Thirty Eight

188 6 5

Fred's POV

I watched, from the living room, Cora and mum talk and laugh with each other
Mum was showing her how to make her famous roast
She needs someone like her
Mum loved us all equally she said but I knew her favorite was Ginny for being her only daughter
I hope Cora can have a relationship like that with her

I heard the front door open and in came Bill and Charlie

  "Hello all!" Charlie yelled out, kicking his feet against the door to release the snow he collected

Ginny ran and hugged both of them
  "We didn't think you'd be here for a week" she said

  "We were able to get home earlier" said Bill "and who might you be?" He extended his hand to Cora

I got up from my seat and walked over, she looked apprehensive about shaking his hand

  "Cora, this is Bill" I said pointing to the tallest of my brothers "and this is Charlie" I said pointing to the more rugged of the two

  "Nice to meet you!" Charlie said excited "friend of Ginny?"

  "Friend of all of us really" Ginny said smiling "but mostly Fred's"

I looked at Cora and she was blushing
Merlin she is so cute when she blushes

  "Friend huh" Charlie said smirking "what's your family name?"


  "Lupin" she said interrupting me "Cora Lupin"

I looked at her and I felt myself smile
She renounced her old name and took on her actual father's
I'm so proud of her

  "Lupin huh" Bill said "Remus Lupin a relative?"

  "My father" she said smiling

  "He's a great man I've heard stories about him" Bill said smiling back

  "Who's ready to play quidditch??" Charlie said throwing his bag down and smiling like an idiot

  "Let's play!" Ginny said excited

  "You play Cora?" Charlie asked

She nodded her head
  "I do but I'm helping Molly with dinner" she pointed to the stuffed chicken on the stove "I don't want to leave her with all the work"

My mum pressed a kiss into her hand
  "That's kind of you but I've got the rest deary"

  "Excellent!" Charlie said "let's divide teams Bill and I are captains, I want..." he looked around

  "I'm going to spend some time inside with dad" Bill said "I might join later, Cora you can be the other captain"

  "Ok" she said "Charlie you pick first"

  "Wrong move" he smirked "I want Fred"



  "Ron completes it" she said grabbing Ron and George's hands "let's go play"

I watched George and Cora skip outside while dragging Ron along

Snow was hitting the ground, but just like in school that didn't mean we would skip in games or practice
I could hear laughter from up ahead, Cora's laughter
My favorite sound

  "Do you fancy her?" Charlie said interrupting my thoughts
We were walking out the door with Ginny

  "Of course he does, he doesn't leave her alone" Ginny said smacking my arm
I grabbed her and threw her over my shoulder

  "I don't fancy her" I said bouncing Ginny on my shoulder and spinning her around

  "Yeah sure, when's the last time any of us brought someone home?" He asked
I passed Ginny to him and he did the same thing to her
She was laughing hysterically

  "Ron brought Harry here" I said

  "and Ron fancy's him" Ginny said being put down
She twirled around in circles after being spun

  "If you don't take the shot you'll lose her" Charlie said "she's pretty, I'm sure she's got loads of suitors at school"

I stared at him
My jaw started to tighten but I took a deep breath to relax again
  "She's been through a lot I don't want to add more to her plate"

  "She likes you too I can tell" Charlie said pointing to the field we made years ago

It was as handmade as it gets
The hoops were made from spare wires that day would bring home from his studies
The ground was painted in yellow, marking the borders
Yellow was the only color we had, again dad's fascination of muggle items brought that home

I loved this field though
Every time we came to play, I left happy

I looked ahead and saw that she was with George being spun around on his shoulders like I did to Ginny
She was laughing loudly
"George!!" She yelled

"Can't hear you" he said spinning her the other way now

  "How can you tell" I asked not taking my eyes off of her

  "Stop smiling like that it's weird" Ginny said poking my stomach
She ran up to where George was with Cora and Ron who was stretching to play

George looked at them and then showed them the snow on the ground
They both smiled manically and grabbed snow balls quietly

"You guys are being too quiet..." Ron said turning around

All three of them started to pelt him with snowballs
Two chasers, Ginny loving that position, and a beater attacking him had to of hurt

"Hey! Quit it!!" He yelled going behind a tree

Cora belly laughed
She laughed so hard she didn't realize she was close to a garden decoration behind her, she fell over it to the ground
Ginny tackled her and then they both made snow angels
George joined and then gave his snow a penis made with a stick

"Uh" Cora said laughing still "nice touch?"

George smirked and Ginny stepped on the stick
"George gross" she said

George started throwing snowballs at her, Ron joined him
Cora and Ginny attacked back

"Because she gets along with our family and they love her back" Charlie said

"She's never had a family, who she thought was her dad was awful to her. She has no siblings, she's been through so much" I said pained

"But you see that?" Charlie said pointing to her "she's smiling, it takes someone who is strong and brave to laugh after all of that"

"She's come a long way" I said feeling proud

"I'm sure it wasn't just by herself, you should give yourself credit. I know you were a big reason for her growth"

I stared at her
Her cheeks were rosy from the cold but she still smiled
Her beautiful blue eyes shined brighten with the landscape covered in snow
Her beautiful curly brown hair had white speaks in it from snowballs she couldn't dodge

In this moment I was the happiest I've ever been
Her laughing with my family

In this moment I fell in love with her

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