Seventy Eight

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Draco and I walked to my Herbology class, it was ending soon but we both had notes to excuse us
Draco was supposed to be in transfiguration

"What do you think he's going to have us do in detention?" I asked

"Whatever it is we will be together" he answered

"Where did Snape come from? I heard you banging on the door the entire time"

"He walked around the corner when I was kicking the door trying to get in, he asked me what I was doing and I told him what had happened. He didn't seem to care but he opened the door and then left to talk to Moody. I don't know what he said, I'm sure he won't tell me anything"

"I'm sorry you got detention too"

He looked at me and laughed
"Why? Cora stop apologizing for everything, you have nothing to say sorry for. I defended you, it was my decision to make. Plus now we get to spend extra time together" he winked and I laughed

We reached the Herbology room and I waved Draco goodbye
When I opened the door I saw Hermione had sat next to Ron, leaving Harry with an open seat
I walked up to Professor Sprout and gave her my note excusing me, then I sat beside Harry

"What happened after we left?" He asked
Hermione and Ron backed into our table to listen

"I asked him why he hated me, he told me he didnt and I called him out on his bullshit. He told me we met before but I've never seen him in my life, I just knew who he was nothing more"

"Maybe your dad will be able to help" Hermione said "it is starting to sound personal"

Ron nodded
"Draco stayed behind did he notice him being weird?"

"Draco got kicked out, it was just us in the room"

"Did he do anything to you?" Harry asked concerned

"No" I said quickly "nothing"

They looked at each other
"You would tell us if he did right?" Hermione asked

I stayed silent

"Cora?" Ron said

"If he did we are going to Dumbledore right now" Harry said

  "Nothing happened, he's just a grumpy bastard"
Harry Ron and Hermione looked at me but Professor Sprout began lecturing the class again, so they dropped it for now

  "Don't you all think the way house elves are treated is terrible?" Hermione said at the dining table during dinner

Ron rolled his eyes
  "You like starving Hermione? Because that's why will happen if you keep going about freeing elves"

  "I don't care for the way they're treated either, but they have a good place of work here" I said eating my mashed potatoes and chicken

  "Work, not slavery" she said going into her bags "if they were being paid it would be different"

  "But they are safe here" Harry said "even Dobby is here Hermione"

  "Here" she said to us
She placed down a few pins

We all looked at her puzzled
  "What in the bloody hell is SPEW?" Ron said

I picked up a pin and looked at it
  "Society for the Protection of Elfish Welfare?"

She nodded her head
  "I want the word to get out about how mistreated elves are, maybe if people see our pins they will begin to question their own house elves safety"

  "Our??" Ron said not taking a pin
Harry and I took one to please Hermione

  "Yes Ronald our" she bit back "any of you want one?"
She pointed to Fred George and Lee who haven't said a word to any of us the entire meal
When I sat down Fred looked at me but then kept writing down something on a parchment with the other two

  "We're busy Granger" George said

  "And we like eating so we won't be taking any" Fred said

I tried looking at what they were writing, but Fred noticed and rolled up their letter
  "Nosey?" He teased

I shrugged
  "Just wanted to see what has your attention these days, it's surely not me"
  "Ooof that's rough" Lee said

  "Corey not everything is about you" George said smirking

  "What a cruel way to live" I taunted back "I'm sure it would be more fun if it was"

  "It sure would be" Fred said
He took my hand under the table and smiled at me

  "What now you want to pay attention to me?" I said placing my head on my fist

  "It's hard not to, you're too good at being a distraction I can't get anything done around you"
Was he flirting with me

George began fake gagging

I smiled at Fred who matched my smile back
His eyes shined when he smiled at me, and his face glowed
  "Your freckles are so dark today" I said touching his face lightly with my fingers

  "That happens when I'm outside a lot, we've been-uh-looking for a quiet spot to write and outside is the best"

  "When will I find out what's been stealing your time away?"

  "Probably never" he teased

  "Well in that case I have to go, I have something else stealing my time" I began getting up from my seat but Fred put his hand on mine

  "Oh?" He said raising his eyebrows "what would that be?"

  "Wouldn't you like to know"

He looked at Hermione
  "What is it Granger?"

She looked at her pin
  "Wear one and I'll tell you"

He scoffed
  "I'd rather not"

  "Then I'm not saying anything" she said now facing Seamus and Neville, asking them to wear her pins and support her cause

He looked back at me
  "But really what's taking your time tonight? I thought maybe we could walk around before curfew" he began lightly stroking my arm with his fingers

  "Ready?" Draco said from behind me
I turned and he was standing alone with his hand stretched out for me

I looked back at Fred
  "Sorry Fred, I have other plans maybe tomorrow" he let go of my arm and watched as I walked away with Draco, arm in arm

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