Thirty Five

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  "You're my father" I repeated

He stared at me with widen eyes
He took a deep breath
  "Corban Yaxley is your father"

  "Bullshit" I said softly "I look nothing like him"

  "You look like your mother"

  "And you"

He began tapping his fingers on his desk
  "I'm not—"

I got up from my seat
  "You are I know you are, stop lying to me"

He motioned for me to sit back down and I did
I heard Fred's footsteps get closer to the door but he stayed on the outside of the office

Professor Lupin took out a photo from his desk and then passed it to me
It was a photo of a baby and two parents

  "What is this?"

  "The first and only family photo we have" Professor Lupin said

I stared at it
I've never seen my mother
Who I thought was my father had gotten rid of all her photos, he didn't even have any of me growing up, or himself
Our house was empty of any photos
I felt my hands shake, I placed the photo back on his desk

  "I am your blood related father" he sat back in his chair further "but I can't be in your life"

  "Why not?"

He looked at the photo and then placed it back in his desk
  "I met your mother my first year here at Hogwarts. She was in Ravenclaw and was the brightest witch I had ever met. I was love struck the moment I met her. James, Harry's father and Sirius who I was best friends with convinced me to ask her out right away. They wanted me to look like a fool and I did. She laughed at me and walked away. But after that day I couldn't stop thinking of her"

I listened intensely
No one ever talks about my mother

  "She was on the Quidditch team, the only female at the time. I tried out for Quidditch to impress her, but I quit after a year it wasn't for me. She was incredible on the field and off, she aced all her test and was uncatchable on a broom. She played chaser, but also dabbled in seeker because of her speed. I loved watching games where she faced my house James, our seeker, couldn't keep up against her and he was known as the best seeker we had. I wasn't the only one interested in her though, Corban Yaxley was as well"
He straightened up in his seat and his jaw flexed

  "Your mother was pure blood, Corban was too. Your mother's family cared about blood purity but she didn't. I was a halfblood wizard before I got bit by a werewolf, I knew her family wouldn't want us together but I didn't care. I did whatever I could to impress her, getting better test results, being prefect, anything. Corban didn't have to try, his blood status won her family over and they began dating during our 3rd year in school. I was heartbroken, James told me that there were other girls out there, but even he was love struck by Lily, Harry's mother, so his advice just agitated me. Sirius told me "two dogs on the prowl" 

  "She didn't like him though, she thought he was an idiot and he was awful to her. He failed his classes and hung out with a bad crowd, but her parents refused her when she talked about leaving him. One day in our 4th year she was flying around on the field to let go of her pain, which I noticed she did often after they got together. I saw her flying around and I stayed in the stadium to watch her. She noticed and flew up to my side"
  "Why do you follow me around all the time? You know I'm with Corban" she said to me
She stayed guarded after they got together, she avoided all of her friends

  "I know you are, but I also know you are miserable with him. As for why I follow you, I can't help it. I've tried being away from you but I can't do it. You deserve to be with someone who has pure blood I know..."

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