Ninety Five

131 8 7

"I just saw Weasley leave what's that about?" Draco said reentering the room
He looked at me, still sobbing on my bed
"He's dead"
He threw his bag onto the ground and began running out of the hospital wing after him

I got up panicked
I was in shorts and a long sleeved shirt, Madame Pomfrey kept my bed warm for me so I wasn't bundled up like normal
I threw on a sweater, I had no time to change into something warmer. I didn't even have time for my shoes, I ran out barefooted

My body was wobbly from the potion I was taking
Madame Pomfrey explained that my body would focus on healing my voice, so the rest of me would feel off because of it

I slammed open the doors and looked both ways
I heard yelling from down the hallway, it sounded like Draco so I ran in that direction

"You fucking prick!!" He yelled "you have no idea how much she loves you do you?!"

I stayed behind a corner, listening to the argument
They were the only two in the hallway, everyone else was at breakfast

"You were right she deserves better" Fred said

"Oh I know I'm right. For whatever reason she wants you, but here you go again breaking her heart. I swear if I see you near her, it'll be the last thing you ever do"

"I'm staying away, you won't have to worry about that" Fred said pained

My heart was ripping itself apart

"Im in love with her, I will always love her. That's why I won't go near her anymore" Fred said

Draco stayed silent and let him speak

"I love her so fucking much, seeing her in that bed broke me. Knowing that I was part of the reason she was there hurt, but knowing she can't speak or sing has destroyed me"

"I hate seeing her there too" Draco said

"You hurt her hearing, but she can hear again. I was the one who sent the jinx that messed with voices. I am the reason she can't speak"

My body was too weak to stand, so I slide down to the ground as I listened to their conversation

"So you think abandoning her is better? When I walked in after you left...she was broken. You think that's better than you being around?!"

"She'll get over me and find someone better" Fred said upset

Draco scoffed "Whatever. I mean it Weasley, stay the hell away from her. I don't want you coming back a week from now, realizing your mistake and ruining her life again. I won't have it"

I used the wall to help get back up, and began walking towards them
Draco saw me and ran to my side
"Cora, you don't look well. Let's go back to the hospital" he took my hands but I was staring at Fred who looked pained

I let go of Draco and made my way to Fred
He tried grabbing me but I slipped out of his grip, and towards the male who could hurt me again and again and I would forgive him each time

"Cora, please leave" Fred said "please"

I shook my head no

"You aren't well" he said putting his hands in front of me to stop me but I collapsed into his chest

I felt his body tense up, but he eventually wrapped his arms around me and held tightly
I heard Draco move closer, but then stop
"Cora, don't let him hurt you again. He's just going to keep doing it, come with me"

I looked around and saw he had his hand stretched out for me
I moved from Fred's chest to Draco
I pulled him in for a hug and then released him
I looked into his eye, his grey worried filled eyes

"I understand" he said sighing "again I'll be close by, but Weasley I'm not playing next time I will end this. I will not sit here while she gets hurt again and again by you, I will never forgive you or like you at this point in time. You're second on my list now"
Draco walked down the hallway and around the corner
I knew he wasn't too far away, he wouldn't leave me with Fred alone

I turned back around to Fred who subconsciously had his arms stretched out for me
I walked into them and he folded around me again
We stayed like that for a few silent moments before he spoke again

"See this can't work, your best friend hates me now"

I used my wand to summon a parchment and quill

He hates everyone, I wouldn't take it to heart

"I'm the top of his list, but you don't care?"

I care what Draco has to say, he has my best interest at heart. But my own heart is telling me to listen

"What does your heart say?"

A truth for a truth

"Cora I'm in love with you and I have been for a while"

Fred, I am in love with you too. You were the first person to make me smile, back in the day that was a lot for someone to do

"I had this special firework made for you, can I show it to you?"

I nodded my head and backed up a little
He went into his pocket
"I've kept it on me for a special occasion, I wanted the moment to be right but I'm so in love with you that it doesn't matter if the moment is right"

He released the firework
Out of it came the most vibrant colors of green, light to dark
It sparkled for a few minutes before I realized it was writing something out

Will you be my girlfriend?

I felt tears pool up in my eyes
This is the moment I've been waiting for
The love of my life
The reason I smile
The person who dragged me out of my hell and brought me serenity

I nodded my head and silently sobbed
He walked over to me
The fireworks were still dancing in the background of us
He used both of his hands to wipe my tears away, kissing the spots that they landed on my cheeks
He then lifted my chin and looked into my eyes with his now soft brown eyes

"I love you Cora Belle Lupin"
He kissed me
His lips felt like fire on top of mine
I put my hand in his hair and deepened the kiss, wanting this moment to last forever

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