Twenty Seven

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I need alcohol
I need to forget this happened

I opened the door to my abandoned room and saw no one was in the hallway
I looked at the clock on the wall and it was dinner
I silently ran from the room I was in and into a hallway that lead into a Hogsmeade passage that Fred told me about

I flipped over the tapestry and ran down the abandoned trail
Tears fell down my face, making it hard to see where I was going
I need alcohol

I got to the end of the passage and walked up the stairs that ended it
I opened up the hatch above my head and saw I was under a bar
Hogs Head
The sign in the room said

I peaked my head out the secret passage and saw barrels of alcohol
I saw bottles of whiskey and bottles of vodka sitting beside it

I grabbed a few bottles before I heard an employee coming downstairs
I closed the hatch silently and walked to the bottom of the steps

I sat down on the ground and downed the first bottle
It wasn't strong enough to drown out my thoughts so I downed the second bottle

I was beginning to feel the effect of the liquor, so I began taking shots of the third bottle I grabbed
Slowly I drowned my sorrow and thoughts away

I tried to get up from my spot but fell down and slammed my head against the stairs I was sitting near
I put my hand near my head and pulled it back to my eyes
I couldn't focus but I saw red cover my hands

  "Blood" I hiccuped "I deserve this" I drank again "I deserve worse. I'm a piece of filth. How could I ever expect to have friends"

I heard footsteps coming from down the passageway
  "Cora?" The voice yelled out

  "Cora the map says you're here"
Fred please leave me alone

I got up from my seat, stumbling into a wall beside me
I drank the rest of my bottle and then smashed it onto the ground
I'm worthless
I took the second empty bottle and smashed it too
I deserve to be alone
I took the third bottle and smashed it beside the others, then I kneeled down in the glass and sobbed again
I want to die

I heard the footsteps go from walking to running towards me
  "Cora!!" He yelled

I put my bloodied hands over to my face
I looked at the blood falling down into my lap
I deserve to be bleeding
My blood is tainted

Fred fell to his knees in front of me
"Cora..." he picked my head up from looking down and made me make eye contact with him

Everything was blurry
My stomach began feeling nauseous
I tried to keep down the liquor but it was coming up
I threw up on his lap

He rubbed my back as I threw up all the alcohol I just consumed
He never once complained that I was puking on his lap

Eventually I stopped and Fred used his wand to clean up the mess I made all over him and myself
But I was still bleeding, he couldn't fix that

"Cora...what happened? Lee and Oliver ran to find me when they lost you, they said you were crying" he moved his hand from my back and then onto my head "you're bleeding"

I was emotionally drained
I couldn't cry anymore but my body continued to shake
"Nothing" I said quietly "leave me alone"

He went back to rubbing my back
"No" he said firmly

"'ll just hurt worse when you leave later, leave now when I've already been abandoned"

"I'm not leaving"

I looked him in his eyes
"Please go...everyone always leaves me. I don't deserve you, Draco, Hermione any of them. I'm a worthless piece of filth and I deserve to die alone"

He pulled me into his chest
"No you don't. Why would you say that? What made you go drink? You should have found me..."
I could hear the disappointment in his tone

"I have bad blood...I'm diseased...I'll just keep disappointing you if you stay"

"Tell me what happened" he put his wand down and then cupped my cheek

"I have werewolf in me, that's why I feel sick around the full moon. Why I go from being extreme cold to extreme hot throughout the month. I'm not safe to be around, leave like Draco did"

He pulled me from his chest and looked into my face
"Draco didn't leave you, he was panicking trying to find you too. I told him I would find you and make sure you were safe. He's waiting in court yard for you"

I shook my head
"No he told me to leave him alone. He said he wanted nothing to do with me and I was a creature" i felt my chest being stabbed again thinking about how much his words hurt

I took my blood stained hand and placed it on my broken heart
"It broke me when he said that"

"Cora he was in detention with me" Fred said "he said you got up and ran from defense class, he tried to follow you but when he did Snape told him he was serving detention with him for being disobedient during class. I was in detention because I got caught by him throwing dungbombs around. He told me when I sat down that you might be in trouble, he didn't leave until Snape made Filch take over for detention. Peeves came in and distracted Filch from watching us, we both left and tried finding you. That's when Lee and Oliver ran into us and said what they saw. I ran to George and grabbed the map from him and saw you were heading for the Hogs Head passage. I found Draco near the court yard asking if anyone saw you, I told him I was leaving to find you and would bring you back. Cora, Draco loves you he would never abandon you"

I began crying again
"Then who did I see when I left Dumbledore's office"

Fred took my hands gently
"I don't know...but whoever hurt you is going to pay" he said determined "I will find out and trust me when I do they'll wish they never fucked with you"

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