it back but it arrived again this morning

After a few stores, we walked into the one that held the dress I fell in love with previously
We were greeted by the shop owner, she was elderly and had a soft voice

Draco walked around with me until I saw it
A beautiful black dress
It was sparkled with white, making it look like stars had taken home there
The straps were small and the neckline went low
It was just as I remembered it

Draco picked it up
"This is the one isn't it?"

I nodded my head and looked at the price tag
"It is, but I'll find a different one"

He looked at me confused
"Why? Is it expensive?"

"Yeah, so I'll look some more"

"No, I'm getting it for you" he smiled and passed it to me

"No, really it's ok"

He winked at me and then called the shop owner over
She walked softly over to us
"Would you be able to fit this for her today?"

She nodded her head and began working my measurements
I smiled and then looked at Draco
He was watching me with bright eyes
"Thank you" I said

"Anything for you"

  "Anything for you"

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