Forty Seven

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Sirius closed the door we came through and stared our way
He was dirty and mangled looking, but his face was warm
He still had on Azkaban clothing, a dark stripped long sleeved one piece

Harry jumped in front of Ron, pushing us behind him as well, with his wand facing Sirius
When I looked over at Ron his leg was broken and bleeding, but he looked fine other than that
If he wanted to murder him he would have been dead too, Sirius can't be that bad of a guy

  "Expelliarmus" Sirius said
Harry's wand flew towards him, Hermione and I kept ours pocketed

  "Can't have you killing me" Sirius said

Harry glared at him
  "You killed my parents"

Harry still believes that?

Harry jumped Sirius and grabbed his wand back
Crookshanks moved from Ron's side to Sirius's lap, protecting him and scratching Harry
Crookshanks is protecting Sirius...I know he isn't the bad guy

  "I didn't kill your parents" he said

The door we can through busted open, revealing my dad with his wand facing us
  "Where is he" he demanded

Sirius pointed to Ron
We all looked at him

  "Expelliarmus" my dad said to Harry, disarming him again "can't have you using that against us before we got this done" he looked at Sirius and walked over to hug him

  "You're making it hard to see if you are good or not" I said looking at Sirius and then my dad "I want to believe you aren't bad"

  "He isn't the bad guy, you are correct" my dad said pointing his wand to Ron

We all moved in front of him
  "What do you want with Ron?!" Harry yelled pushing us behind him again

  "It's not Ron we want" Sirius said

  "I watched on the map you three stay at Hagrid's hut after class. I didn't think anything of it, until I saw that name you mentioned to me Harry. Peter Pettigrew" my dad said

  "He's dead? Sirius killed him" he said back

  "I didn't, oh I tried though" Sirius said

  "So where is he??" Harry demanded, he began reaching for my wand in my pocket

  "In your friend's hand" Sirius said "come out Peter" he baited

  "Scabbers??" Ron said "he's been in the family for—"

  "12 years, awful long time for a rat to live" Sirius said

  "You're saying he's an Animagus?" I said "no wonder I didn't like him.."

  "You have good reasons to not like him" my dad said pointing his wand at Ron too "he gave away James and Lily's hideout, killing them and your mother" my dad's hand began to shake with anger

I turned around to look at the rat
He was clawing at Ron's hand again, biting him and paining Ron

  "Why did you bring him to this place?" I asked

  "Let's kill him already" Sirius said "I've waited long enough for this" Sirius said ignoring my question

  "They have the right to know our background before we kill him...he's not going anywhere Sirius" my dad said "trust me he's not leaving this room alive. When I came to Hogwarts I wasn't a werewolf yet, but I got bit in my first year here. I had made friends already, James Sirius and Peter, I was afraid of them getting hurt by my transformation so I hid in this shack during my time of the month. It's never been haunted as many kids know it today, just a noisy werewolf every month. When my friends found out about my transformation they didn't hide from me, they did the opposite. They learned how to become Animagus so they could keep me company every month, together we would roam around the schools during my time. If I ever got out of hand they would bring me back to this spot, werewolves won't attack another animal. We learned every part of Hogwarts during those times, thus creating the Marauder's Map. It was our map that you found Harry"

  "But there have only been 7 registered Animagi over the century" Hermione said "none of your names are on the registry"

  "We didn't register, believe it or not a lot of people get away without registering to the ministry" my dad said

  "Is this where you go when you transform?" I asked my dad

  "It is, Professor Snape makes me a stronger potion than you get to keep me safe during my time. I only transform with a full moon's light under me with his potion" my dad looked at my uncovered arms "did the moon do that? You didn't take your potion?"

  "Madame Pomfrey has been out" I said holding my arms to my chest "the moon burnt me tonight because of it"

  "I'm sorry Dear I should have told you Professor Snape could make you a potion too. Snape only knows about my condition because he was tricked into coming here during my transformation by Sirius" my dad looked at him "James stopped him before he encountered me completely, but he's never forgiven Sirius for tricking him that night"

  "Poor Sniverus Snape almost got eaten" Sirius said laughing "would have deserved it"

I heard something hit the floor and when I looked, Professor Snape had dropped Harry's cloak and was now pointing his wand to both my dad and Sirius
  "Well well well, would have deserved it? I can't wait to give you what you deserve" he looked at the three of us and ushered us to move behind him

We didn't move so he moved over to us
  "I found your cloak Potter" he walked over to my dad pointing his wand at him and then he tied up his hands "can't be too careful, you might try to help your best friend"

Harry got my wand from my pocket and put it at his side

  "Move and I'll kill you right here" Snape said to Sirius pointing his wand at him

  "I'm not afraid of you Sniverus" Sirius said laughing

Snape pointed his wand at him again, he was going to kill him

  "Stupefy!" Harry yelled at Snape who went flying into the wall, knocked unconscious

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