Forty Nine

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My dad's body began trembling
He grabbed onto his head and screamed
His screams turned from human to animal

Sirius and Harry ran over to us
Ron was on the ground with Hermione and Snape who was still unconscious

My skin was burning again, the raw parts of my skin haven't healed yet. I felt like I was being burned alive

"Remus" Sirius said pushing Harry away

I lifted my head to see my dad fully transforming into a werewolf
His skin was grey, and his hair was completely gone
His eyes were bright yellow, and his claws were long and sharpened

He looked at me and I felt fear
He wouldn't go after me would he?

He lifted his head into the air and howled and a deep vicious sound escaped his mouth
He then ran for me

I couldn't move, by this point my body was screaming in pain from the moonlight
I looked at my dad who was charging for me, Harry tried using spells to get his attention off me but he was focused in

"Dad" I said clutching my burning arms

I got up from the ground still holding my arms
"Dad" I said again

He was massive
I was staring at a 7 foot creature, drool and foam hanging from its mouth
He picked his claws up and sliced my throat, three long slices went from my ear to my chest

"Cora!!" Harry yelled

"Get away move!!" Hermione yelled at me

I fell forward, trying to protect my throat again
I felt him get ready for another charge, I could tell he was over my body because the moon wasn't burning me anymore
The burning stayed at bay, but he didn't attack me again
I felt something with fur jump over my body, and when I looked up I saw that Sirius was in his dog form growling aggressively at my dad

He jumped my dad, backing him away from where I was bleeding
The moonlight hit my skin again, making me scream out in pain

Harry ran over to me and gave me his jacket to cover my exposed skin
He held his hand over my hands on my neck, applying pressure as well

I watched as Sirius distracted my dad, and then my dad went running for the forest with him

"Sirius" Harry said

"He'll be ok" Hermione said "he won't attack another animal, Cora how hurt are you?!" She yelled from where she was protecting Ron and Snape

"I'm bleeding a lot and my body is..." I looked at my hands
They were burnt almost to my bones
"I'm not ok" I said panicked

Harry held me tightly
I heard feet shuffling and looked up to the noise, I saw Peter running for my dad's wand

Harry looked up and went to grab his wand but it was missing, along with mine that he took earlier

Peter looked at Hermione
"Stupefy!" He yelled at her but Ron pushed her aside and took the spell head on

"Ron!" I yelled
My throat began bleeding more when I moved it

Peter looked at me
"Till next time" he used my dad's wand to transform back into his Animagus and run away

"He's getting away!" Harry yelled leaving my spot

"No he isn't" Hermione said pointing to a black dog behind us

Sirius sniffed the air, looked at us

"That way!!" Hermione yelled

Sirius took off in the direction that Hermione pointed, along with Harry

We heard a yipping noise that sounded like a dog in pain, and then we heard screaming

"Hermione go I'll stay" I said crawling over to Ron "he's just unconscious Harry needs help"

She nodded her head and ran after them, she picked up my dad's wand on her way there

I looked at Ron, he was fully unconscious
His leg was broken and bleeding still, I looked at myself and I wasn't in any better shape

I felt so tired though
The moon completely drained me of my strength, I could fall asleep any moment now

I felt my head sway back and forth but I kept my eyes open, holding onto my bleeding neck

I sat beside Ron, and played in his dirty hair for comfort
It was red like Fred's but it wasn't as vibrant, or as soft

I looked up at the moon from under Harry's jacket
Something so beautiful causes me so much's not fair

I heard Professor Snape begin to move, so I stopped playing in Ron's hair and turned to him

"Where did they go??" He demanded

"I don't know"

He looked at me hiding under a jacket, then at Ron who was unconscious and bleeding too

"Who's in worse shape?" He asked

"Ron's unconscious so I'd say him" my throat was still bleeding uncontrollably but I wanted Ron to be checked first, I didn't care if I survived or not at this point
I would be rid of my life of pain if I didn't live

Snape got up and looked around for wands, he couldn't find any
Most of them were scattered in the woods or with friends
I heard a hollowing in the distance, it sounded like my dad
I couldn't hear Hermione Harry or Sirius anymore
I hope they're ok

Snape picked up Ron to carry him back to the castle
"I'll be back for you" he said to me

I watched as they walked away from the whomping willow tree I was leaning against
I have no idea how long this tree will stay stunned, maybe it'll crush me to death and end my miserable life
Maybe no one will come get me in time and I will just bleed out
Maybe death is a better option

I haven't wanted to die in a while, Fred and Draco have been the reason for that
But I can't even stand in the moonlight without pain, I'm bound to a life of wolfsbane potion and if I don't take it this happens
I looked at my hands that were covered in blood and blisters
I could see white through my own blood, I knew that was bone

I felt the top of my head and it was blistered as well, I was covered in them
I felt my neck, it was deep the cuts I could feel how badly I was wounded

Death would be a blessing

I let myself close my eyes
I thought of Fred and wondered if he would be sad for my passing
Would he mourn my loss?
Would Draco?
Would anyone...
My dad would be rid of me, he wouldn't have to worry about housing me and paying for my needs
Corban would get what he wanted, me dead

I closed my eyes and drifted off to unconsciousness

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