Sixty Eight

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An hour went by and I was still sitting by a tree with Draco
No one was moving from the forest, most were too terrified to get up from their area
I couldn't blame them
Death eaters haven't been around since he was alive...what does this mean

"Cora, are you in pain still?" Draco asked
We were still holding hands under a tree that we found for shelter

"No, I'm ok. I wasn't under the curse for enough time I think. Last time it hurt more, or I'm just getting used to it" I tried to joke but Draco stared at me straight faced

"It's not something you should be getting used to" he said

"I know, do you think it was Corban?"

"What did he say that made you think it was?"

"He called me worthless, he was the same height and something about that curse hitting me felt...familiar"

Draco let go of my hand and then put his arm around my shoulders, he pulled me in close to him and I laid my head on his chest
"I'm sorry that happened to you" he said

"It's ok, I'm ok"

Another hour went by and I heard voices yelling my name
"Cora!?" The voice of Harry yelled
"Cora?!" Hermione this time
"Are you around?!" Ron said

I opened my eyes and lifted my head from Draco's chest
"I'm here!!" I yelled

Draco helped me sit up and then walked with me towards the voices calling my names

I saw Harry Hermione and Ron yelling out my name, when they saw me they ran straight for me
Hermione jumped on me and hugged me tightly
"Are you ok?!" She asked looking at me "what happened?? You have blood all over you" she said pointing to my shirt
I had forgotten that my mouth was bleeding earlier

"I wanted to go find you all when I noticed you weren't with us, I let go of Fred's hand and then I got trampled by people who were running away. Then I ran into a death eater, who began torturing me...but then Draco saved me and we went into the woods together" I said grabbing Draco's hand
When I looked at him he was staring at Harry, who was glaring at him back
"Whats wrong?" I asked them

"Where's your dad?" Harry asked agitated

"I lost him before I found Cora, so no idea" he snapped back

"Funny" Harry said

"What are you getting at Potter?" Draco was getting defensive

He continued to glare at Draco
"Nothing, Cora let's go Fred and everyone have been worried sick over you" he put his hand out for me

"No tell me why you're giving Draco a hard time" I demanded keeping my hand in Draco's

"I just think it's odd that his dad went missing when this all went down is all" he said accusingly

Draco scoffed
"You think my father is a death eater? Piss off Potter"

Harry stepped up to Draco, who met him halfway
I pushed myself in between them

"Enough Harry" I said glaring at him "let's go"
Harry let me push him back away from Draco
Ron met Harry and put his hand on his shoulder

I walked up to Draco and hugged him
"Thank you for saving me earlier, I love you I'll see you when we go back to school" I gave him a kiss on his cheek

He didn't smile at me like he usually does, he didn't move an inch. He just stared at Harry
"Yeah I'll see you then. I love you too Cora" he said letting go of me and watching as I walked over to Hermione who had her hand out for me
I took her hand and walked next to her while Ron pushed Harry forward

I looked back at Draco and he had left the area
"Harry what's your issue?" I asked annoyed

"Cora I definitely saw his dad in the crowd of Death eaters, his family is trouble" he said

"What if his family is? He has nothing to do with that, he said his dad hasn't been paying him attention recently. Draco is good" I said defending my best friend

Harry looked at me
"be careful around him"

We walked out of the woods and back to where our tents were located
I saw Fred pacing back and forth in front of them
When he saw us he clutched his chest and then ran over to me

"Cora" he said after he pulled me into his embrace
His arms tightened around me, and he kissed the top of my head
"You have no idea how worried i was for you..." he whispered into my hair

"I'm sorry" I said listening to his heart beat, it was slowly back down to normal now

He pulled me away and looked me up and down
"You have blood all over your shirt what happened??"

I explained to him what happened to me, and how Draco rescued me
He listened to my story while keeping his hands on my shoulder
When I was done he pulled me into his chest again, everyone else had gone inside the tent by now

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you..." he said disappointed

"It's ok" I said letting my face drop and all the tension I was holding onto release
I didn't feel frightened earlier, I still don't feel anything for what happened
I've been through worse...this didn't even compare to my childhood

"Let's go inside, dad said we are leaving tomorrow morning after we all get sleep. I'm sure everyone else wants to see you too" Fred said now inspecting my lip "your lip is cut up, and swollen" he placed his finger on my bottom lip "dad has potions to heal you I'm sure of it"

I can tell how worried he was by his body language, he was tense when I first touched him
Now he's relaxing, his chest muscles aren't as tight and his face is softening

"Ok, I'll let him heal me" Fred kept his finger on my lip, and looked at my swollen mouth
"I'm ok, let's go inside"

He nodded his head and I let him bring me into the male's tent
We were all sharing one tonight, we didn't want to be separated in case something happened
I changed out of my dirty clothes, my bag was back here I'm sure someone found it before I arrived here
Arthur healed my face for me when i entered the tent, it stung but the pain made me feel again
I felt emotionless after what happened, but pain always brought me back to my emotions
I almost didn't want to be healed, just so I could keep feeling again

Fred let me sleep on his bed, he slept on the floor beside me
I didn't sleep though
I closed my eyes but my mind stayed up
I wasn't scared earlier, that terrified me now
If that didn't scare me, did that make me an awful person?
I heard screaming from all around me, but I didn't even tremble
Not even when the curse was used on me, I felt nothing

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