One Hundred Four

109 4 7

"I can't decode the egg" Harry said coming up to me
I was in the library studying with Hermione

I looked at him and then my egg
Hermione and I have tried everything we could to figure it out since last week when I received it from Barty Crouch
Harry was with us the first time we opened it in the common room
The only thing that came out was screeching from some creature
Hermione and I since have taken any time we have looking for information about creatures from the skies to the seas
Draco has helped me practice nonverbals, he's the best I know at defense magic
Occasionally he'll help me study with Hermione, he doesn't mind her
It would be a shame if he disliked her like he does Fred
Whenever we are studying and Fred shows up Draco gets quiet, which I would prefer over them arguing more I suppose

Hermione lifted her nose from her book
Creatures of the Mountains
"Well, if you put some time into studying with us maybe you'd find something. We have 10 more books to look through" she pointed to our pile

He sat down next to me and took a book
So you've spotted a Giant Squid
"I shouldn't be seen working with Cora though, it'll look like cheating and since they already think she is I should go to another corner"

Hermione rolled her eyes
"I can't believe they accused you of calling the other dragon, have you thought about what Charlie said?"

"I'd like to hear this too" Fred said
I looked over my shoulder and he started walking over to me with George
They both had books about creatures as well

I smiled when he sat on my other side and kissed him hello

I took out my parchment
I would like to learn more, Im not against it. Dragons are incredible and if he thinks I have a calling I think I should listen to him. He is the dragon guy of the family

Fred held my hand under the table and smiled at me
"You just can't find a safe job can you?" He laughed "you know how many battle scars he has?"

I pointed to my neck
I'm sure I can handle a few more
I lifted up my shirt to expose my stomach
Maybe we can compare and see who's got the biggest

Fred pulled my shirt back down and sighed
"Can you try to not get a new one in the next challenge?"

I shrugged my shoulders
Who knows what I'm up against, I won't make a promise I can't keep

Hermione sighed alongside Fred but George laughed
"You've grown so much since we first met you" he said to me

I smiled at him
Thank you

He nodded his head and opened up a book to help us figure out the creature's noise

"Did we show you our newest invention?" Fred whispered to me hours into our studying

I shook my head no

"Dont you dare" Hermione threatened

He hasn't shown me inventions for a while, I knew he had to be making one up
He smiled and looked at George who chuckled

Fred let go of my hand to pull out a piece of candy that was yellow
I went to take it but he closed his fist around it
"No Love, watch"

He got up from his seat and dropped a few in front of a Ravenclaw boy who was in their year
He looked curiously at the candy and then ate it

A few seconds went by and the boy turned into a yellow canary and began flying around the room anxiously chirping

I laughed
I truly belly laughed

I laughed?
I put my hand in front of my mouth and looked around the room
All my friends and Fred stared at me with wide open mouths

"You laughed?!" Fred said excited "it wasn't a squeak?!"
He ran over to me and picked me up from my chair
He swung me around in his arms and then held me closely
I tried speaking but nothing came out

"It's a great start" Hermione said excited

Everyone nodded their heads for me
I can laugh...
I smiled to myself and then kissed Fred deeply

"I'm so happy you can laugh again, it's been too quiet without your infectious laugh around me" Draco said during lunch the next morning
I sat beside him reading a book about sky creatures as he read one about nonverbals
He was determined to help me learn it by my next challenge

It's exciting, I hope my voice comes back all the way soon I'm sick of having to write things down

"I know" he said sadly

My hand is cramping

Draco chuckled

"Hey wolf" the voice of Adrian Pucey said down the table
Draco and I turned our heads and saw him with Montague laughing hysterically at the daily prophet

I turned my head to ignore him

"Did you read the paper?" He said closer
When I looked again he had walked all the way over to us
Draco got up from his seat and stepped between us
"Shove off Malfoy" he said

Draco blocked me from his view completely
"Dont take another step"

"Or what?" He questioned

"Or you'll deal with both of us" Fred said coming up to the table
Draco rolled his eyes at Fred

Pucey looked at both of them and laughed
"Just read this it's wonderful truly"
He slammed the paper down in front of me and then walked back to his group of friends
Draco stayed standing but Fred went beside me and opened the paper

There on the front page was a few chapters about Harry
Mostly talking about how he's the chosen one and orphaned
But after his chapters, came mine

How many partners can one have?
For Miss Cora Yaxley or Lupin however she feels that day, the more the merrier
Seen in this photo with Viktor Krum
The next photo seen with Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy in the next
Fred Weasley in the following
I, Rita Skeeter,will get to the bottom of this love story
When asked about her love life she told me she had no one
Do these boys look like no one to you? To her they are, tragic really
Which team are you on?
In other news, she was questioned for cheating on the first round
Apparently she called upon the second dragon and used it to her advantage
Hogwarts favorite a cheater?
We will see how she plays her next challenge

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