Ninety Nine

108 5 11

We woke up early the next morning
Everyone was escorted out of the common room except for Harry and I
Fred kissed me good luck before leaving with his brother and Lee
Hermione hugged both of us and Ron nodded in my direction
He didn't bother with Harry but I knew he still wished him well

Professor McGonagall brought us our uniforms we were instructed to wear during the tournament
Harry was in a red shirt with black pants, I was in a gold shirt with shorts
We were offered both but I chose shorts, I'm already running extremely hot because of my condition I didn't want it to distract me more
On the back of both of our shirts was our last names, mine said Lupin thankfully

"Are you going to be alright?" Harry asked me after I finished stretching

I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed my quill
I'm in pain and I can't stay cool, but that's normal for me on a full moon. I can do it I'm not going to let this slow me down, are you ok?

"I'm ok, let's do our best"

I nodded my head and took Harry's hand
Professor McGonagall walked us towards Moody who was waiting outside of our dorm

He walked up to us and tapped his cane on the ground
Then he took a sip of his flask before addressing us
"Potter, Yaxley"

I rolled my eyes

"It's Lupin Alastor" Professor McGonagall corrected him

"Have you deviated a plan for today?" He asked completely ignoring McGonagall

"You said to play to my strength on flying so I'm going to summon my broom"

He nodded his head and then looked at me

I began writing
You didn't couch me on any of that...we're allowed a wand? I didn't know

"Guess I forgot to mention it" he said annoyed

Professor McGonagall turned to Moody
"Forgot to mention it?? You are supposed to be her mentor as well"

He shrugged his shoulder
"Must have escaped my mind"

Professor McGonagall turned to me
"I'm your mentor now, Cora play to your strengths as well, yes you are allowed a wand but that is all. Harry's plan is to use his broom, what are some things you are good at?"

Well I have no voice so I can't sing it to sleep, uhm I'm not sure I don't think I have any

"You're a lot smaller than me, you can hide better" Harry suggested

"You're excellent at spells, use whatever you need to retrieve the egg"

The egg?

Professor McGonagall loudly swore to Merlin
"Alastor we will be having words later. Yes the egg, the dragons are mother's and their eggs have been replaced with fake ones, you're job is to retrieve it. Sounds simple of course it would be if a fire breathing beast wasn't guarding. Mr.Potter you didn't bother informing Miss.Lupin about this either?"

"Professor Moody told me she knew..." he said looking at Moody "I'm sorry Cora I would have said something"

It's fine, it changes nothing
I lied
If I had known this was the task earlier I could have brain stormed with Hermione or Draco...

The four of us walked down to the quidditch field that was filled with a rocky terrain
I didn't see the stadium, I could just see the outside but I knew Fred and Draco were already waiting in the stands for me to complete today's task

We walked into a tent where the rest of the champions stood with their mentors
Dumbledore was there alongside Ludo Bagman and Barty Crouch

I stood beside Harry, leaning against him mostly
I was already beginning to feel weaken from the moon's stage. He supported me while we waited to be placed

I heard a snap of a camera and when I turned I saw Rita skeeter coming into our tent
"Young love? You lied to me when I asked about a love interest and I can see why" she winked "how dreadful they make you compete against your boyfriend"

"We're not together" Harry said

Viktor Krum walked over to us
"You don't belong here"

She looked him up and down
"I do actually, I am reporting for the prophet" she said slyly

"This tent is for champions only" he said again

She took a photo of him and then one of us again
"Fine, I have what I need anyways"

Viktor walked over to us
"Are you ok?" He asked me

I nodded my head and began writing
I'll be fine, I have a special condition that is working against me right now

"Still can't speak? Good thing you won't need to today" he said trying to cheer me up about it "best of luck"

"You too" Harry said and I smiled at him

Dumbledore addressed our group and Ludo made us create a circle around him
He had a small brown bag in his hands
"In this bag is a tiny replica of the dragons you will be facing today, by luck you choose"

He gestured to Fleur to pick first. Her dragon was a tiny Green one
"Welsh Green, a good choice" Ludo said to her
She looked concerned but gave the dragon to a handler in our group

Viktor picked next. His was a red dragon
"Chinese Fireball oooohhh" Ludo said "a strong one"

Viktor looked pleased and so did Karkaroff

He then gestured to Harry to pick
He took out one with spikes all over it, Ludo gasped and then chuckled

"Not so lucky today, Hungarian Horntail. The most chaotic"

Harry sighed and then watched as I grabbed mine

"A Swedish short snout , the crowd favorite" Ludo said to me "the easiest one"
I sighed with relief

Time went on and everyone had gone out to grab their egg from their dragons
Fleur went first, she scored a 6/10 because she caught on fire during her time
Viktor went next, scoring an 8/10 because he went over his time
Harry was next, his dragon escaped making the handlers go nuts trying to find his dragon which they still have no located
He scored a 7/10 because of his missing dragon
But the competition has to go on, they can't wait forever looking for her

"Cora Lupin"
My name was called over the loud speaker
I shook out my nerves and began walking outside the tunnel that everyone else went to compete through
I can do this

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