Seventy Three

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  "Ehm as I was saying, we will not be participating in Quidditch this year, due to our school hosting the Triwizard Tournament!" Dumbledore said with excitement

I looked at my friends and they were all intrigued by this news
Especially Fred and George
  "A tournament ehh?" Fred said looking at George

  "The Triwizard tournament is a competition between the three biggest magical schools in Europe, Hogwarts Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. It was discontinued by the ministry for years because of the high death toll"

The twins looked at each other
  "Wicked" they said

  "But the ministry has taken precautions this year to ensure the risk is student younger than 17 will be allowed to enter"

Groaning was heard all around the hall
  "That's rubbish!!" The twins yelled "why can't we?!"

  "That's not fair!"
  "We want to enter!"

  "Silence!!" Dumbledore yelled
Moody took his wand and pointed it at us all
The crowd was silent
  "The winner, 17 years or older, will win the prize of a thousand galleons"

The twins gasped
  "We need to enter" they whispered

I looked at them curiously

  "The other two schools will arrive next month. I hope you all are excited as we are to be hosting this year. Now onto the feast"
Food appeared in front of us and everyone began digging in
The twins continued to whisper to each other, and Lee now

Harry was talking about how exciting this tournament would be, and how it's unfortunate that not everyone can enter
  "I have no interest in entering, but I would love to cheer on my friends who would have"

  "I think I would have entered" I said

Fred looked at me shocked
  "You would have??"

I laughed
  "It would have been fun, right? Plus the money would be great. I'd give it to you two" I said looking at him and his twin

  "Why? You could surely use it too" George said confused

I shrugged my shoulders
  "I've lived without it, I would be fine without it still. But you two, your eyes lit up when they said the winning prize so I figure you really need it"

Fred looked at George and then back at me
  "I wouldn't take it from you"

  "Then I would give it to George" I smirked

  "I wouldn't take it either" he said

  "I'd find a way to give it to you" I laughed "not like it matters anyways, I can't enter"

  "We are going to find a way to" George said "with our brains we will figure it out" he tapped his head

  "Yeah ok" Hermione said "Dumbledore's the wisest Wizard around, he won't be fooled"

  "You'll see Granger" Fred said

Dinner ended and everyone was heading back to their dorms
I saw Draco hanging back, so I waved to my friends and then walked over to him

  "Hi" I said going to where he was sitting

  "Hey Cora" he got up from his seat "wanna walk?"

I nodded my head and we walked around for an hour
  "Next week is a full moon, you've been taking your potions right?" He asked as we went outside
The clouds were covering the night sky

  "Yes, I have to stop by Madame Pomfrey to get more for this year but I have been" I looked at where the moon was hiding "I wish I could sit under the moon"

  "I know" we sat down on the steps "maybe one day someone will invent a potion to cure your problem"

  "That would be nice"

  "Waiting for a full moon? Malfoy, Yaxley time to get back inside" a voice from behind us said

We turned and Moody was staring at the two of us

  "It's Lupin sir" I said "I don't go by Yaxley anymore"

  "Going by the Yaxley name will get your further in life" he tapped his cane on the ground "Lupin is a cursed name"

  "Says who" Draco said getting defensive

  "Attitude just like your father" he snapped "get inside before I give you both detention with me"

Draco was going to retaliate but I put my hand on his and shook my head
We both got up and walked back inside

  "To your dorm rooms" he yelled at us

Draco turned around to yell back but he was gone
He turned to look at me and scoffed
  "What a dick" he said

  "Whats his issue with us already?"

  "I'm sure mine is related to my father. I don't understand his reason for you though, maybe he's got a thing against your dad?"

  "I'll have to write to him and ask"

Draco dropped me off at the common room, and kissed my cheek goodnight
When I entered I saw that everyone was still up
Hermione was nose deep in a textbook
Ron was playing wizard's chess with Seamus
Harry was relaxing by the fire with Ginny and Fred and George were with Lee in the furthest corner

  "Hey Corey" Ginny said when I walked closer "where'd you end up?"

I sat beside her and curled into her side
  "Walked around with Draco, Moody came up and was an ass to us. I don't understand his issue already with me, I haven't even said a word to him"

I felt someone come up behind me and begin rubbing my shoulders
  "Don't sweat it Love, he's a cranky old man" Fred said

  "Who's going to try to get into the tournament here?" Seamus said "I know the age restriction isn't going to stop our house"

  "We are" George said

  "I'm not but I'll help you" Lee said "I want one of my best friends to win"

  "I want to try count me in. You'll help me right?" Ron said to the twins

  "No use your own brain" George said

Ron looked at Hermione
  "Hey Hermione—"

  "No" she yelled "I'm not helping you enter"

Ron slouched in his chair
  "What about you Corey will you help??"

  "What makes you think I'm not going to try to get in myself?"

  "Uh no" Fred said "I thought you wanted an easy year?"

  "Well if this is the hardest part of my year I'll accept it" I smirked "you can't tell me no, and enter yourself"

  "Well..." he said annoyed that I had a good point

  "That's what I thought" I laughed

  "I'll tell Draco" he said smirking now

I slouched back into the couch and sighed
  "Fine I won't. I don't want him to freak out"
Fred laughed and kissed the top of my head

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