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Draco took his turn and then came over to me
I didn't get to see what his boggart turned into, but it seemed serious because the Professor stopped class after his
Harry was next to go

  "Alright if everyone can go back to our original classroom we are going to do more studying of boggarts"

People groaned but all left the room, leaving Hermione and Draco with me
I was shaking and tears were pooling in my eyes
He looks like that after he beats me
He was there...the school is my safe place but he was there in front of me

  "He wasn't real" Draco said holding my hand, knowing where my mind was going

Hermione was sitting beside me with her arm around my shoulder
"You're alright I promise" she said "he can't hurt you"

  "Mr.Malfoy and Miss.Granger mind if I have a word in private with Miss.Yaxley?"

Hermione got up but Draco didn't move
  "I'll stay" he said

  "We won't be long I promise" he said

  "She needs me here with her" he bit back "I'm not going anywhere"

  "Draco I'll be ok" my hands stopped trembling and my heart wasn't racing anymore
I felt calmer now that Professor Lupin was near me
I wasn't sure why but he made me
Like Draco did
Like Fred was starting to become

Draco looked apprehensive about leaving me but he got up and walked through the door that Hermione just went through 
He glanced at me one more time before he left, I nodded my head and he exited

I stayed sitting on the ground

  "Who knows?" Professor Lupin asked kneeling in front of me, he almost looked to be examining me to see if he could see any abusive lingering

  "Draco was the only one but now I suppose everyone does"

He shook his head
  "The class wasn't paying much attention to it, they only looked when you stuttered but I don't think any of them know who that is. Hermione Harry Draco Ron were the only ones actually paying attention the whole time"

I placed my hands in front of my face
I closed my eyes but all I could see was my father's face and bloodied hands

  "Professors? Any of them know?"

  "Not that I'm aware of" I said softly

  "You still go there during holidays?"

I nodded

  "How long?"

His questions were short, like he was on a short fuse himself

  "My earliest memory is his fist hitting the side of my head"

Professor Lupin got up from the ground he was kneeling on and paced around
I watched him debating something in his head

  "We should discuss this more later, for now let's go to class" he offered his hand and I took it

His palms were caucused, but gentle
When I touched his hand I felt a strange memory hit my mind, I couldn't decode it though
It was a blurred memory but I think it was the day I was born

Professor Lupin must have felt that too because he just stared at me

He cleared his throat and lead me out the door and into the classroom again

After classes were over I walked around alone trying to find Adrian
He told me he would supply me with alcohol and I needed it now more than ever

He was with Marcus in the court yard
They were surrounded by other Slytherin's in his and Marcus' year

  "Hello there, making my day better" he said when I approached him "if you all don't mind a pretty girl wants my attention" he said shooing away his circle

  "How're you?" I asked

  "Better now, need alcohol?"

I raised my eyebrows
  "That obvious? I want to forget what happened today"

He smirked
  "You look tense, I can help you" he grabbed my arm roughly and pulled me out of the court yard
I flinched when he grabbed me but he held on, dragging me into an abandoned classroom

He closed the door and opened his bag
  "Take your pick they're all strong"

I grabbed the first bottle I could touch
  "Thanks" I said going for the door but he blocked it

  "Drinking alone isn't as fun, drink with me" he demanded

I nodded my head and backed off the door
I didn't want to argue with him, he was supplying me with alcohol that I needed

The two of us took turns drinking from a bottle of Bruichladdich whiskey
It burned my throat going down and felt like it was continuing to burn in my stomach

  "This is so strong" I said after a few sips
I felt my head already getting dizzy

  "The strongest you can buy" he said taking another sip "you picked a good one"

After a few more shots of whiskey I felt my mind go fuzzy and I couldn't control any of my movements
I tried getting up from my spot on the ground but I fell going back down
I heard Adrian laugh


I nodded my head which made me more dizzy
  "I think I need to stop" I put my hands over my face, I didn't see my father when I closed my eyes but I didn't see anything
My head just spun

He tried giving me the bottle
  "Or keep going"

I refused but he brought it up to my lips and made me drink more
  "Don't be a bitch" he said forcing more liquor down my throat "you wanted to get fucked up didn't you?"

I felt my whole body go weak and numb, I drank more of the liquor he supplied for me. I couldn't remember anything anymore
I didn't even know what I was saying

Then I couldn't control anything
I felt lips touch mine
I felt hands roam over my body
I felt touching happening under my clothes
I couldn't do anything
I was trapped by the liquor
I drank too much

As soon as it began it ended
I felt a weight get lifted off of me and I heard yelling and things getting destroyed
I felt someone touch my body and pick me up gently after the fight ended

I felt us walking
I felt a heartbeat pounding against my ear
But then I passed out, feeling nothing
No memories of my father
No recollection of what just happened
I was numb
Exactly what I wanted

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